What matters most is how you see yourself (and a little bit of how the rest of the world sees you!) which is why I proudly present this page.
I have received wonderful emails over the years from many new and old owners and friends about their Shefaro kids. I have also received wonderful emails from complete strangers. I am proud to share them. This is what it's all about for me. Enjoy!
If you read anything negative about Shefaro or Sherry Faye Rodarmor on any site, please consider the source of the lies and defamation. There are two sides to every story. Ask me first!
----- Original Message -----
From: Cody and Christine Mason
To: Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Subject: Re: Chloe update
Things are going great! Orion (boy child) and Cleo (Shefaro Borzoi girl) are getting to be quite good friends. Except we have to sometimes watch him with her. He bit her foot the other day. Lately he also has been trying to eat food out of her dish. The other day he was playing in her water dish. I videotaped that-it was funny! But, what we love about her, is that she doesn't seem to mind when he is all over her. Also, he doesn't care if she gets excited and knocks him over. I have some new pictures that are on our camera. Cleo also starts puppy class in two weeks. She also goes to the vet on Wednesday for shots. But other than that-things are pretty much the same. How are things going with you? Any shows? Have you placed the puppies? Let us know how everything is! I hope you had a great holiday!
Take care!
----- Original Message -----
From: Judy and Tony
To: Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Subject: Re: Katya
December 26, 2002
Here is the Christmas picture we had taken of Katya, Santa and our Grandson Brandon. She enjoyed all the attention and the other pups. The whole store was buzzing about this beautiful dog. what kind is she??? she is gorgeous!! So, I guess it's not
just mom who thinks she is a beauty.
----- Original Message -----
From:Mags and Sax
To: Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Subject: Maggie & Thumbelina
We're Home!!!
We arrived home about 10:30 p.m. last night. The girls were wonderful travelers.
Thumbelina is quite a character, she played like a little puppy with everything that she could find in the van, and slept with her head on Maggie when she napped. I guess that they are already good friends. They aren't sure yet about the snow, and walk very timidly in it. Maggie has already picked a corner in the kitchen and has claimed it as hers. You were right --she is a tail wagger !! They have also seen the cats and totally ignored them, so far things are going great. This is a big adjustment for them and I hope they will be happy here. Thank you for such beautiful girls!! We will get some pictures taken and send them to you, also the contract. Thanks so much!! We will update you soon--Mags and Sax,
We really loved Texas, and hope to return soon.
----- Original Message -----
From: "ree c"
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Subject: Leonardo
> Hi Sherry,
> I hope you had a terrific holiday season and New Year. I had a great time
> over the holiday's and had a chance to show off Leonardo to the family.
> They all loved him.
> I just have to tell you about this sweet boy. He wags his tail and prances around when he sees me in the
> morning. He has even jumped up on the bed a few times. He likes Bob, (the
> Dane) and the two get along just fine. He is still unsure about the cat.
> One day during the first week I heard him crying and yelping and hurried to
> see what was the matter. I thought that something fell on him or worse.
> Well, as it turned out the cat had him cornered in my closet.LOL But that is
> changing too, yesterday they were sharing my bed. She is a sweet cat and
> when she eyeballs Leonardo I know she wants to cuddle against that glorious
> coat.
> I take him with me a lot. He likes his walk/jogs. Funny what people say
> when they see him...He's been called a long haired greyhound, an afghan, a
> saluki and more. I love telling them about Borzoi and what they are all
> about and what sweethearts they are. I love the way they walk, it looks
> like his is literally floating over the ground.
> Leonardo will stand still in front of me for hours and require that i pet
> him. He waits for his daily egg each morning and is the most mannerly dog I
> have ever met. he is so gentle while taking his treats. He eats the yolk
> first, then the white and now leaves the shell. He even carries it to his
> big fluffy bed before he starts to eat it.
> Sherry, I absolutely adore him. Thank you so much for making this the most
> wonderful Christmas ever. I know I keep promising photo's. They will come
> and there will be several.
> I saw your new puppies on the web site. They are beautiful and carry with
> them such promise!!! I must say that through your misfortune I have been
> most incredibly blessed. Thank you again for my new love. I adore him.
> Sincerely Ree
> ----- Original Message -----
From: Sherrie Brasell
To: shefaro
Subject: Re: Diva
Diva is so cute and smart. She is my shadow crossing the creek and running in the grass flat out. She is so fast. She lays on my feet when I wash dishes and collects shoes and other interesting items for her beds. She doesn't chew them....so far. She did steal a placemat from off the table at Moms for her collection. It had plates Mom bought in Austria on it. They didn't do well when they hit the tile. Mom wasn't mad-she loves her too. I have pictures on my camera but Jim has to do something with the port- The computer doesn't think it's connected. Will send pictures soon.This is a great dog! We all love her.
Original Message -----
From: Cody and Christine
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Update from Miss Cleo
Dear Grandma Shefaro,
I am having a very good time at my new home. My mom and dad are very proud of me because I am now scratching at the door when I want to go outside and go potty. They are also learning to listen to me, because I tell them when I need to go. I really enjoy playing with balls, socks and pretty much everything. I love to go outside and play in the leaves. I am just an energetic little girl who is having a great time exploring. I also shocked my mom when I climbed all the way up the stairs. I don't like being left in my crate, or in the kitchen when the baby gate is up. It's sort of ok when mom is in there with me. But I don't like it when she leaves for a second. She even had to blow dry her hair in the kitchen with me. My favorite spot in the house is the living room, because I get to play with all of the fun toys and watch the really big tv. I love my new brother, but I'm not so sure what he thinks of me. He likes to watch me, but doesn't always like to play. I also had my first visit with my vet. He is very nice, and said I was in perfect health and had beautiful conformation. However, I had to get a shot, and take a heartworm pill. But I handled it like a trooper. Mom says that she is going to get some pictures developed tomorrow. Do you believe that she already took a whole roll of me? I am having a great time, and my new mom and dad absolutely love me! I am also learning how to walk on a leash, but am not so sure about that. But once I learn that, mom and dad are going to take me for walks around the neighborhood.
Write soon, and give everyone a hug and a kiss from me!
Miss Cleo aka Queen of the Mason's
----- Original Message -----
From: BClash
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Oso Panda
Hello! ...Panda is doing extremely well as is just a perfect dog for me. We have a great time together, and he seems content coming to work even though I have long hours. He is exceptionally pretty, and so sweet it is amazing. He went with me to my sister's house for Thanksgiving and everyone just loved him. Thanks again for the perfect animal! Regards, Meredith
----- Original Message -----
From: BClash
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Re: More...
...I had a professional photographer take pictures of Panda when I was at a horse show with him last weekend, and will be sending you a couple of the shots. He is quite an ambassador for his breed-- dressage horse people are very attracted to classy gorgeous animals, and several wanted one after meeting him, so I did my best to explain that he is probably not very typical, and explained about your breeding program. You should be very proud of him, I most certainly am. He knows several words (come, sit, etc) and is the most obedient loving dog I could ever hope to have. My mother is dying right now, and I have found his big furry presence quite a comfort. Thank you again for letting me have him in my life. Meredith
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mary S. Logan"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Subject: Re: Meet the new kids at Shefaro!
> Dear Sherry,
> How cute!! Baby goats are such darling creatures. Bet their mommy is proud!
> All is well here with Basil, his appetite is great, housebreaking is
> continuing to progress well, and he loves to go to the barn. He's very smart
> about those big horse things, if they get too close he skitters away! I know
> soon he will be following along on the trail.
> He did meet a skunk the other night, and was wary enough not to get sprayed
> (great because he sleeps next to ME!). It's so wonderful to watch him grow
> (visibly!) and learn day by day.
> Best wishes for kidding season, I know you won't be getting much sleep!
> Take care and keep in touch,
> Mary
----- Original Message -----
From:Margaret and Sax
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Re: Meet the new kids at Shefaro!
Your new kids look so cute. Wish I was back in Texas-Id help you with those babies!!
Your girls up here are doing well. Today they went outside on their own --up until now we had to push them out the door. Its a little warmer today--10 above zero. Thumbelina continues to act like a puppy-she has a huge collection of toys and also has a weird attraction for towels. You cannot find a towel on any racks in this house, they are all in her bed! As soon as you put one out see takes it. Maggie is more refined and has found her way up to the couch. They have both spent quite a bit of time out in the yard today running with Dakota, my old greyhound. Will keep in touch- Margaret
----- Original Message -----
From: Amy
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Thanks
Dear Sherry,
I just wanted to thank you taking the time to speak to me last night about getting a borzoi. Your compassion at my situation was appreciated and the knowledge you shared about the breed, breeders, etc. was invaluable.
I have decided I am most interested in your upcoming litter and am just hoping you will find me the perfect guy.
I did have a few questions for you if you have the time- Can you give me a price range that I am looking at for a male pup (I am sure that is not definite until you actually see your pups), how much shipping usually runs to West Palm Beach, Fl and is there a contract involved?
Thanks again,
PS- I think I spent about another hour last night looking at all the dogs on your site. What an accomplishment you have. They are all beautiful, of course, but what struck me was at how happy they all look.
From:Leslie Neuberg
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Re: change of plane
Leslie Neuberg wrote:
> Thanks again so much, we are so lucky to have found a wonderful person like you to take care of this for us. We really appreciate the special care, sometimes it can be hard to find and I'm glad we took the time we did to wait it out and find the right one dog and caregiver! Don't worry...he'll be treated as a baby for the rest of his life...I can pretty much guarantee that : )
> Hi Sherry!
> Well, just got home from the airport and had our introductions!!! My dogs LOVE him! They are so excited and Tucker won't stop kissing him! The flight had gone well I guess, but he's exhausted from his big day. Ok, you were right...he's not a Duncan. Still working on the name. He had a brief spit shine, some playtime in the yard and inside with my dogs and now he's out cold. He's ABSOLUTELY HANDSOME! Just adorable. Thank you so much again!!!! We're so happy with him! He's sleeping soundly and my dogs are just watching him to see what his next move will be. Well, back to him. Thanks again, and I'll write you with an update soon!
> Les
From: Faith Wilbur
To: Sherry Faye Rodarmor
re: Texas Rose
Hi Sherry - Can you believe it is a week today!?! It seems like she's been here forever. She has settled in so nicely. I gave her her first bath which she didn't really care for but she was good. Aunt Zoey and Texas Rose like to dig in my garden so I see more baths in her future.
YES I'M WORKING ON THE NAME . . . it is coming to me. My friend from Holland is hot on the topic since she speaks many languages. I promise by week's end the Texas Rose will have a name. I'll call you this week to give you live Feedback.
There are no words to express my happiness with her. I shall ever be grateful to you.
Lots of Love to you all!
Faith and the Texas Rose
From: Pam Reid
To: Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Subject: Re: Service Dogs
Thanks Sherry,
You are welcome to reprint what I sent you.
An interesting aside to the accomplishments is my bitch Brocade. One day icy day during a snow storm, I was putting the dogs in the run. I slipped and fell. Fortunately for me, Brocade was under my hand. She braced and took my falling weight on her shoulders. From that moment until the day she died, in every slippery weather condition Brocade would place herself next to me under my hand -- just in case.
Borzois are truly amazing dogs.
Sherry Faye Rodarmor <Shefaro@webtv.net> wrote:
I believe I replied to your email from my computer, but, if not, please
forgive me. Thank you for taking the time to email. I am proud of
Shefaro Borzoi accomplishments and service is another way to showcase
how wonderful they truly are.
I would like to excerpt your email and put it on Leona's page, if you
don't mind. I shared it with Leona's "other mothers," Tracy and
God Bless.
Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Shefaro Borzoi and Boer Goats
San Antonio, Texas
Home State of President George W. Bush
Home of NBA World Ch. San Antonio Spurs
Home State of Lance Armstrong 5x Tour de France
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2004 21:17:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Pamela Reid
Subject: Service Dogs
To: shefaro@webtv.net
I thought you would like to know that I had two wonderful borzois in NJ for the last 10 years. As the Director of a center for people with a wide variety of disabilities I was privileged to bring my Sasha see many people with disabilities: Cerebral Palsy, blind, deaf, wheelchair users, and just about any mental or physical disability you can think of. Sasha was a tall borzoi, but he would crouch when approaching people who were afraid and gently put his head on their laps patiently waiting for them to respond. Spastic people and people with screeching voices did not affect him. He simply looked at them with understanding of their true beauty. The beauty, that we often do not see ourselves. People responded with the same understanding. It was truly a privilege to witness. Sometimes miracles happen when you least expect them. Sasha is gone now, but I am thrilled to find that you continue to provide dogs who can give this useful service.
I want to applaud your use of your dogs in this kind of work. The dog deserves the highest praise, the breeder of such a fine animal deserves my respect and the people who receive their affection my admiration..
Thank you for your efforts in this field.
Pam Reid
From: Mary Hult
To: Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Re: Smudge
Well...he is the HIT of neighborhood! No one can stop themselves from asking "what kind" and how cute...he has mastered the stairs. He and kitty sleep together...as long as I pretend not to notice the cat "likes" him. He likes the hill behind my house...yes...he is a puppy but still quick. He also seems t enjy the bathtub...I need to convince him that there is only room for one of us at a time...he puts his paws on the edge and just looks like "if I could only figure out how to get in"1 Well I am going to take him out to potty...I'll write and e-mail pic's ;ater.
From: Dane Pascoe
To: Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Re: Cheval
Hi, Sherry -
Sorry to be so late in getting back to you, but it's
been crazy ever since I got back, trying to catch up.
It's a realy busy time for logan, with end-of-school
events, beginning of swim team and tennis team, and an
unusual number of birthday parties....
Logan (teenage son) and Cheval (Shefaro Borzoi) really have hit it off, although
there hasn't been a lot of plain ole play time -
mostly it's been pile into the car and go!
Every where I take Cheval, people stare and comment
about what a big - and beautiful - dog he is. (I'm
sure you're used to that!)
It still amazes me that he has such a terrific
temperament. He behaves as though he's been here for
years, instead of just days....
I haven't had the opportunity to take photos of Cheval
and Logan together, but I will do so - and e-mail them
to you.
Hope everything is going well there.
Hi, Sherry -
We are here, and Cheval is adjusting nicely. He is an
unbelievably good traveler, but after 1800 miles, we
are both sick of driving!
