Shefaro Borzoi Clones
Over the years, Shefaro Borzoi has succeeded in producing dogs so similar that their likeness is astounding. Whenever a Shefaro Borzoi dog or bitch is outcrossed, Shefaro Borzoi is dominant and the Shefaro look, quality, and temperament shine through. A variety of colors and patterns might be drawn from the vast gene pool of either or both parents, but the structure is true. Of course, the choice of outside dog or bitch must conform to the correctness of the Borzoi according to the standard. A Shefaro Borzoi cannot necessarily be bred to an incorrect type or another dominant line and have Shefaro quality prevail. This is not done at Shefaro. Most of the Borzoi pictured below are the product of outcrosses with Shefaro being the common denominator, yet they all look Shefaro. The outside dogs and bitches, as well as their Shefaro mates, can be seen on this web page and their correct conformation can easily be seen. These choices of very correct outside dogs bred to Shefaro are the reason an identifiable Shefaro Borzoi type has developed over the years.
I asked an "expert" in Borzoi: amazing how I have a pup in 2003, who's a clone of a pup from 2002, who's a clone from a dog in 1991. How'd that happen?
She replied: It's called genetics, linebreeding and good genes.
The puppy boy inset is Shefaro Elia's Guillermo (Mex. Jr. World Ch. Shefaro Oksana's Elia x Danish Import Ch. Llhaghana Dario of Zarina) (outcross) born July 27, 2000. Puppy boy to the right is Shefaro Amadeo's Rodrigo (Multi Champion Shefaro Alejandro's Amadeo x Mex. Jr. World Ch. Shefaro Oksana's Elia) born November 4, 2001. The puppy girl on the right is Shefaro Fabiana's Mariska Mia (Swedish import Zchatsaj's Shefaro Guillermo x Ch. Shefaro Marino's Fabiana) (outcross) born July 21, 2002.
Guillermo at 6 months, Rodrigo at 4 months.
The two boys in the garden picture are Multi Champion Shefaro Cherta's Aguila (Multi Ch. Cherta von Smetanka -Swiss Import x Multi Ch. Caballero of Shefaro) Eagle and Fenix were Top Ten Borzoi showdogs in 1988 and 1991 respectively.
The Borzoi boy inset and below is Shefaro Princesa's Tesoro (Shefaro Marino's Princesa x Ch. Bokhara Shefaro El Dorado) (outcross) born November 10, 2000. The boys below that are Tesoro and Lazaro (Multi Ch. Shefaro Alejandro's Amadeo x Mex. Jr. World Ch. Shefaro Oksana's Elia). The likeness is astounding even to me.
The dog pictured is American and Canadian Champion Shefaro's Treasure of Sinbad (Shefaro bitch x Ch. Diamond Sabre), four years old as of January, 2002. Inset is Shefaro Princesa's Pasha (Shefaro Marino's Princesa x Ch. Bokhara Shefaro El Dorado) born July 30, 2001.
The bitch pictured (left) is Shefaro Alejandra's Paloma (Multi Ch. Shefaro's Alejandra x Ch. Lhaghana Darnilo of Zarina - Danish import) born July 21, 2000. The inset Borzoi is Shefaro Princesa's Misha (Shefaro Marino's Princesa x Ch. Bokhara Shefaro El Dorado) born July 30, 2001. The Borzoi to the right is Shefaro Venado Anubis (Multi Ch. Shefaro Alejandro's Amadeo x Jr. World Ch. Shefaro Oksana's Elia) born November 4, 2001.
The standing pup pictured is from the Shefaro Sable x Shosta (outcross) litter of September 25, 1998. The inset pup is Shefaro Fabiana x El Dorado (outcross), November 12, 2001. The common denominator is Shefaro.
The standing pup pictured is from the Shefaro Sable x Shosta (outcross) litter of September 25, 1998. The inset pup is another outcross, Shefaro Princesa's Tatia Rose born July 30, 2001. Shefaro Princesa x El Dorado. The puppy to the right is Shefaro's Doctor Zhivago (Shefaro's Mi Vida Loca x Ch. Lhaghana Darnilo of Zarina) born April 12, 2002.
Puppy girl sitting is Shefaro Elia's Jada. A daughter of Shefaro Elia x Dario (outcross) Jada was born July 27, 2000. Insert puppy girl is Shefaro Amadeo's Smirnoff, sired by Shefaro Amadeo and Shefaro Elia, November 4, 2001.
Princesa Rocky
Vitaly March 16, 2002 Anasazi April 21, 2001
(Fabiana x El Dorado) (Sable x Shosta)
Maximiliano - 1991 Casanova - 2002
Guerrero - 2003
Fabiana, August 29, 2001 - Marisa, November 27, 2003
Born December 17, 1997, Mariska has "the Shefaro look."
Following Mariska with "the look" are Mariska clones
Top - Victoria (Vida x Rodrigo) born April 23, 2004
Mariska Mia and sister, Hermana (Fabiana x Darnilo) born July 21, 2002
Mother, Chicki (Shosta x Sable) - Daughter Meesha (Chicki x Darnilo)
Chicki and Meesha
Lorelei born March 9, 2003 - Kiss born June 14, 2005
Young Rodrigo, Baby Rico
Katy (mom on left) born January 13, 2000 and her daughter, Mia (on right) born August 22, 2006 - they could be twins!