Got here late this afternoon, and after a nap, I've
been watering all the plants that got wilty in my
Cheval (who seems intent on using the Koi pond in my
living room as his water supply) sends kisses.
From: Denise Delagrange
To: Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Re: Toli
> He made it safe and sound . . . what a sweetheart! There is no grass around our airport so I made a paper bed in the restroom for him to go right away. I opened the crate, put my hand just inside, and he walked right up to me and laid his head right in my hand . . . walking out to the parking garage, I held him and he looked up into my eyes almost the whole time . . I couldn't help but just laugh! I think we are a pair! We went to the Jeep, played outside then headed home. He laid on my lap for the 40 minute ride, I sang to him, massaged his feet, held him the whole way. He is absolutely gorgeous - more than I anticipated. Once we got home, I put him out immediately, as he had not gone the whole trip. You would have thought he was already house broken. I just took some pictures, will send them tomorrow. Just finished playing outside and having a treat . . . We are both about ready to hit the hay. What a wonderful experience! Can't thank you enough! Denise.
Maybe someday I can tell you just what this has meant to me at this point in my life. Just know that you have provided a treasure to one woman in central Ohio!
From: Kim Juengling
To: Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Hello there!
I haven't decided on a name yet for my new little girl, but she is doing just fine...sleeping in her kennel by my feet at the moment. I love how she tilts her head from side to side when I'm talking to her...quite adorable! And of course, arms outstretched laying on her back is one of her favorites! I think her spa treatment that you did really hit the spot for her. :o) Thank you so much again for your hospitality and flexibility...one day I hope to have a plot of land for me and some critters. Send pictures when you get time, and I will keep you updated on how the little one is progressing. Warmly, Kim (Houston)
From: Scott Takacs
To: Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Re: Toro
I hope you got the pictures. Toro is doing great. He enjoys the walks and ALL the attention from people. He loves getting attention from people. I have been letting him out during the day letting him be outside in the morning hours before i come home for lunch and he seems to like that as long as he has his toy monkey. He loves the squeaky toys. My mom came out for my surgery...had my wisdom teeth out and toro and my mom had some good times. We had fireworks on base last night and put toro inside. Ok for a really funny thing about toro is he watches TV. Can you enlighten me on this? It is so odd at least for me. Well have a good 4th and hope the shows go well! Take care.
From Barbara B.
To: Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Re: Shefaro Borzoi
Hello, Sherry.
I live in New Jersey but will be moving to 2 acres on a private country road in the hills of sw Washington state by mid-July. I have been thinking about a Borzoi for some time now, but wasn't really motivated until I started breed compatabilty testing on some websites and the Borzoi kept coming up in my choices as one of the top 3. Then I saw your puppy
"Show Girl" on next day pets and fell in love, so found your kennel on
google. You've accomplished an amazing achecivement in my eyes,
so many perfect old fashioned types of Borzoi, with the amazing silky
coats and musculature, and that air about them of pure sterling quality.
Really exquisite animals...
From Crystal H.
To: Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Re: Gabriela
I got your contract and I will print it off at my husbands office either
Monday or Tuesday, and send it back to you. We are all so excited. I am
thinking about names such as Zoya or Raisa, but not sure yet. I even like
Gaby. I would like a good Russian name! I went through your web page
entirely, and I am so amazed at how you capture the birth and their life in
pictures. I certainly admire your photographic abilities. I have never
seen a breeder that put so much detail in their website, good job! Let me
know if I am supposed to give you a deposit now (how much) and when I pay
the rest.
I was so excited I forgot to ask you some questions:
Any health problems in the puppy, dam or sire?
Have the parents had their hips/eyes checked?
What kind of food do you feed them now?
Does their fur mat easily, like the bichons? It looks really silky
How often do you bathe or brush your guys?
Do they have to get sent to the groomers for trims?
How big do estimate her height? weight? It is hard to tell by looking at
her parents?
Will she keep her two-tone mask on her face, or will it change colors?
Are they pretty affectionate in general and like to cuddle on the couch?
Where does she sleep now? Is she inside or outside during the day?
Is she home-acclimated?
You have so much acreage, I feel almost guilty for taking her away from your
lovely home. I have always dreamed about living on a big farm, with a lot
of animals. To me you are living the "American Dream"!
I may have more questions, but this is it for now. Getting packed to
travel, I will be home tomorrow night. Have a good weekend!
.----- Original Message -----
From:M. Hult
To: shefaro
Subject: Re: Ano's Pictures
Here is from 1 roll..I have onother but forgot to get it developed...will e-mail those later...Isn't he growing? He is such a GREAT boy! He has everyone sooo excited to see him grow! Me too!
The carpet is all white...the couch is cream...dining room is white the other pic's are at a friends or my moms...white carpet and all we are surviving..I improvised...an excuse to buy oriental throw rugs..he get's to step and lay on the BEST...although...I can not seem to make him understand that a lexus convertable is somethong to love...instead...he pukes! It is okay though it cleans off leather well...once we get to our destination though he has a BLAST...I can't seem to make everyone understand why he is sooo good as a puppy...I explained it is where he came from (you)! I thank you so much for him..yes it is nice to hear people GUSH over him...but when we are alone he is such a GREAT friend and so much loves to be loved...he is potty trained and now we have a baby gate and are going to start one room at a time..he is on the couch now...lounging...one thing we MUST learn is that mommy's silk cargo pants are not chew toys...he only dragged them to me...no damage...have them on now...guess mommy should not have left them out HUH? Seriously I LOVE HIM... I love him waking me up in the am w/kisses and I love to see him smile..When we are having a NO day...I just wait for him to turn around and flip me off...he has that much personality!!! THANKS AND THANKS!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: SherylRInNH
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: (no subject)
Good morning, Sherry! (my nickname for Sheryl, too!)
I am sorry that I did not respond to your e-mail right away, as my sister came up from Rhode Island with her 13 yr old son to visit.
I do want a dog that would be with us as a family, and if she would be adaptable to the house as well as the yard. My Llasa Apso would love a friend to play with, and to encourage fresh air is what I have in mind, but rest assured, if Sonrisa is a bed dog, or a couch dog, that will be hers!!! (I have no intensions of taking her away from any comfortable setting., and I love a dog that is lovable, ie, needing love as well as cuddling, etc.)... fresh air I mean outdoors,..there are no smoking policy in my house for the sake of health for pets and humans! I was hoping to give you a little background of where I am coming from, ie, my intentions, so that you could get to know me, and see if you are comfortable as I would need that from you, since you are a respectable dog trainer.
The fenced in area is going to be 1/2 acre, but accessible to 2 entrances to the house, both levels. I also think she would love the snow, so am very excited about bringing her to NH.
Do you have any questions for me?
I am trying to check to see if there is a direct flight Continental to Manchester, NH.
Warm regards,
PS, patriotic and proud Texan website,...I LOVE it! Also home of the "River Walk" and the US Army Medical training center, where my 24 yr old son (who was born in Arkansas) went to get his training before he took 1 year stint in Iraq, to forge his way with the 28th Combat Support Hospital trough the sands until they reopened one of Saddams marble hospitals, gold lined sinks, etc. They brought American Xrays/MRIs and American Medicine right there in the middle of chaos. Thank God he is back! Proud Momma, here
Support our Troups!!
Looking forward to your reply
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeanne C.
To: "Sherry" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Subject: Re: Tessa
> Sherry,
> Tessa has been wonderful. She mostly slept the entire time in the car (total
> of 15 hours over 2 days). She has a bit of diarrhea, but I suspect that's
> normal from the stress of the new situation and all the changes. Other than
> that, I can't believe how wonderful she is.
> And yep, I got the A&D!
> We're off to the vet for our initial checkup and rabies shot. I'll mail more,
> plus pictures, tomorrow or Thursday.
> -- Jeanne
----- Original Message -----
From: Sheryl in NH
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Regarding Sonrisa/Sunshine
My new dearest bestest Texan friend, Sherry!
I am so very excited about meeting my new LOVE, as are my friends and kiddoes, too! I have gotten so many of my friends alerted to me new addition to my family. I feel like a new mommy!!
Can you give me an idea of what She has been eating? special food? or does she get into the goats food?
My Llasa Apso has Pedigree. My kitten eats Fancy Feast. They pretty much stay away from each others food,...have more or less built a respect for each other. Wondering, as I believe keeping the same dog food is best, for the animal, and would like it to adjust well.
Look forward to hearing from you!
----- Original Message -----
From: Anthony
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Daria
Hi Sherry;
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for such a beautiful and gentle puppy.
Daria is more than we could have ever hoped for. She is truly a blessing and already has new friends. I would be delighted to refer you to anyone interested in your breeds which are exceptional
Please find attached a photo of Daria and one of her new friends, Salem the cat.
Anthony DeSantis
p.s. The contract is in the mail, keep in touch
----- Original Message -----
From: Crystal
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: RE: Raisa
Eating is no problem, she has free fed all day today. She has had a very good appetite and has had plenty of water. I am feeding the same food and treats as you have described. I have not left her side at all today. She follows me everywhere I go, it is so cute. I think my IG's are a little hyper for her taste. They go outdoors and chase each other, and they try to encourage her to play, but she hasn't taken off with them yet. She met our great dane next door through the fence. When she got close to him, she backed off fast. I think she thought he was another species. I have introduced her slowly to Sobe and Mia when I can watch all three. Last night I slept with her, and tonight Thomas is sleeping with her. She has taken well to both of my kids. Thomas has fallen for her and she for him. They just cuddle in the floor and look so cute. She is such a beauty. She went with me to pick up the children at the bus stop, and did fine in the car. I just love her temperment! I think she will be a perfect pet therapy dog. I will not force the issue with the collar, I will carry her to my car when we travel.
----- Original Message -----
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Subject: WINSLOW
> Sherry,
> I have a few minutes before I leave work and I wanted to tell
> you how happy we are with Winslow. You can see from the
> pictures and from talking to Shari how well he has fit in with
> the family (all the animal). He is a little crazy at times but, he
> is a puppy! Some of the things he does are really funny. It
> really doesn't matter what he does, we still love him! Thank You
> for sending us the beautiful boy!!!
> Tim Moore
----- Original Message -----
From: John Lyon
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Matador
Good Morning Sherry
Hurricane was no problem.Matador is doing excellent. I may need to get him a racing helmet. He runs so fast it makes you wonder how good his radar is. I sure hope he doesn't hit a tree. He is eating well & is beautiful to look at.He's my buddy. He sleeps on the couch in the bedroom & watches Fox News Channel. He will be registered a Republican... Dogs vote where I live. Most are better bred than the people... I will call you soon.....John Lyon
-----Original Message-----
From: shefaro [mailto:shefaro@ev1.net]
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 5:06 PM
To: John Lyon
Subject: hurricane Charlie, etc.
Hi John.
Did you get hit by the hurricane?
How's Matador?
Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Shefaro Borzoi and Boer Goats
San Antonio, Texas
Home State of President George W. Bush
Home State of NBA World Champion San Antonio Spurs
Home State of Lance Armstrong SIX x Tour de France Winner
----- Original Message -----
From: Casey
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Thank you for your site
My name is Casey and my husband and I had the great pleasure of being proud parents and friend to our Borzoi, Shadda for 9.5 years. However, after a freak and disturbing accident...after a series of x-rays, consultations and no news that gave us reason to believe Shadda would recover from the injuries without enduring a great deal more pain, multiple surgeries and 10-12 months of debilitation, we decided to say goodnight to our friend and we watched him go to sleep for the last time on August 20th at 3:48 in the afternoon. We miss him deeply. We’ve never experienced such a bond and loving relationship with an animal as we did with Shadda. He was truly our child and there is no replacement for him. However, once the grief has passed we may give consideration to finding another wonderful Borzoi companion.
My husband and I ... are not looking for a show dog, but rather a Borzoi from a good line with the best of characteristics and temperament. We have followed your site and respect your dedication to the breed and to the care you clearly provide to this high maintenance but unique breed.
We’d like to thank you for your site and the many pictures you share with those of us who are Borzoi fans. It has been a great comfort to us to be able to look at your web pictures of the Shefaro Borzois running happy, healthy and free during our time of grief. Shadda is missed. But it’s wonderful to see that the beauty and grace of this breed lives on.....
Kind Regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: <cheryl
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Subject: Regarding Rolando- Your PuppyFind.com Listing
> Dear Sherry (Shefaro Borzoi and Boer Goats),
> Hello Sherry,
> You have beautiful Borzois. In the 1980s I lived in Oregon and had a beautiful red and white Borzoi. I just love this breed. I also met a breeder who had beautiful all white Borzois. Her name was Glenda but I don't remember her last name. She lived in the Portland, Oregon area. I keep an eye on your dogs as sometime in the future I would love to purchase one for a pet only. I live in Arizona and I never see them listed anywhere for sale.
> Thank you for breeding such beautiful animals!!
> Sincerely,
> Cheryl
----- Original Message -----
From: Janet
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Thank you for the memories and for new hope
Dear Sherry,
I have been looking at your website for the past two days. I have been awe struck at your furry children. I have also looked at your adoption form. You are people who care about one of God's most beautiful creatures, the Borzoi. I was loved by one of those majestic creatures for twelve years. During that time I came into contact with several other Borzoi, one I spotted from the car and pretty well tracked down the owner just to talk to her about her dog. Of the Borzoi I have seen, none of them seemed to be as beautiful and my Annistazzia. I say that with the love of a mom and the assurance of the books on Borzoi I read before I brought her home at the tender age of 10 weeks.
While I was looking through your website, I noticed your Shefaro clones, well if there is anything to this then Annistazzia and Vida and several of your white with lemon colored Borzoi are clones. Who came first I cannot say. Annistazzia, was born in August of 1991. I would have included a picture, but it seems that all of my electronic machinery to make that possible, has decided to go on strike.
For the twelve years I was blessed with her, she was the "poster girl" of good health. It was her last year 2003 that she became very ill and eventually, after talking to my veterinarian I had to make a very sad decision. I am writing to you, now because I have missed her very much, and while looking at your site, I saw Vida, and her puppies born on my birthday, only in my case a few years ago. I have long wanted to find the breeders, whom I owed a great deal of happiness to. You see Annistazzia was a rescue puppy. If somehow she, or her parents came from your wonderful home, it would be like having her legacy live on. She never had any puppies, I chose not to have her spayed, at my vet's suggestion. I took proper care to prevent any unwanted little ones, even though, once when she was in season, a black Pomeranian seemed to take her fancy. She was sitting in the entryway of my home, and he was wagging his tail at her through the screen. What a site!
During her lifetime, we traveled across the United States, two times, she even let me drive, that is after she got out of the driver's seat.
She was the roller-blade puller for my youngest son, until she pulled him into a very big bush. Her need for exercise was equal to my son's need for letting go of some of his excess energy. He is now in the US. Army, he just made Sergeant, his older brother is also in the Army and he is waiting to become a fulfledged Master Sergeant. I also have a very lovely daughter, who has had many pictures taken of her in prom gowns with Annistazzia at her side. I tell you this because, Annistazzia was spoiled with extra love when these three children went out into the world to make their lives as adults. They are the ones who told me that she was very spoiled, I concluded that they must also have been spoiled.
Annistazzia, was one of the sweetest and most patient creatures I have ever known. And one day I hope to have another Borzoi. After reading your stories about your Borzoi, I can only think about Shefaro Borzoi as the ideal.
Thank you for your wonderful site, and I can only envy you the joy of so many Borzoi and the beauty of the land that they live in.
Janet Miller
----- Original Message -----
From: "ree c"
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Subject: Leonardo
hi Sherry,
Just wanted to send you an up-date on Leonardo..
Well, lots has changed..I am no longer in Az .I moved to Ca this fall (onto a 30 acre ranch) and so far it has been a perfect match. I love the way Leonardo has adapted to farm life...he is a magnificent creature up here. In the very first week he caught and killed 3 possums which had managed to get into the house. He loves to swim in the well-pond out back and has turned into the dog I have always desired...I so dearly love him..You have given me the greatest gift of all..a truly wonderful, loyal companion. He just loves
California,( so do I)..Soon I will desire to add to the collection, let me know if you have any other boys who would love a " 'hellactious' farm life in Ca" . Thank you for sending me my "Romeo", truly a match made in heaven.
Thanks, ree
----- Original Message -----
From: borzoidream
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Your site
I have to say that out of all of the research I have done on Borzoi, yours is the best website. Your Borzoi are absolutely beautiful and are just what I am looking for when I am ready to purchase my companion, my new best friend. I have been following this breed for at least 20 years. I have gone to shows in the state of Virginia and have never missed the Virginia Kennel Club show here in Richmond, Virginia.
Their faces are so loving and just seem to say, "I will love you forever". I cannot wait for the day to come when I can hopefully and proudly tell people who ask where I got my best friend from. I can guarantee you that if I am that lucky, this Borzoi will not want for anything, especially love and the best of health and caring 'relatives'(my family).
I will continue to check your website and see all of the accomplishments and look for more pictures and updates. In the meantime, can you please let me know the prices of your Borzoi for pet/companion quality? I would be looking to purchase one within the next year, and would drive down there to pick up my new best friend in person....Ü
Thank you so much for your wonderful site dedicated to your love of Borzoi and thank you in advance for the information I have requested.
Richmond, VA
Original Message -----
From: "Shunk, J. L. BMC"
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Subject: Great Pyrenees
Hi, I am BMC (SW/AW) Jeffrey Shunk of the US Navy. I was visiting your site
looking for a great pyr for my wife. (Ours died of old age about 3 years
ago and she is now ready for another.) However on this Christmas eve as I
surf the web while on duty aboard the USS Enterprise, I was taken in by the
beginnings of your page, and your support of our US troops. I am the Ships
safety chief and am responsible to try and make an aircraft carrier a safer
work environment for the 5 thousand plus that sail on her. Thank you from
the heart for caring enough to put it on the web sight. I also will keep
your place in mind as I try and locate the perfect puppy for my family here
in North Carolina (stationed in Norfolk).
Jeffrey Shunk
----- Original Message -----
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Great Pyrenees
I happened across your web site...
You are so blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful animals.
The Mother Teresa 'Do it Anyway' write up is what impressed me to ask you if any of the pups are still available? (I often refer to my copy during 'those times')..
Please visit my web site to learn more about me.
My soul mate dog Buddy, (sitting under a tree with me in the bio page) passed away this Sept. He was 12 1/2. I had him since birth, and never spent one day away from him or his litter mate Scooter (which I still have).. Yup, even if I had to leave town, they both went with me! Never spending one day in a cage.
I'm still grief striken, and so is Scooter.
Currently, I'm living in San Diego on the water.. but am house hunting and hope to have a permanate place soon. If not, then I'll have to wait. It seems like your new puppies will be ready for a new home in February?
Scooter is concerned that they'll be no one to look after me when it's his time.. so I decided it's best to introduce a new puppy into my life. I've never not had a dog and can't imagine life without one... or 2..
Just so you know, I work out of my house.. otherwise the dogs go to work with me at The Comedy Store in La Jolla or the club on Sunset in West Hollywood. This past Saturday I took Scooter into the club in La Jolla, he sat in the booth with me and watched the show! He didn't bark once. :)
I look forward to hearing from you!
Best Regards with Warm Holiday Wishes,
Scooter and Sandi C. Shore
----- Original Message -----
From: Tammy Evans
To: shefaro
Subject: paypal
...Could you let us know as soon as possible what day the flight is..as we have to book time off work...the trip to Calgary is about 7 hours and the trip to Vancouver is 8hours and with the weather conditions we would like to have lots of time to travel... You sound like a very busy lady..I must commend you on how clean the babies look in all
pictures...a lot of work I bet...along with everything else..anyways I just thought you should know that we are very impressed .
Lee & Tammy
----- Original Message -----
From: "Deidre Reed"
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Subject: I just adopted "Tatiana"
> Hi Sherry -
> I just adopted Tatiana from Gentle Giants, and also wanted to email you
> directly and say thank you! >
> Tatiana, whom I call Teddy, is really a joy! She's very ladylike, but
> with a sly sense of humor. She's still getting used to being the 'only
> dog' so she's in daycare during the workday this week, until she
> understands that I WILL come back. Currently, she stands guard outside
> the shower every morning when I go in, maybe thinking there's a back
> door?!
> She's been sleeping upside-down on the bed, and has rolled off once,
> then walked over and stared at me as if I had something to do with it!
> Now (less than a week) she jumps up and down at daycare when she sees
> me come in the door, and is starting to swish her tail happily on
> walks, so she's getting more comfortable.
> What a neat girl! She's already making doggie friends in the
> neighborhood, and captured my mom's heart: my mom is now coming back
> in Feb. from Chicago, after just having been here in Dec. And, a
> friend from Napa - who absolutely adored my dane, Lila, is coming to
> visit this week. So, she's receiving visitors!
> I'll be taking good care of Teddy. and will send pics to the Wards.
> You, too, if you'd like.
> Thanks again,
> Deidre Reed
----- Original Message -----
From: Norma
To: shefaro
Subject: Re: this is it!
I'm not sure you received my e-mail the other day??But again thank you for all that you have done.You have made this process{our first}easy and comfortable.We are all so excited here.my kids can hardly sleep.I will lat you know when our baby gets here .Sherry,you are a good person!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Karen Koehn"
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Subject: RE: Snowman
> We love her soooo much! She is so sweet! Danny let her sleep with us the
> first night... She slept between our pillows and the headboard..I wonder if
> in a couple of weeks if we all are going to fit in the same bed! Sybil
> thinks she is her baby, and has to stand over her constantly, and tells on
> her often. It's snowing today, and she is like a regular snow bunny, we had
> some time trying to get her inside! We might name her Aspen, because she
> makes us think of the snow up there.(That and she will be the size of one of
> the slopes!) Still trying to see if that name fits. We will keep you posted,
> and hopefully will have some pictures soon.
> Love,
> Karen, Clifford (Danny), Sybil, and Aspen
> P.S. I think that we have started a trend with our friends and pyrs!
----- Original Message -----
From: Tammy
To: shefaro
Subject: little man
Hi Sherry,
We are home......everything went smooth.....Snowman is more beautiful, than we ever expected...he was so happy to
be taken out of his crate and loved....(I think that is because he was loved from you in the beginning)....we can not
express how pleased we are...I want to assure you that he will be the most loved pup you have ever sold...
I don't know how you do it... He was so good on the trip home..he didn't get sick on the car ride..he slept..
we stopped for several potties and drinks and small snacks...he loved the snow and pounced in it....
we didn't get the reciept , I brought the paypal reciept and that seemed to be sufficent enough for Customs.
We stopped in Spokane and took him shopping in Petco...New toys, baby food, and the cookies that you gave
him for his trip...etc... I will be sending you some pictures tommorrow ..He has filled an empty Space in our lives..
I still can't beleive we have our baby...I wanted to take pictures when he arrived at the airport but my eyes were filled
with tears of joy when I seen him ...
I want to thank you for being the most loving and caring Person we have ever delt with....You care about your
babies and that is very important....I will keep in touch with you and up date you on Snowman....
pictures will come tomorrow for you......
Tammy, Lee, & Snowman
----- Original Message -----
From: Steven and Vicki
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Diego
Sorry we have been so behind in sending pix. Last time Michelle tried, she couldn't get them to go, so I'm trying again with hopes of better luck.
Diego is a real sweetheart, although quite the baby - he cries about everything. He seems to have taken over now that he is taller than our Golden - they are now good buds although the Cavaliers could care less. He thinks the sofa is his and likes to cuddle on Michelle's bed at night. He is growing like a weed and has doubled his weight, if not more and has coloring like his mom - tons of black speckles. He has a good appetite! He is definitely a snow dog and loves laying out in the cold on the deck. We put a dog bed out there just for him. Will send a pix separately showing our last big snowfall - 20"!!! He also loves his hikes and walks around the neighborhood. I'm anxious for spring to arrive so we can do a bit more of that, but I don't think it is going to be anytime soon.
We are enjoying him thoroughly - can you tell?
Hope you enjoy the pictures; keep in touch,
----- Original Message -----
From: <Chapman Art Gallery>
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Subject: Re: Thought for Today
> ...Marisa sends > kisses. She is certainly an enthusiastic hugger, kisser and cuddler with us and is beginning to greet all the visitors too. She loves the beach and LOVES the > ocean; jumps in every time we go. She is going to be a superstar!
----- Original Message -----
From: Davidb
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: new pictures
Everyone I show the pictures to says how clean and comfortable the pups living
area is. Then I tell them you have a herd of goats on top of the many dogs. There
face always drops when I tell them that. The goats are so cute too.
Well she just could not be more beautiful. We are so excited. The closer it gets
the longer the day seems to take.
----- Original Message -----
From: Chuck Dibble
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: Sunshine got here safely!
She is just great! The plane trip took a lot out of her, and she was very sluggish for several days afterward. We actually started to wonder if we had gotten a Lesser Pyrenees instead of a Great Pyrenees. It didn't take long for her to become accustomed to her new surroundings, and she is absolutely wonderful. I like to play pretty hard with a dog, and my wife likes to cuddle. She fits both our desires perfectly. I can't believe how intelligent she is. She learns things so quickly. She also is very independent. Those two traits have caused a few conversations between her and me, but we generally reach a compromise that is acceptable to both of us. I know that different people have different preferences in a dog, but my wife and I have never owned or seen one that fills ours so perfectly. We are very happy; thank you so much.
Have a good Thanksgiving.
----- Original Message -----
From: Mary Logan
To: shefaro
Subject: Basil update
Sorry I have been out of touch for so long.
Basil is well and wonderful. Santa brought him a new comfy bed which he really likes. At this moment he is snoozing on it while Jillie lies next to him gnawing on his beef bone; he is very good about sharing!
We had to make a trip up to Colorado before Christmas to bring my mother-in-law down to Carlsbad. We borrowed a Ford Excursion for the trip and Basil had the whole rear section of the vehicle to lounge in, complete with mattress and blanket. He behaved very well and enjoyed himself a great deal, as you can see by the two photos from Utah! He especially enjoyed playing in whatever snow we came across, and certainly wasn't bothered by the extreme cold we encountered at times.
You can just barely make him out in the "Basil the Cowdog" picture, but he is the white dot beside the horse and rider, faithfully keeping position behind the herd. I have never before heard of a Borzoi cowdog, but at the rate he is going, he will make a good one!
Hope your holidays were pleasant and that you and all your critters are doing well.
Take care,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tobi Jackson"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2004 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: Happy Thanksgiving
...> Boris and Natasha are grand.
> Thanks for 2 grand hounds!!!!
> They are the best tempered Borzois and we have had four....they are always nice, but, these are the most loving dogs ever! Boris is my favorite, as he is just a gentle giant.
> Natasha is more aloof, but, great as well! I love them equally, however, there is just something about a male borzoi! And both are excellent watch dogs as well! Boris is very protective of our daughters and will not let them near the pool, the edge of the deck, etc.
> Amazing, he's almost like a newfie or landseer.....very good with our girls. Natasha is very loving toward them and protective as well, but, very maternal with each girl.
> Tobi J.
----- Original Message -----
From: Nancy
To: Sherry 2004
Hi Sherry.. Here is a Legalas update.. Sorry it has been so long... but have been really busy at work and of course spending time with legs. He became a doggie school dropout due to job which kept scheduling me on class days.. He did learn how to sit and lay down.. Not too good at staying ... too much to do very busy dog. He and thumper like to play with stuffed toys and tear them up.. Thumper is amazed that legs can now pull him around. Legs can now look into my eyes when standing on his hind legs...His coat is beautiful.. eats lots of eggs... sometimes eats them all out of the pot (big boy) His tail is really plumey. He still has africa on his side and is almost as big (LOL). My sister was here a couple of weeks ago and he fell in love and slept with his head on the pillow next to her. He does now take up the whole side of the bed..He has learned to open the gates to the fence so i put locks on them.... I keep meaning to take pictures now that I have camera, but camera always not in hand when particuallry cute....Now weather is better perhaps can get some good outside shots of him and the hole they are digging to china. He is just the greatest dog... He gives hugs and leans on you. and now when he "sits" on my lap he just puts his middle in it the legs are on the floor. Hard to believe that he is almost a year old. Will have to have a party for him and invite some doggy friends.. Have to meet some of course... other than thumper. (best bud). He is gentle. Also very fey...like a fairy... very delicate..and he doesnt walk...just floats along. He likes to go in the car.. still gets sick and feels poorly for a while after...Nothing like diving down the road holding his snout but we appear to be making progress. He is such an awesome dog.. Last night we were at grandmas and legs was cleaning the dishes in her sink.. Very helpful around the house. Now if I could just get him to learn to vacuum.... already has taught us the importance of totally clean and bare counter tops and to put our shoes up when not on feet. and all kinds of other helpful cleaning tips... Happy Easter again...Nancy and Legs
-----Original Message-----
From: Melanie
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 9:17 AM
To: 'shefaro'
Subject: Touching base!
Hi Sherry!
Just sending you an e-mail to let you know how great things are going
with the new puppy. I finally picked a definite name for him, and it's
not Mishkin. I decided to name him Niko (short for Nikolai). It's not
the most original name for a borzoi I know, but it suits him I think.
It just came out of my mouth one day when I called for him, and it
stuck. So if you want to change any paperwork to reflect this new name,
feel free!
Niko is doing just GREAT. He is happy, healthy, and a ton of fun. He
follows me around like a shadow, and seems very comfortable in his new
home. I swear he's grown at least 3 inches in height and length since
he arrived! He's climbing and descending stairs now (which he could not
do this time last week), torturing the cat, chewing on everything like a
true puppy, and trying his hardest to master potty-training. The
weather has been so awful here (pouring rain daily for a week now), it's
impossible to spend much time outdoors...so a few accidents are to be
expected. And you should hear him Sherry! He's very vocal. He's not
really a barker, but he sure loves to talk to me in what I call his
grumble-voice. He sounds like a moaning old man....especially when he
sleeps. It's as if he purrs or something! So cute!!!!
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how happy we both are, and to tell
you how grateful I am to have such a quality new friend.
Check out his pictures! He just LOVES that hat (and yes I am being
sarcastic). Since this photo session, he has pretty much demolished it.
So much or playing dress-up! Photo # 102 0256.JPG is just too cute
----- Original Message -----
From: Victoria Eddy
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 4:38 PM
Subject: Diego's new fam
Thought you might like to see some pictures of Diego from last night. He was pretty tense and nervous at first, but he slept with me (Michelle) all night and was fine. He's even started playing with the other dogs and racing around with them...and he loves the snow. He's taking a nap in the sunny kitchen right now after helping us put up some Christmas lights outside. He's such a cutie. He cries whenever we're out of site and if someone walks away. So far he's been a good boy though! Doesn't need to go out every 30 minutes like the little Aussie puppy thank goodness! Anyway, here are some pictures at the airport, driving and finally getting home. Talk to you soon!
The Eddy Family
From: Ann Perkins
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Dear Sherry ,
She is here and arrived 7 minutes early. Oh my God is she even more beautiful
than the pictures. Amazing. I will never forget what it felt like to pick her up out
of the carrier. She is precious and so responsive. She is integrating with the
Dogs and everyone seems just like they were always together. No words would
describe the feeling of seeing in person the first time. I was speechless. The
people in the airport were just about as awestruck as we were.
I have taken pictures. We have to find the wire to hook the camera to the computer.
Thank You SO MUCH
From: Ann Perkins
April 2005
To: shefaro@ev1.net
This dog is incredible. So smart so nice. So adaptable. When I was making dinner
David said it is as if she has always been in a home. We also talked about how
personable she is and credited you with this. I feel totally mesmerized. We and that
means the dogs too have spent all evening just watching her. She will pick up a toy
and get them to play tug with her. Right now she is asleep with her head on Cassies
back. It is just too cute. She follows us everywhere indoors outdoors, Very curious.
Will send more news and a name tomorrow. Ann
From: Summer
April 2005
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Boy was Daisy happy to see us when we picked her up at the
airport last night! She has a wonderful disposition, very playful and
curious. My husband actually got a puppy yesterday, too! He got an Irish
Wolfhound-Standard Poodle cross. The two puppies are having a ball
together. Kazi is adjusting well to his new buddies also.
We all went for a little walk this morning. Daisy didn't like the collar
and leash much at first. She bucked like a little bronco, but then
decided she wanted to walk with us and trotted along. She loves to
wrestle the chew ball that we got for her. She and John's new puppy
slept together last night. They fussed for about 30 minutes and then
they both went to sleep. It was a long day for both of them and they
were tired. We had them sleep in the crate for their first night. They
were quiet until I let them out at 6:00 a.m. this morning. Then they
were back at it with renewed puppy enthusiasm!
I took pictures and will send you some when I get the film developed and
put on a CD.
----- Original Message -----
From: mike
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: anybody have their pup(s)?
We made it. He is so beautiful. I just got home with Him and Princess is acting like a mom to Him. Still haven't come up with a name yet, but I don't want to rush it. It will be something perfect to fit Him once I learn His personality. Yes though He and Princess are getting along great. I will write you tomorro and give you an update and send some pictures.Thank you so much
Mike Grzybowski
----- Original Message -----
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: anybody have their pup(s)?
Hi Sherry,
After a week of excitingly waiting for our new puppy we finally got to meet him at 8:15 at the Continental Cargo area and I have to say what a beautiful little puppy he is. My wife, kids and I couldn't be happier. Once we got him home I let him run around outside for a while to get acclimated and do any business he had to do and then I brought him in the house. We all sat in a circle and let him come up to us, let him sniff us, and we all got to know each other. The kids were way too excited to go to bed but after letting them and the puppy get used to each other they finally went to bed at 9:45. He sniffed around the house and right now found a comfortable spot and is sleeping. We absolutely love him and I want to thank you for sending us such a beautiful dog. I've attached a picture of my wife and I with the puppy but I plan on sending you pictures with the kids as soon as possible.
Take care,
----- Original Message -----
From: lara
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 10:18 PM
Subject: pups have arrived!
> Sherry,
> The girls are here and they are wonderful. They made
> it safe with no problems. We are very pleased. Right
> now they are eating and drinking and getting a feel
> for the place. I will send you pictures when we return
> home from Florida. Everyone's happy.
> Thanks again,
> Lara
----- Original Message -----
From: "Janine"
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:25 AM
Subject: Pics
> Sherry,
> Rohnan is doing great! Every day he learns more and more. He already knows
> not to get into the cat's food and still has made no messes in the house.
> Last night he put himself to bed and only had to go out once which was about
> 1 am. Not bad for such a little guy! Everyone who has met him has been so
> suprised at how mellow he is for his age. My sister and I went for a walk
> by the river the other day with her dog, Blue, and Rohnan, and he had a
> great time... had a smile on his face the whole time. He cries less and
> less with the crate deal each day. He's a little smarty! Attached are some
> pics of his new space and place. Phaedra is my female cat who likes him but
> also lets him know who's boss. She's in the photo with him on the couch. I
> sent the two contracts to you today so you should be receiving them sometime
> this week or beginning of next. All is well. Enjoy the pics. Janine
----- Original Message -----
To: shefaro
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: www.shefaro.com
Sometimes buying something as important as a puppy over the internet is risky but after talking to you a little, reading the testimonials and viewing other things on your webpage it made me feel at ease. I could tell you love your animals which also made me comfortable. Take care and I will send over more pictures as Gus get's bigger.
----- Original Message -----
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: Puppy in Colorado
He is a great puppy. I love him to death. My daughter just saw him this
morning and she told me he is mine. I told her is all of ours. He is a
loving little guy. I would love to come sooner (for the goats) so we can get there and get them back and used to the weather here. Talk to you soon about it. Mary
----- Original Message -----
From: Stacey
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2005 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: Boga
You're right, he is a great dog. We can tell already, he seems like he's going to be a very loyal friend. He did fine on the trip. He was a little shaky when we first got him out of the crate at the airport, but after some food and a drink he perked right up. We had a 1 1/2 hour drive home from the airport and he slept the entire way. He seems to adapt really well. Our kids just love him and are giving him tons of attention.
We bought him to be a family pet/farm guard dog. He is going to be staying outside and will be able to roam free on our land. What would you put in his dog house? We'll take all of the advice on him that you want to give!
Don't worry, we'll take good care of him. It was really different buying a dog this way. It was like he was a member of the family when we decided to take him, we looked at pictures of him and talked about him every day. I started crying when I first saw him at the airport! He is loved!
----- Original Message -----
From: aimee
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: empty nest!
> Sherry,
> We made it home safely. They are doing great. The boy is so funny, when
> he got out at the crate half way home and started out in the grass he didn't
> know what to do so he layed down and started rolling and grunting. The
> female the started jumping all over him. They went to the potty and I
> bought a newspaper and cleaned the kennel out and wiped them down with doggy
> wipes. The kids and Larry did not get to go with me to pick them up so I
> sang to them all the way home(thats SCARY) We named the boy but have not
> come up with the girls name yet. Are you ready for this name, GEORGE. We
> think he looks like the dog on looney toones that guards the sheep,and he is
> just so cute. When we say GEORGE he looks at us like he know were talking
> about him. Larry went nuts over them. Tomorrow they met
> the goats, with a dog kennel between them of course.
> > I have to go and eat now.
> goodnight,
----- Original Message -----
From: balam
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: more time playing...
> Tanner is home safe in New Hampshire! Tucker seems to like him and the girls are just blown away.
> Again, Thank you!
> Bill, Lisa, Cori and Lexi
> We will send photos as he grows!
----- Original Message -----
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 7:33 PM
Subject: We're home.
Howdy...we're home.
She's soooooo beautiful.
We stopped at a park near home for her to go potty.
I absolutely adore her....I can see she is very smart and we will have a bunch of fun together
I'll give you a yell again later to let you know how its going on her first night in her new home.
Thank you again for sending me such a wonderful little girl...even the people at the airport kept saying how beautiful she is...lol
----- Original Message -----
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2005 7:31 AM
Subject: Re: We're home.
She's awake and had a perfect night...except the puddle at my bedroom door, but this angel slept right in her bed all night.
I just ADORE her...lol
We're heading to the park with her...talk to you again in a while. She's been a very good girl and that tails been wagging all morning...lol
----- Original Message -----
From: "aimee gray"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2005 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: empty nest!
> Today was very busy and fun. We took the dogs over to the house to
> meet the other doggies. All went well. My Aussie was really great with the
> little girl and George was very good with my Border. We have not come up
> with a name yet. My daughter wants to name her Rosey, because she came from
> Texas. (YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS) We are still looking for a really good name
> for her. George knows his name and comes to you when you call him. The
> looney toones dog was an old english but the name fits anyway. I had a
> sheepdog cross growing up and he looks just like her and her name was
> George. They are doing great and are getting a lot of love. I will e-mail
> you some pictures when Larry gets my new computer and printer hooked up. I
> have some great pictures of them playing with the family. By the way my
> mom the dog hater loves them both and is thinking about getting one if mine
> turn out great which I know they will. I have to go .
> Bye,
----- Original Message -----
From: Scott
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 8:38 AM
Subject: Re: puppy boy???
He is doing good. He does not like to be away from us unless he is with the collie or the sheltie and he likes the tile floor inside because it cool. On the way up he was really good. nothing happened and he just slept the whole time. We are heading back to New Mexico tomarrow and will get everything done this week. We have not named the puppy yet but should have a name settled on soon. he does like to chase the other dogs but when he does not know what is going on he just sits there and watches. He is a really smart dog. He has learned to sit for a treat from watching the others. We want to register the puppy with the base vet when we get back so if there is a way to get the shot records soon it would be appreciated. Thanks a lot and we will send you some pictures when we get back to New Mexico. Thanks!
Scott Takacs
----- Original Message -----
From: Celeste
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 8:49 PM
Subject: RE: puppy boy
Sorry it took a while to get back with you. We have had a very busy
weekend. We absolutely love Sampson. We decided to name him that because
he just looked like one. He is doing great with his leash training and so
far...knock on wood....has not done any of his business inside the house.
I can tell he misses home though. We just keep on loving him and giving
him lots of cuddles. He slept with me last night and he talks in his
sleep. He was having his puppy dreams. He is eating well but we could not
find Diamond Premium. I decided to put him on Nutro large breed puppy
food. I hope the transition will be smooth.
He is hilarious when he drinks water! He sticks his entire nose in it.
The he dribbles it all over. We had to go to small group this evening
and when we came back he was very glad to see us. He has been a little
more chipper for this evening. If we go in another room he barks to remind
us he is there...lol He has started to chew a bit on my shoes and the kids
toys. We keep trying to show him his toys but likes the smell of everyone
else better. This afternoon we went to a friends house and he came along.
They couldn't believe how laid back he was for a pup. His walks are funny
because he will go for a while and plop on his bottom for a break until he
gets a whiff of something interesting. We will send pics soon. Thank you
so much. Oh yes he likes to hang out with Kasey and Bear. Particularly Kasey because he is much more willing to play. Have a great night!!!!!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Melanie
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2005 6:11 AM
Subject: Re: Czar
Hi Sherry,
We were going to email you today..I have the pictures ready to send to you they will go out tomorrow..he is doing just great..we are off to South Beach today for Czar to make his debut on Lincoln Road!!!!!!!!!!! Kevin loves the boy and I have found him much easier than the girls..very few accidents in the house! It's early Sunday morning and we are all going to the beach! Czar is doing things so much earlier as I am sure the other two grown ones are teaching him..he caught his first bird in the park the other day(a little wounded bird that couldn't fly..but we got it from him..he didn't hurt it any more than it already was)..Natasha seems to think she can fly up trees and catch squirrels..but she hasn't caught one yet..she did get a mother duck by the tail but it got away! The three of them are alot of work and very expensive(chicken and rice..yogurt..cheese appetizers..and sometimes ice cream) but what a joy..it seems like they are all I live for..I adore them all!!!!!!!!
Melanie Sasha Natasha and Czar
----- Original Message -----
From: Nicole
To: Sherry
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 2:42 PM
Subject: Black Beauty
Hi Sherry,
Thanks for Black Beauty! I know she will fit in just right around here! We got home and had to go outside to the bath room in the drizzling rain and the horses found her very interesting from the other side of the fence. lol she was a little nervous and I had to carry her into the house. Once inside she felt like she needed a nap and is sleeping as I speak right now. I sent you pictures of her that I just took. I think in a few days she will be running around like she has always lived here! We will take good care of her. Thank you.
Good Luck at the show; we will call you and see how her Daddy did!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2005 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: family portrait sort of
> That's awful cute-thanks for going to all the trouble-have you ever seen a
> cuter expersion on our little girl's face. She sure has some charisma--
> You sure can tell you take good care of your babies.
> Thanks,
> Susan
----- Original Message -----
From: Larry and Susan
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2005 11:59 AM
Subject: 1st Day
She doing fine-been asleep for quite a while this morning, but she was running around in the yard, chasing her toys and retreiving them back to us. She was trying to keep up w/Ramus and did a pretty good job, he's so gentle w/her.
She pottied right when I put her down on the grassy area last night-then again in the yard, and so on today-not one accident, she's so smart. She ate well, and I gave her her pill, just plopped her down on my lap and pilled her-went right down.
It only took her 1/2 the ride home from the airport last night to come around and start chewing on her towel we had in the front seat. The lady at the parking gate, kept us there for quite a while, saying how beautiful she was, and is.
Will tell you more later on-so far a sheer delight-she sure can run-she was chasing her shadow last night about 1:00.
Don't you have shows this weekend? Good luck!
From: Deborah
To: Shefaro
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 2:54 PM
Subject: Bed Mates
Well, here is the first of my BorBoys. I'm just learning how to use this camera. They are so cute--animated while vacillating between coy, demure, timid and devilish, stealthy. When Zorro (the bigger blaze) knocked Diego (the smaller one) into the pool he was frantic, pacing and whimpering, and right at Steven's feet when he grabbed Diego up in a towel and brought him to me. They love and cuddle each other, then turn around and gnaw of each other--lots of yelping going on---their teeth are sharp and they bite each other pretty hard. They are clown hounds, bubba boys, and sanitation engineers. They eat dirt, plants, sticks, bark, the deck, snails (they seem particularly fond of these), paper towels, buckets, my robe (while I'm in it!), and the list is growing each new area they find to explore .
----- Original Message -----
From: Virginia
To: shefaro
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:33 AM
Subject: YOU
I was looking at your website and it shows demonstratively how much the owners you have chosen for your kids love them. and what good lives, because of your careful choices your kids have.
Sherry, you are really an inspiration to others with the love and care you have chosen to take to make this magnificent breed happy, not only in the correct breeding which produces physical health, which in turn produces freedom and calmness of mind - but the joy you have introduced into the lives of your borzoi owners and the relevant joy that has translated itself to your pups is unprecedented in my travels.....and I have travelled and have seen lots of borzois.
I just wanted to say this.
Kindest personal regards
----- Original Message -----
From: <carlina>
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 12:55 AM
Subject: Puppyfind.com - Regarding Pup Options
> It is wonderfull to see a breeder carefully monitoring buyers of their pups. If there were more breeders like you who took the time and made the effort to ensure good homes for their little ones there wouldn't be such a tremendous need for all of the overburdened rescue/adoption facilities that are popping up everywhere. Keep up the good work and God bless!
----- Original Message -----
From: Goldman
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: Guerrero
Hi there,
We wanted to let you know that we have adopted Prince Nikolai of Ward, aka Guerrero, from the Wards August 27, 2005. He is absolutely wonderful, sweet, loving, and gorgeous, and also has the companionship of Ronan, our 2 year old Irish wolfhound. Right now Nikolai is sound asleep on the sofa after making it into our bed last night. He fit into our home immediately, even using the doggie door without us having to show him. If you'd like, we can send you some photos as soon as my husband downloads them. Also, if there is any information you'd like to share with us about him, we'd greatly appreciate it.
Needless to say, Nikolai has a home for life. We are humbled and honored to have this precious creature in our life.
The Wards are also incredibly kind and loving people, and they hold you in the highest esteem.
Ron & Doreen
----- Original Message -----
From: Goldman
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 2:14 AM
Subject: Re: Nikolai
After seeing your photo of Nikolai with a toy, we bought one for him today, and I wish you could have seen him. He went crazy, throwing it up in the air and running after it when I threw it. He's such a happy dog.
I do have a question. I've noticed that some of your dogs have become certified therapy dogs. How does this work, and do you think Nikolai would enjoy something like that after he's had more time to adjust to his new home?
----- Original Message -----
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 3:52 PM
Subject: hi from colorado with the goats
> Just thought I would email you and give you a up date on the goats and Jack.
> The goat our great. Jack is out living beside them. They our all doing
> good. We had a busy summer.
> The Fainting goat I got for my x sister in law it two little ones Sat.
> they are so cute...
> I will get picture of everything and email it to you.
> Talk to you soon.
> Mary
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephanie Smith"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2005 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: Rubio
> Hi Sherry,
> He is so great! We have been having so much fun with him it has been crazy.
> He is eating well, using the outdoor facilities and loving the attention.
> More later...
> Stephanie
----- Original Message -----
From: Stephanie Smith
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 2:36 PM
Subject: Monday
Hi Sherry,
I am going to try a couple of photos. He is doing great! Not so thrilled with the crate but we are getting there. Great on his leash and he loved his first walk this morning. We have named him Mishka - the Russian diminutive of Mikhail. Our old dog's name was Micah and of course we have Molly so a Russian name close to Micah that began with an M was a given. It is perfect for him. We cannot believe his personality and how well suited it is for our family. He is similar to Micah's personality and he already LOVES Brennan.
Hope these come through...I change the camera settings to "email".
PS: someone will take a picture of the three of us together in the next few days!
----- Original Message -----
From: NJHarley
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2005 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: Hi Sherry...
We just got home about 1/2 hour ago from petsmart with her. I cant even tell you the amount of compliments we get every single time we're out in public with Sable. Tho I have to say nothing tickles me more than when we go somewhere and I hear someone say......"ohhhhhhhh, look at the greyhound"!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
----- Original Message -----
From: Cashi
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2005 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: (no subject)
hi sherry,
we just got home!
she is so so so sweet!!!!!
we drove home with her on carlos's lap.
she is so beautiful.
she started to kiss our faces right away.
she is right now in the middle of our bed with pinto have biscuits!!!
pinto has kissed her and smelled her and barks at her because he wants to play!!!
we are so happy. thank you..
our best,
----- Original Message -----
From: Virginia
To: shefaro
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 11:07 AM
Going to Texas, and visiting you, Sherry and your incredible dogs, was one of the highlights of my life. You gave us lots of treats, biscuits and cheese to give to the dogs and let us share in the extraordinary beauty and character of your world-famous pets. One of the main reasons I came back twice, in addition to wanting to take more time to bond with the dogs, that I was going to take with me, was to be with you and your calm and ordered beautiful environment. I am in LA and run my own large business. That speaks for itself.
I have had Borzois for twenty years and I have witnessed many types and categories of Borzoi's, therefore, I consider myself an expert. Your breed line is the best and most consistent that I have ever seen. Despite the heat of Texas, your dogs have the most amazing coats and their character is gentle and friendly. They have adapted so very well in my home. As you know they had a 16 hour trip by air being shunted back and forth because of the hurricane and Houston's refusal to take animals at the last minute. I was totally amazed at how they adapted to that too. That says a lot for the breeding Sherry and a lot for you too!!
Thank you so very much for these wonderful pups.
Kindest personal regards
----- Original Message -----
From: Dee
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 4:53 PM
Subject: Tigress
Here's a quick picture of Tigress in her new home. She's doing great! Housetraining is going well. She didn't even wake me up last night to go out. She's had a little difficulty with the steps but is now getting up and down even the big flight fairly well. Yesterday we walked a couple of miles. She had a ball catching grasshoppers. The girls love her and she's fitting right in. We just need to convince her that the cats live here and are not for her to chase. I'm sure that will come soon. We start puppy class tomorrow evening with Dr. Creese. Everyone at the vet's office is excited to meet her. I'll send more pictures soon.
----- Original Message -----
From: Lori
To: shefaro
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: White Female Anatolian Puppy Deposit
Ok...her name is Karli which is Turkish for "covered with snow". I think that fits, don't you?
I am so excited and look forward to the pictures.
Thanks for making this so easy.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bev
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2005 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Sister pup...
In a message dated 10/8/2005 2:40:40 PM Pacific Standard Time, shefaro@ev1.net writes:
check out the webpage and you'll see your girl is marked yours.
I'll be happy to help you with goats, too, when you're ready
Hi Sherry,
You do such a wonderful service for your potential buyers as well as your buyer/owners on your terrific website! It's such fun viewing the babies and seeing ones name on the chosen pup!! And, to watch it grow...thanks so much. Glad PayPal came thru okay.
I appreciate your offer to help with locating goats for me...it will probably be first of the year.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sharon"
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2005 8:29 PM
Subject: Re: Garden Boots
> Hi, again,
> I went to your website and want to tell you how much I admire your
> philosophy on raising animals. The Borzoi are beautiful!! And, I can see that you have a lot of fields to roam about in with the animals.
> It looks like a wonderful place!
> My husband and I adopt or rescue senior Chihuahuas that are in need of homes. The two we have now are my constant companions since I work from home full time now. You cannot ask for better company. Congratulations on the beautiful new puppies, also!
> Regards,
> Sharon
----- Original Message -----
From: Patricia
To: shefaro
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 6:39 AM
Subject: Re: Cisne/Tosca update
So far , so good. Cisne LIKES my cooking, and has been eating, she hasn't really touched the dry food...It has been raining for DAYS here, therefore the girls just go outside to their business, then come in. They have been playing indoors , Cisne likes all the stuffed toys, and parades around with them. Tosca is so thrilled to play with her,,,it is so cool to see them on the floor rolling around together. Tosca also LOVES to groom her, licking her ears and snuggling and submitting to her at feeding time....Tova sniffs her, and goes walkies on the brace, but doesn't play with her (which is to be expected with an older bitch).... I am trying to make sure to show afffection to ALL of them, so there is no jealousy.
When I return home, I am now greeted by THREE jumping happy borzoi, the sad part is when I am pulling out of the drive,,,to see 3 sad faces looking out the window!!
Thats the update for now,,,,and I will send pics when I can.
----- Original Message -----
From: Mary Logan
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: Rodrigo!!
Dear Sherry,
I did go to your website. Some of the links didn't open for me, but I'll try back later. Love the little Anatolian Shepherd babies!
Your home page should be seen by every American.
Best wishes,
From: Ron & Gwyn
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 22:32:41 -0400
Subject: Re: Gabe arrived
To: shefaro
gabe is here and he is fine. He was happy and full of energy! He deferred
to the sheep and goats but still wants to chase the chickens and ducks. Ron
said he just needs a few days to get to know them supervised so that he
knows they are his. He said he showed good instinct and was very sweet and
He is a good boy and marked all corners of his field. He was clean and
looked like he had not lost any weight. I have not weighed him because I
don't have any scales to easily do it.
Anyway he is doing great and seems no worse for the wear! I will update you
more as he deveolps here!
----- Original Message -----
From: Keri
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: it's a small world
Yes, after finding out last night they had to be billy goats, I went searching like crazy on the internet for goats for sale in Texas. She was one of the few that was in the central to south Texas area -- there were actually alot in West Texas, like Sonora and Abilene (way to far). I called her this morning and luckily found two.
Thank you so much for actually calling to look around for me. It's rare in today's world to meet nice, honest people that are still willing to help others!
shefaro <shefaro@ev1.net> wrote:
I was emailing with Marita of Rocking W Goats and asking her about what she had in the way of show goats. She told me she had a lady coming up from Laredo today to buy two. I am sure that's you.
Good luck and let me know how it went.
Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Shefaro Borzoi and Boer Goats
San Antonio - Home City of NBA WORLD CHAMPIONS San Antonio Spurs
Texas - Home State of President George W. Bush
----- Original Message -----
From: Dee
To: shefaro
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:33 PM
Subject: Tigress update
Just a note to let you know that we totally love Tigress. What a honey!!! I am sold on Borzois and on Shefaro in particular. She is everything you said and better--beautiful and just as sweet as she can be. She is my shadow. She's rarely more than a few feet from me. She loves to go with me in the car--all I have to do is pick up my car keys and she's at the door ready to go. She's worked out an uneasy truce with the cats. They don't run anymore so they aren't any fun anyway. She had her spay operation last week and did great. Everybody at the vet's office commented on what a lover she is. We had to miss puppy class because of her surgery so we'll start again next week. The first week she was a little intimidated by the other pups. She'd only been here a couple of days and was a little unsure of herself. I'm sure next time she'll enjoy herself and play more.
She's quite the conversation starter as well. Since Carbondale is the home of the Southern Illinois University Salukis, the question I get all the time is "Oh, is it a saluki?" Of course I can tell them no, she's better! We are truly grateful to have her as a part of our family. We'll keep you updated.
Hope all is going well for you. I've been watching the pups grow on the website. They are cuties. Saw Guillermo at the Houston Eukanuba Dog Show on Animal Planet. What a handsome guy! It was great to hear your name as breeder.
Well, I'll sign off for now. Tigress sends kisses to her Mom Sherry and her thanks for giving her such a great start. I'll write again soon.
----- Original Message -----
From: Cathy B
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 1:53 AM
Subject: Your site is great
I just had to write you and tell you I had the most fun reading through your web site. Your borzoi's are truly beautiful. It brought tears to my eye's reading the Borzoi Ten Commandments. Would you mind if I printed them off? I would love to read them at our next club meeting. God Bless All
Cathy Bailey
----- Original Message -----
From: Donna
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: Your Babies
Hello, Just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed watching the Anatolian babies grow. I am 64 and spend most of my time at home. We picked up an Anatolian/Great Pyrenees pup at 8wk. three years ago. We have never had such loving dog and there has been a few over the years. We live in town with a large fenced yard and he seems very happy to be a conpanion, loves to cuddle on the bed in the evening and also keeps me company all day long. I look forward watching your pups.
----- Original Message -----
From: <wazzner>
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: empty nest!
Dear Sherry,
Argus is safely home. We are three hours from Memphis-we gave him water and potty breaks on the way home. The rest of the time he snuggled up in my arms. Our animals at home are slowly warming up to him already. He ate a big bowl of puppy food and did his buisness outside. He has a wonderful personality!!! Right now he is asleep beside me on the couch. We are in love-thank you for this joyous addition to our family. I will send pictures in he next few days.
Hugs and kisses from Argus. Give Dolly and Cujo a big hug and thanks-Does Dolly miss her pups?
The Wassner Family!
----- Original Message -----
From: Tony & Judy
To: Sherry Rodarmor
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 1:12 PM
Subject: CH. Shefaro Champagne Katya
Hi Sherry,
Just a note to let you know Katya is now a Champion. She finished yesterday under judge Mr. Randy E. Garren. The super is MB_F Inc. The show was Greater Phila.Dog Fanciers assoc.,Inc. Held at Fort Washington Expo Center, Fort Washington,Pa. I have no ribbons or details. Will know more next week. I am so proud of her. She is a doll.
----- Original Message -----
From: "hank bourg"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2005 7:37 AM
Subject: Re: Bubba???????? or XXX stud to be ?????
> Hey Bubba is doing great he already thinks he owns the place as soon as I
> turned my female pyr loose for her night patrol he proceeded to make love to
> her it was funny What kind of dog have you sent me ??? he and his girl
> friend are keeping watch over the birds and doing a good job. Thanks
> for a great dog. Hank
----- Original Message -----
From: Heidi
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2005 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: Lola Rouge
Red girl who is "now" Lola-Rouge...(for the day anyway) <lol>
...we have had such a wonderful day, she acts as though she has lived here her whole 8 wk. life!!! she is verrryyy loved!!!
thank you so much for such a lovely puppy
hugs from Lolarouge,
PS I forgot to tell you!
puppy and Claire shared Claire's nice comfy bed last night, I went in to tuck them in and they were both "completely sacked out" I'm not sure who wore whom out! Girla joined them a bit later, and they all woke up very happy this morning... we all went outside and had a great morning! I think she gets to sleep with me tonight, although that means I'll get Claire and Girla too... poor Kevin <G>
----- Original Message -----
From: Cindy
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: Matisse at the airport...leaving
What a night we had -- the weather conditions are horrible, and the flight out of SLC was delayed over an hour. Once the flight arrived in Billings, I didn't get my hands on him for over an hour (this is a very small airport) - so it was 6:45 by the time I got him into the Explorer to head home. He had a long day. But! I have him now and he's BEAUTIFUL!! Haven't had any sucess going potty outside - the minute his feet hit the snow, he sits down and looks at me like "you gotta be kidding!" He has a darling cable knit nordic sweater which he thinks is dumb. But he gets cold really fast when he's outside. He ate, drank and is now being wild. The rugs are great fun.
His Snuggle Puppy is all ready (as I was reading instructions - there is even an appropriate spot to put a bottle through in case you have a kitten or puppie on formula. I thought that was pretty cool).
Well, I'm going to go get something to eat and I talk to you later.
Thank you - for bringing me this beautiful little soul.
Cindy, Ruby, Tempo and Matisse home at last!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dennis Varda"
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: Pyrenees/Anatolian shepherd pups
> Thank you for responding, Sorry to take so long to get back to you, breeding
> season for the does. After a little more reseach I found some farm raised
> pyr's in Wisconsin within driving distance. We really liked your web site
> (yes we said a prayer)the anat x pyr's are lovely, if it weren't for the
> freight they're my first pick by far!!!! Thank you so much for your time
> again!! Vardafarm
----- Original Message -----
From: Kim
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 7:42 PM
Subject: Anatolian Sheperd
My husband and I are looking for a male Anatolian Shepherd puppy. Could you please let me know if you have any puppies available or will in the near future.
By the way, I was really impressed by your words of support for our President. It was very refreshing, especially since I live in California and have to hear so much disrespect and ugliness towards our country.
----- Original Message -----
> From: <wazz>
> To: "Sherry" <shefaro@ev1.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 4:31 PM
> Subject: Argus
> >
> Dear Sherry,
> Argus is growing-over 15 lbs now-what a delightful boy. He slid into our
> family and hearts without effort. Here are some pixs.
> Thanks
> Sybille
----- Original Message -----
From: <melinda@comcast.net>
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2005 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: Puppyfind.com - Regarding Anatolian F
> Hi,
> I inquired about your puppies a couple months ago. I could not afford the shipping fee, so I took your advice and started looking for a puppy at local pet shelters.
> After searching for a little while I found a shelter that had a litter of 7 puppies
> part husky and maybe part Austrialian sherpherd. 3 days before Christmas I receive my big bundle of joy. Thank you for your recommendation. Attached are a couple of photos of Throne that is his name.
> Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
> Melinda
> -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net
To: <melinda@comcast.net>>
> Thank you for your quick response,My pleasure. I talked to my husband
> > and he will not be making the
> > trip to San Antonio until the summer 2006.That is a long way off. This is the
> > first time I have inquired about puppies on the Internet and did not know what
> > to ask.You did fine. At this time our finance will not allow us to purchase
> > one of the puppies I am sorry. If you don't have finances now, and I am
> > being very serious and very sincere, and your life, heart and home are open to
> > having a puppy, why don't you go to the humane society and adopt a puppy? You
> > will be saving a life and you will have a friend for life. My second dog,
> > Boots, was a pound puppy. She was a Cockapoo way before it was vogue to be one.
> > She was a great dog. I can't do that now because of my life, but you can.
> > I really didn't know how much shipping would cost. I will continue to check your
> > website for any upcoming litters. You will always have the problem as to
> > shipping costs which will never get lower - fuel, etc.
> > But if you are open to a puppy, please go to the pound and rescue one and please
> > tell me all about it with pictures.
> > You are in a very lucky position to have an open life, heart and home for a
> > puppy and I think saving one is about as good as it gets.
> > I really mean it.
> > >
> > > Thank you for your time. My pleasure and God Bless you and your husband. I
> > hope God will keep him safe. My webpage pays tribute to men like him.
> > www.shefaro.com
> >
> > Please save a puppy's life and please tell me all about it with a picture.
> > God Bless.
> >
> >Sherry
----- Original Message -----
From: holly
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 6:46 PM
Subject: puppy question
Ms. Rodarmor
I found you on Puppyfinder.com and viewed your website. I've been researching for several months in order to identify the dog breed which best suits my husband and me. He and I have recently purchased a home in Austin, TX. I'm a supervisor for an Invesigations unit for Children's Protective Services. He's a Detective for Austin Police Department. He'll very likely be moving soon to a department which will require him to work even more nights. Despite the fact that we live in a nice neighborhood (low crime) and have an ADT alarm system, I can't help but feel really alone at times. It's likely caused by my daily exposure to the not nice people in society and their constant threats.
I want a calm dog who has the instinctive ability to protect me. Through my research I've found that there are few breeds who are instinctivly both calm and protective. You have three of these breeds Antolian Shepherd, Great Pyrenees and Akbash. I noticed that you've recently bred your Great Pyrenees and Antolian Shepherd. This greatly interests me. If the pictures are half as precious as these pups you've definetly got some little gems on your hands.
I decided to be a bit personal in this email due to your strict guidelines for adopting/purchasing your pups. This really impresses me also.
One last thing, my husband is not only a Police Officer, he served in Marine corps for four and a half years.
Please consider us as prospective parents.
Thank you,
Holly and Frank
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ann"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 10:49 PM
Subject: Safe Arrival
Dear Sherry:
> She is beautiful, happy, and healthy. I am speechless. Thank you
> so much. I will call you tomorrow.
> Ann
----- Original Message -----
From: Cosme and Carlos
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: Pastor
Hi Sherry,
He arrived in good condition and was just very very tired.
When his crate arrived in the airport arrival office he was crying his heart out; actually howling !!!
He curled up in Carlos's arms as we drove home.
He began kissing and got comfortable....
At home the kids just started kissing him frantically.
It was unbelievable. After he ate, drank and had his potty break, he was exausted, as were we, and went to bed..
He curled up and slept on my neck....and so did Paloma......and so did Pinto!!!!!
imagine it!!!
I could barely breath...
Carlos couldn't stop laughing!!!!
He is beautiful...A real special gift from above....
Can't wait to see him running around...
Brgds and Thank you!!!
Will take pictures on weekend...I am taking a few days off to be with him upstate.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Madey
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2006 10:44 AM
Subject: Gus & Belle
Dear, Sherry, I just want to let you know that the 2 pups i got from you are the best dogs i ever owned. The whole family is in love with them. My daughter named them Gus and Belle. Gus is already 80 lbs and is handsome. Belle is 50 lbs and a bundle of energy. They get along wonderfully and have the nicest dispositions. They are the easiest dogs to train i ever had and i've had alot of dogs. I mailed you pictures because i don't know how to send them on the computer. Thanks Again, Bill Madey
----- Original Message -----
From: Susan
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 2:20 PM
Subject: Testimonial
Dear Sherry,
I can never thank you enough for letting Mikaela into my life. Besides being stunningly beautiful, she is intelligent, sweet-natured and loving. She learns quickly and has fit right into our home. She is far more than I ever dreamt of and has quickly completely stolen my heart. I can't believe I waited so long to get a Borzoi, but I think that instead of waiting for a Borzoi, I was waiting for Mikaela. Again, I thank you with all my heart. Susan
----- Original Message -----
From: Constance
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 3:33 PM
Subject: Love Your Web Site
I LOVE your web site. I am looking for information about Borzoi puppies but was pleasantly surprised by your appeal of prayers for George Bush. We feel the same way in our family.
We don’t always agree with Mr. Bush but we respect him and pray for him. He is OUR president.
I am interested in a puppy. We currently have an adopted greyhound and a cat. We have tried to adopt other retired racers but it did not work out with the cat. I have always loved the look of the Borzoi and would like information about future puppies.
Thank you,
----- Original Message -----
From: Nancy
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 7:23 AM
Subject: Puppyfind.com - Regarding Pup Options
> Hi Sherry,
> I just wanted to write and let you know it is so good to see a breeder that truly cares about where her "children" go. I commend you greatly!
> Thanks so much!
> Nancy
----- Original Message -----
From: jennifer
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 10:05 AM
Subject: RE: there she goes!
Dear Sherry - Our little "Sasha" is happy and precious as can be. My husband is in love, and she has just pushed her herself right into our big dog's heart - sleeping on top of her, standing in between her legs, and curling up to her tummy and behind.
We love her to death, and I think she is going to be very happy! Thank you so much. Jenn and Tim Smith.
PS As time goes by we will try to get our technologies together and send some pictures
----- Original Message -----
From: "Patricia"
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2006 6:51 AM
Subject: 3 pictures for you
Good morning Sherry... Little white puppy girl Yaffah is home safe and
She is so beautiful, like her name.
Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts. I am trying to send
you 3 pictures of my husband and me and our 16 year old son he adores
her too!
Much thanks and here you go:
Kisses from YAFAH! And a hug or two too! Bart
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephanie"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2006 11:52 AM
Subject: Daisy Mae
> Good afternoon. Just wanted to let you know that we made it home
> safely. Daisy is so sweet. I will send you some pictures in a few days
> but right now I am headed back to bed! We are all pooped!
> Thanks!
> Stephanie
----- Original Message -----
From: Jamie Fielden
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: Kenya
I am sorry I haven't written sooner. Kenya is doing great! She was a little worried at first, but is coming around now. I will try to get you a picture soon.
Thanks SO much for everything! We are very pleased!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Laura"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: There she goes!
> Good morning-
> I think that we have the sweetest puppy in the world! We decided to name
> her Lola. She was pretty scared when I picked her up at the airport- she
> didn't even want to come out of her cage but once she was out, she was ok.
> She is very loving- she loves licking and kissing but at the same time she
> is very playful too. We are just loving her up!
> My husband was very surprised and so, so, so happy! He has wanted a dog for
> so long and he really loves Lola. Plus, since it is his dog- he gets up
> with her at night:) She is doing a good job with potty-training. She
> hasn't had an accident on the floor yet and she even pawed at our sliding
> glass door to go outside. But today is the first day where she will be left
> alone for a while as we both have to work and I'm sure she won't make it all
> day. She is probably crying :(
> She made a lot of new dog friends yesterday at my parents house; Lucy and
> Bella, 2 cocker spaniel sisters, Mia and Bubba, brother and sister chow
> dogs, and Adrian a mix. She did pretty well with them and wanted to play
> but her favorite friend is my cat at home. The cat is about the same size
> as her and they literally wrestle each other to the ground. The cat is an
> indoor-outdoor cat and whenever she sees him outside, she runs over to where
> ever he is at. They are really funny together. Once she starts growing
> though- I'm sure they won't be doing that anymore.
> Thank you- I'll send some pictures of her at her new house pretty soon!
> Laura
From: "Charles and Marla"
To: "'shefaro'" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Subject: RE: Zea
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 05:45:12 -0800
...Sherry, I've been busy between work and Zea and have wanted
to write to you. Zea arrived and in great shape. She hasn't cried or
whimpers for mamma yet. She took to her new home right away we now
are taking her outside more to get acquainted with the surroundings.
Jake our Great Dane shows signs of jealousy at times and then other
times he's protective of her. We want to say thank you very much for
Zea. I took some pictures yesterday and will attach them to this e-mail.
If you would please on the vaccines which shots has she had I understand
that in different parts of the country different shots are required?
We've taken her to the vet and have her on a puppy plan for her next 4
Chuck and Marla
----- Original Message -----
From: Holly
To: shefaro
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 9:52 PM
Subject: We're Wonderful!!!
Oso (which means bear in Spanish) is doing FABULOUS!!!
He hasn't had one accident in the home! He seems to be already potty trained. I just open the door say "Potty" and he goes out and does his business. Then I make a fuss over his good job and he just licks and licks me. He's such a smart little boy.
I've introduced him to everyone and they absolutley love him. I've been taking him to work with me and everyone there loves him too. They say they've never seen me so happy. I just feel great when he's with me.
Today is my birthday so of course we went to work. Played during breaks by running around outside acting completely silly. Then we got home and the neighbors who have 2 little girls spotted Oso. Oso perked up and played and played and played with them. He played so much in fact that after about 30 minutes he ran from the girls and hid in his crate. Guess he was pooped out cause the girls were so energetic.
Frank loves him too, but I can't imagine someone loving him more than me. I'm definitely attached BIG TIME. He and Frank have this little bark and growl game that Oso doesn't do with me. It's rather interesting really. Seems to me like Oso is trying to be Frank's boss. Oso also seems to stick a bit closer to me than Frank.
He's so smart Sherry. We already play a little bit of fetch with this really cute little ball I bought him.
Today I bought some special sensitive puppy shampoo and I think we'll tackle our first bath. All that play has gotten Oso a bit stinky, but I don't really mind.
My kitty cat, Mr. Sphinx, doesn't really know what to think about Oso so he just sits and watches him. Oso of course is bigger than Mr. Sphinx already.
Ok if you're wanting to hear the not so good news it would be that he's eaten practically all my trees I planted in the back yard and he knocked Mr. Sphinx cat bowl over and it broke into a million pieces. I really don't mind all this though. I can always buy a new bowl and it'll be fun to dig in the dirt with Oso and plant new trees.
His poop is great solid not runny, he's eating as he pleases, he enjoys his special treats, he loves his rawhide chew toys ....oh and of course he loves my shoes too. I had to put all my shoes away (no more scatter here and there) because I want to stop that catastrophe before it starts.
....guess I've typed your ears off :)
....gotta go get that bubble bath started with Oso!
Holly :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathleen"
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 6:38 PM
Subject: Request for Puppy Application
> Sherry,
> I have been pouring over your website and very much
> appreciated your dedicated portion honoring the troops
> battling our enemies and your request for prayers for
> President Bush. While I was anxious to get to the
> borzois, I was captivated by the lovely patriotic
> tribute you created. I was in the U.S. Air Force and
> had never seen the 'Angel' decoy flares--those were
> marvelous photos I probably never would have seen
> otherwise. Thank you so much for sharing all of that
> on your site.
> I would be delighted to complete your puppy
> application and answer any questions you have about my
> suitability as a new parent for one of your puppies.
> Accordingly, please e-mail the application and I will
> complete it and return it.
> Sincerely,
> Kathleen
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arabella"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 1:11 AM
Subject: update
> hiya Sherry.
> Just wanted to make sure you got my last e-mail and photos to you. My e-mail has really been messing up lately and I have no idea as to why. Indigo is an absolute joy and loves Alysa to pieces. She loves to sit on the couch with me and watch my late night cartoons. Always has a lick for Alysa when she wakes up. And she loves to sleep, Boy can she ever sleep! She has rolled of the bed several times and didn't even wake up! When she did hours later she looked around like "Hey, how did I get down here?" She is so wonderful and affectionate with both me and Alysa. Thank you so much!!!!
> Arabella, Alysa, Indigo
> Eternally,
> Arabella
----- Original Message -----
From: Stephanie
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 1:48 PM
Subject: Daisy Mae
Hi Sherry. Hope you and Lily are doing well! I just wanted to let you know that Daisy Mae is doing great. I am attaching some pictures for you. The vet said that she is a happy, healthy puppy. She is up to 15 pounds! She is soooo good and very smart! Thank you for taking such good care of her. Take care.
----- Original Message -----
From: Alan
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: Introduction and hello and thanks!
Not a problem at all, Sherry
I believe that the breeder is responsible for the mentoring of anybody new to the breed!
I have been to your web-site and have seen your post's from time to time and am convinced that you are a breeder with integrity, So I thought it was only right to redirect her back to you.
It is my hope that any of my pups that are out there, that there owners come to me first.
See you on the boards!
----- Original Message -----
From: luis
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 7:05 PM
Subject: from Argentina
Hi I am intersting in buy a borzoi from your kennel. I live in Buenos Aires. I was watching to your web site and want to know about possibilities to buy a puppy of your litters. Your dogs really shine!!! I was amazed about the quality of those fabulous dogs !!! Here in Argentina there very few borzois, in fact there just one kennel who breed borzoi and I am intersting in buy a really good one, champions breed.
I will be greatfull to receive information about blood lines and the possibilities to import a borzoi to Argentina.
----- Original Message -----
From: cowen family
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 12:25 PM
Subject: Michigan Puppy- Lola
Greetings from Michigan!
Just wanted to update you- Lola is doing well and growing fast. She weighs 24 pounds now and is tall, with long legs. She has been averaging about 2-3 pounds a week gain. She is keeping us quite busy- she likes to pick up anything that is on the ground to chew on including shoes, stones, t-shirts, etc. We have to keep her on constant puppy-watch!
She has become the love of our lives though. She is very calm and good natured and gives puppy-kisses to anyone who wants them- even people that she meets when she is walking. We couldn't have asked for a better dog.
Her fence is under construction right now in our yard so she will have an area to go outside in where we can just leave her for a while and she can play. Right now- every time she wants out, we go out with her. This would be okay except Lola loves to be outside! She will go outside and just lay in the grass and watch things for hours at a time! (Remember cold Michigan weather) Brrr!
Here are some pictures- a couple older ones and then a few recent ones of Lola and her new family.
Take care,
----- Original Message -----
From: Larry
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 9:33 PM
Subject: Fw: Pretty girl Sabrina
Just got home a little bit ago from a visit to Montclair Nursing Home, and thought I'd share some pictures w/you. Sabrina has been going now for months, and the residents love her. She's so gentle w/all, really inwardly knows to be careful w/these special people.
Also incuded some pictures of her on each side, so you can see how she's grown.
Hope this finds you well and the dogs all enjoying themselves-
Thanks again for Sabrina.
Hugs and kisses from her-
----- Original Message -----
From: Monica
To: shefaro
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 9:04 PM
Subject: arrival at Bully Hollow
Hi Sherry,
She's beautiful!!!! Her plane was delayed in Cincinnati due to weather so she was an hour late but worth the wait. She was a little nervous and immediately snuggled close when I took her out of her crate. She traveled well in the car drive home and has settled in for the night but not before a brief introduction to the alpacas, they seemed to do very well for a brief introduction, it was getting dark and of course a few pictures to send to you. I I'll let you know how things progress. I'm sure all will be great!
Take Care,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 1:58 PM
Subject: RE: Kamali
I sent you an email as soon as we got home last night. It took the
airlines 1 1/2 hours after the plane landed, before they brought her to
the counter. She was soooo excited to get out of that crate. What a
snuggler, she loves to be held & cuddled. Everyone absolutely loves
her...she is beautiful.
----- Original Message -----
From: <wandw>
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 6:08 AM
Subject: A message from NZ
> Good morning,
> I just wanted to say how amazing your web site is. I was lucky enough to have a lovely borzoi adopt me for 14 incredible years.
> Your web site reminds me how much love and companionship I miss.
> Regards from Elena in New Zealand
----- Original Message -----
From: Chapman
To: shefaro
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 10:59 AM
Subject: Kamali
Kamali is doing fantastic, what a wonderful puppy, she fits our family perfectly. I took her to my Vet for her next puppy shots & did she ever get a lot of attention. She has the distinction of being the first Anatolian Shepherd in their clinic….everyone had to see her & pet her. Of course she loved the attention, and passed her new puppy exam with flying colors. Kamali is not like any dog I have ever had, no whining or barking….she loves to just sit and observe and look wise beyond her age. Thank you so much for allowing me the privilege of being Kamali’s human.
Christi L.
----- Original Message -----
From: Crucpart
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: Sorry for the Spurs
Thanks Sherry. The pictures are great.
Rodrigo looks like quite a fine canine............a credit to the breed. This lovely dog has an owner that sets the bar very high for attention to the needs of the animal. My admiration goes out to you again.
Best regards,
Brad Ward
President & CEO LeadDog, Inc.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dee Chambers
To: shefaro
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 12:35 PM
Hello from Tigress and I. She is doing great and we are thrilled with her. We celebrated our shared birthday in February. I had a cake, she had a cheese stick--still her favorite treat! She's such a part of the family that it's hard to remember when she wasn't here. She's just as sweet as she can be and of course she's the most beautiful dog I've ever seen. This is Tigress at doggy class. We still go to a class that Dr. Creese teaches. It's very informal but she's really learning and loves it. She's definitely teacher's pet!
We walk around the lake at Southern Illinois University almost every day and she loves it--she meets many new people and dogs there. I've lost more than 15 pounds since getting her so not only is she a best friend, she's a great weight loss aide as well. Hope all is going well for you. Kisses from Tigress!
----- Original Message -----
From: Janice Conrads
To: Sherry Faye Rodamor
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 11:38 AM
Subject: Our girl
Hi Sherry,
Just wanted to let you know she arrived safely and we just love her. She's beautiful and so sweet! We didn't get in bed until about 2:00 am, so I'm pretty tired right now. I'll get some pictures a little later and send them. Just wanted to let you know in the meantime that all is good.
Here are a few pictures of our girl. She is fitting right in with our pack. I can't believe how mellow she is. I'm so used to high strung IGs I hardly know what to do! We have still not decided on a name, but now we are leaning towards Pasha. It helps to have met her and get a feel for her personality. We will probably decide by tomorrow.
'til later,
----- Original Message -----
From: Bethany
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 2:32 AM
Subject: We're home
Thank you so much! She's adorable! Right now she's laying on the bed snoozing. She did really well on the trip home. Her puppy classes start on August 1st, and the lady who is teaching them is really nice. I'll talk more later, and send some pictures. Right now I am zonked, I had to get up at 4 this morning for work. I did nap on the way home from Kansas City, but that's just not the same as actually sleeping in a bed. Kisses from Tasha, and hugs to you and the rest of the gang!
P.S. Tasha thinks that my mothers Sylvia are a danger to the family and
must be destroyed!
My mom doesn't agree.
---- Original Message -----
From: "Gene Childers"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: puppy girl
> Sherry,
> Congratulations on having a good show! Lauren is delighted with the new
> pup. Her name is Riley and she is adjusting very well. She has made
> herself Queen of the castle and plays with our Lab who is easily 4 times her
> size. We really enjoy having her around and being part of the family.
> She loves the outdoors for playing and exploring but lets us know when she
> is tired and ready to rest, its time to come inside. She is a good puppy
> with a great disposition.
> We will certainly get in touch with you if we have any questions. Thanks
> again for the pup and the information.
> Gene
Original Message -----
From: "Steven and Sandra Wagner"
To: "Sherry" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:48 PM
Subject: Sara Wagner
> Hi Sherry - We purchased our Sara from you in early Febraury. I just
wanted to give you a quick message and let you know that she is doing so
well and we love her so so much. She has grown quite rappidly and everyone
is always asking "what kind of dog is she"? Thank you once again! we hope
you enjoy the attached picture.
> Sincerely,
> Sandy Wagner
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chapman, Chris"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 2:38 PM
Subject: FW:
This is a picture of Kamali meeting Paris for the first time. Paris had
a very rocky entrance into this world & as you can see by the wrapping
on her leg, she is still not out of the woods. Kamali is so gentle with
her & seems to understand that she's special. Thank you so much for
such a wonderful dog, she is loved by the entire family, including the
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Curtis"
> To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 4:11 PM
> Subject: application request & photo
> Hello Sherry.
> Please send us a application.
> Pam and I just lost our boy Cyrano Merlin about a month ago on 6-20-06. He was 11 1/2 years old and was our first Borzoi. He was a rescue animal that was in pretty bad shape (severely dehydrated and less than 40#) when we > found him. I was able to adopted him the summer of 2000... We had a bond with him
> that we have never had with any other animal. He was a real sweetie! It may be a bit soon yet... but we have just started looking around for another Borzoi when we found your web site.
Like Cyrano Merlin, I don't think we could have come away from your site with a better impression of you and your ideals than we have from reading what you have to say, and looking at your photos.
I am going to send along a few photos of Cyrano Merlin, and his life with us. I hope those photos give you the same good feeling about us as we have about you. Thank you for your time, and consideration.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Curt and Pam
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kara"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:25 AM
Subject: Re: New Charge
> All of your many years of hard work show in the smiling faces of your happy
> dogs - no matter who they go to, and who their best friends are, they are
> all happy and bring such joy to everyone around them.
> A job well done!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathy"
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:09 AM
Subject: puppy
I received my puppy this evening. She is delightful, playful and totally
loving. She did not even have one minute that she seemed afraid of her new
owners. I had my Newfoundland in the truck and they licked each other and
played all the way home... Thanks so much.
----- Original Message -----
From: Yolanda W.
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 8:17 PM
Subject: Got Athena!
Hi Sherry, got Athena today, shes been great. Getting along with the family really well, enjoying the back yard. She is really beautiful and awfully smart. As soon as I can get our pictures uploaded I'll definitely send you them. She is a joy! Thank you so much -Yolanda
----- Original Message -----
From: "Patsy"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: how's it going with Benny and Joon?
> Hi Sherry,
> Sorry, I don't have pictures yet. However, I'm
> happy to report that Benny and Joon are doing
> well. I closed and took possession of the farm
> yesterday, and we took Benny and Joon out there
> for the first time today. They just loved it and
> are so pretty running through the pastures. In
> fact, beginning tonight Matt is staying at the
> farm and will be with them. This will give them
> a chance to get to know the place. So far, so
> good. I'm very pleased with both of them.
> Pat
----- Original Message -----
From: abbie withers
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 4:04 PM
Subject: borzoi
i have been looking through your website at all of your pictures and simply had to write to say how much i enjoyed looking at all of your beautiful dogs.
i am lucky to own five of these wonderful hounds who are all such a huge part of my life and i love them dearly.
it is such a shame you are so far away as i would love a bitch pup from your beautiful cesario one day.
by way of introducing myself and some of my best friends please look at my website www.abbiesanimals.co.uk
my best wishes
abbie withers
england x
----- Original Message -----
From: Karin
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:16 PM
Subject: Mateo
Hi sherry, This is the most amazing dog! He has the temperament of an angel! He continues to thrill me with how exceptionally well he's adapting to such a different world for him. First of all in case you're wondering why I'm calling him a "dog", it's because I want to tell you his new name which he is getting used to already and it fits him. "Valentin" (vah lyen teen) It means strong, vigorous, healthy in the Russian sense of the name....I got it from a Russian friend. I considered many other Russian names, but this is the finalist. I can call him "Val" for short. I know it's a "v" name like Vladimir, but that's what I liked and he has already helped to heal my heart like a "valentine.' I know it's strange for you to hear a new name, but I hope you like it. Everyone else seems to.
I have had him 2 days now and most dogs would not do this well in 2 weeks.....He has mastered all of the stairs and does it on his own all the time....quick study. Last night I moved his bed upstairs by ours, also his food and water and he did really well, was basically quiet and sleeping with some eating all night. Rudy was up early as he has to be out of town for 2 days, so we were all awake with his packing. when he left I had Valentin get up on the bed with me as I was still tired and he acted like he'd always been doing it. Went fast asleep and loved the comfort and all. So we both had a snooze with Chloe on the floor as her legs are too short for up on bed stuff. Then up and about, both dogs out for potty and checking the grounds out. After I took care of some business, I took him on his morning walk. This time instead of pulling around, he heeled, but totally leaned into me the whole time. It was kind of funny and I don't know where he got that new idea; it appeared like he was attached to me, which I didn't mind.
He is learning to love these walks as he sees and smells so many things. Came in from that and he was ready for another nap. He's eating and drinking well and his stool looks good. Boy, does he have a hell of a bladder! (camel boy) lol
He is starting to follow me around the house and if I go up or down he will sometimes stand and cry; I just say "Hey c'mon up or down here, you can do it" and he usually does. Then I took him and Chloe riding in the truck and we went to the Vitamin store where you can take your dogs in. I had both of them on leash all through a parking lot and by a bunch of stores into the H. Food store. While I got and was paying for my stuff, he was just patient and well behaved....he let people pet him and seemed to know just what we were doing. Then back into the truck and into San Carlos, darling little town with a Thurs. Farmer's market thing and Bow Wow Meow, the pet store where I've been going for years. Of course you can bring the dogs in. The people there didn't realize it wasn't Vlady at first glance. Valentin saw other dogs in there and all that was going on. Everybody made a fuss over him. I'm not entirely sure about really little dogs as I don't know if he knows what they are, but he's on leash and under control of course. It's good for him to see some and he did. We got gourmet carob healthy dog cookies and went to the little park in the middle of it all. There was a Blues Group on the little stage. We sat down on the lawn and he took it all in like a champ. The music, a few other dogs, the booths of produce and people coming and going. Even some little kids and he seemed to calm down about the short people, no growls or anything. He laid on the lawn and just loved watching all the action. How amazing how quickly he socialized in 2 days. He LOVES riding in the truck. No one would ever believe that I've had this boy just 2 days. So then a stop at the Whole Foods store where I left both of them in the truck while I shopped and I came out to a perfectly calm, still in his place on the quilt in the crew cab, and absolutely fine and happy boy. Didn't even get into any of the bags from the dog store. He's getting a real lamb shank bone tonight....yum... so, came in sent them out to go potty and now he's having a big nap next to me. He groans a lot in his sleep. He'll have another walk tonight. I didn't go to B. Creek in the Redwoods today..changed it all to tomorrow, so that will be another great trip for him. Tried to take a few pictures as he was just dozing off, but no good shots or angles.....I'll get some when he gets up later on.
So that's the report to date....pretty fabulous!
Karin & Valentin.......
----- Original Message -----
From: Stacy Fretwell
To: shefaro
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 3:26 PM
Subject: hi
Hi Sherry,
I just wanted to let you know, that everything is going great. Sasha is with her new Mommy, and Louis is settling in very well. I am considering changing his name though, everytime I call him, my daughter comes running. Her name is Lily, and I guess it sounds too close for kids and dogs. I'm not sure what to change it too though. Any suggestions? I will send you some pics soon.
Thank you again, for this wonderful baby!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Barrett, Debbie"
To: "'shefaro'" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 8:52 AM
Subject: RE: Stacy, Sasha, Louis
> Hi Sherry,
> I just wanted to give you a quick update on my meeting with Sasha. I must
> say I have never seen a sweeter disposition in a puppy than Sasha's. She is
> so calm and lovable, even with my children. She slept all the way home and
> seemed to adapt very easily to her surroundings. The only thing she needs
> to get used to is her crate. She doesn't like to be left alone in it. She
> calms down pretty soon though. Even our cat seems okay around her (although
> they've only met when Sasha is in her crate at this point).
> I will send pictures and an update soon.
> Thanks,
> Debbie
----- Original Message -----
From: Patricia
To: shefaro
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 8:43 AM
Subject: Emailing: 000_0269.jpg
Hey S.
All the girls are doing great,, can you believe that next month will be a year since I've had Cisne... She is so beautiful, not only her face,her movement but her temperment is awesome. Tosca constantly stalks and mauls her, and Cisne takes it! My folks were here for Summer, and they loved her too.
Hope all is well on the Ranch!
----- Original Message -----
From: Peg
To: Shefaro
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2006 9:54 AM
Subject: Thank You and a New Chapter is about ready to Begin
A new day has dawned and there is snow in the mountains.
DSCF2788 are the Crazy Mountains to the West of us.
DSCF2786 are the Snowy Mountains to the NorthWest.
It is nice to see the mountains again since we've had some moisture to put out the fires.
The Beartooth's are to the SouthWest of us, but the day in not shiny enough yet to get a decent picture.
The day is clean and fresh and awaits the arrival of a pup named Sweetie to take control.
Sherry, I have gone back and reread many of our messages sent back and forth. I truly want to thank you for Sweetie, and I also want to thank you for the tremendous support through the past week of my mourning for RajahDog. You really helped me get ready for a new chapter on the Frey Farm. The week has been long, but I think it has been perfect timing. Thank you, Sherry and hugs to you.
----- Original Message -----
From: Peg
To: Shefaro
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2006 7:28 AM
Subject: Emailing: Hi Mom
What a smart, wise and beautiful puppy. She is such a good girl. She really is heaven sent. I think she thinks she's come to the land of darkness. She is doing good in the yard. Kim says she is attracted to flowers especially roses.
You'd think I was taking their child away. They really love her. I was right....Ben had a lot of the stories. Kim had just as many. They are going to be so lonely on the rest of their trip. This picture was taken last night. I will get more today...when the sun comes out.
What a wonderful pup Sweetie is. I have never experienced a pup so young with so much knowledge and brains. Can't wait until the sun comes up. Your story about the St. Bernard really rings true. What a happy go lucky take anything on confident puppy my Sweetie is. I am truly blessed to have her.
----- Original Message -----
From: j
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 6:41 PM
Subject: love your dogs !
hi there ! my name is pam grace. i am a horse trainer, but love borzois. i have had 5 in my lifetime. i don't show them - just love them. ...my current borzoi, "tahoe", who is the love of my life is 9 yrs. old now. we live in cat spring, tx. about 2 hrs from you. iso enjoyed your website. i am also a christian, and will definitely pray for your (owner's) husband's safe return.(i already pray for pres bush). i am tryting to get on the olympic team for 2008 (dressage) to take Jesus to the nations on my horse "star in stripes". you can see him at my website www.pamgrace.com and click to his page. i hope to be able to meet you someday ! God bless , pam grace and tahoe
----- Original Message -----
From: Michele
To: shefaro
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: Your Borzoi's
Hi Sherry,
I didn't want you to think that I forgot about ya! I actually filled out the whole application and it ended up not sending because I tried to send you a couple pics of my pooches and the whole thing deleted on me!!! Soooooooo, am going to give it another shot.
Also, my husband and I were talking about getting a pup from you, by the way, I looked at some other Borzoi's on line, and you DO have the most beautiful!!!, anyhow, because we are looking for property up North and we have SO much going on right now we don't think it would be fair to get a puppy just now as we wont be able to spend the time we will need to spend with him/her. I have waited this long, I do not mind waiting longer. I know in my heart of hearts, your Borzis are the ones I want, after seeing others I just don't believe I could settle for less. My husband also agrees with this!!
Anyhow, I am going to get started on that application once again and am going to try to send you a couple pics of our dogs again as well! Thank you so much!!!
P.S. The Pictures are of Bella (IG) Bella and Chile (Chihuahua) And of Bella and my ol' dog Ivan (Mutt)
----- Original Message -----
From: NINA
To: shefaro
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Athena update
Things are going well. Athena loves everyone she meets, children too! Se wants to go over to every person she sees.
She is sweet, smart, friendly and pretty darn good for a puppy. Far superior to a Golden Retriever puppy! lol
She went to her first class last night and LOVED seeing and interacting with the other puppies. It was cool.
All is well.
----- Original Message -----
From: paula
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 8:24 PM
Subject: what a good boy...what an excellent breeder
Hi Sherry,
Perry is doing great! He decided that the crate was beneath him, and that the bed would more suit his needs. He had a good night, slept between Dave and I. Whined when he had to go potty at 5 a.m.. He has not had an accident, as he knows where all the doors are located. He had a very nice visit with our Vet, who by the way, thinks he is absolutely gorgeous. His first Halloween was uneventful, as he loved all the kids that came by. We can't thank you enough for allowing us the oppurtunity to own such a beautiful dog. We know that our future will be a house filled with Borzois. As for Riley, our Great Dane, she loves him and respects his size. She is so good with him. Thank you again. We will always stay in touch, and keep you updated. We also ran him with the jackalure for about 20 feet, he loves it, and will do well coursing. His future holds alot for him, as he was sent here to do great things. Take care.
Paula, Dave, Kimberly, Katee, Mercedes, Phoebe, and Riley
----- Original Message -----
From: dana
To: shefaro
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 4:25 AM
Subject: New pup!
Hi Sherry,
Wanted to let you know about my new beautiful boy. He is awesome!
He is so sweet and smart it's unbelievable.
He hasn't been with me 48 hours and he is doing great with potty training. He already is going to the door and whining when he wants to go out-unbelievable!
He likes my cat and parrot and doesn't show the least bit of aggression toward them.
He's loving and is following me everywhere and has bonded so quickly.
Kudos for breeding such wonderful dogs.
He's got it all-beautiful, smart and sweet!
He is walking on a lead already, and we walked to starbucks yesterday and he was great with strangers. He got a lot of attention and everyone wanted to know what type of dog this beautiful calm guy was!
I love, love,love him.
----- Original Message -----
From: "NINA"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: Athena?????
> Hi!
> Athena is getting so big and doing great. She is a very intelligent, sweet,
> sociable creature. She does well in her training classes and she is the
> youngest puppy there. >
> I will send pictures I promise! I just haven't gotten any special ones yet
> but soon, soon!! :)
> I was looking at her mom and dad on your website and thinking they both
> looked kind of big/tall and both are BEAUTIFUL!
> You think Athena will be a big girl? I don't care either way what size she
> is. I am just curious cause it seems she has big feet. :)
> She really is a very very sweet and lovable dog. Thank you!
> My parents cannot wait to meet their grandchild come Christmas time. :)
----- Original Message -----
From: Tobi
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2006 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: Bear Attack. One tough camper!
ok, thx i'll try
kids are great, 3.5 and awesome, it's the shefaro temperament
finally got a digital camera, will get on it.
----- Original Message -----
From: Stacy
To: shefaro
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: finally...pics
You're very welcome, my hubby is Anoki, and daughter is Lillian. Yes he is BIG!!!!! So tall, and lanky. Sorry it took so long. We just love him, he is the biggest clown....hense the jester costume for Halloween. He is a typical pesky little brother to the other dogs, but they tolerate it really well. He will finally be starting puppy classes in about a week. They fill up fast here. I will be taking him to get X-mas pictures with his big brother Pancho. I will of course send you one. I"ve gotten lots of comments on how cool/handsome/pretty Kaiser is, he definitely peaks people's curiosity. Thanks so much again Sherry for the wonderful addition to our family.
All our love,
The Fretwells
----- Original Message -----
From: Jean
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 2:21 AM
Subject: Alegria
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing Alegria's development with the world. She is truly blessed to be with you. She looks so happy at play with all her friends. It was fun seeing the change in her face from puppy to young dog. She looks like she is a great friend. I watched a special on dogs on the local PBS station this evening and heard about the Saluki for the first time. Your site showed me what beautiful dogs they really are.
Again, thank you,
Alegria's fan
----- Original Message -----
From: "Constance"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:34 AM
Subject: RE: Kisses from your baby girl
I have seen the latest!! Again, I think this is the most beautiful
litter I have seen on your pages since I started watching them.
Truly, you are amazing.
From: Tammy
To: Sherry Shefaro <shefaroborzoi@peoplepc.com>
Subject: Thank You !
Date: Dec 13, 2006 2:15 AM
Dear Sherry,
I love my little girl! She is a joy to wake up to every morning. Her
personality grows with her and her temperament is amazing. A few problems
that were easily taken care with your direction and my persistent. Sorry
for not sending the pics sooner but you should enjoy all of them and I also
got a great shot of her for our X-mas cards. Thank you once again for being
so selective on your breeding and keeping the borzoi line so pure and
Tammy, Ivanka, Denali, Jelly, Sharkey & Gucci
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:17 AM
Subject: RE: puppy girl?
Sorry. We didn't get home until 11:00 last night. Her plane was an hour late and it takes about 45 minutes to get her from the plane to the cargo building. All is well. She is so sweet and affectionate. She slept most of the way home last night. I stayed home from work this morning to spend some time with her. She's a joy! Her and the cat get along just fine. They don't bother each other at all. This kids stayed at their grandmother's last night since we were going to be late so they will meet her this afternoon.
I was already invited to the local kennel club's "Meet the Breed Night" next month. They are excited to have an Anatolian Shepherd attend.
I will be getting some pictures of her and will send them to you soon. I am making her vet appointment today. I will keep you posted.
Thanks for everything
----- Original Message -----
From: "william"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: thank you!
> Sherry, I have just come in from tucking my boy in for the night. I left him
> eating. He is gorgeous. He looks better in real life than his pictures
> looked. Everyone at the airport went crazy over him. He did real well coming
> home. We had him inside our 4 runner and he cried a little when we left the
> airport but settled right down. I stopped and let im walk around and use the
> bathroom just after we got started and he settle right back down. Thanks
> again for selling him to me. I cannot wait to get the other one home. Bill
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nikolaos"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 12:03 AM
Subject: RE: how is Aris?
Aris is at home save and happy.
My son is very happy and looks like they have fun and get along very
well. I will send you picture, as long as I get from the office once on
time! We all thank you for the handsome boy Aris. Talk to you soon!
-----Original Message-----
From: Steven and Sandra
Sent: Jan 15, 2007 7:12 PM
To: shefaro@ev1.net
Subject: Our puppy Sara
Hi Sherry - I was just reviewing your website and thought I should give you an update on our beautiful Sara. She's a year old now and still doing wonderfully. She is so gentle with the kids and such a giant love. We love her dearly and would consider another one in a year or so for a companion. (Maybe) She is an absoultly awsome pet! thank you for bringing her into our lives.
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel
To: shefaro
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: Sunday
Their names are coby, daisy they are doing really good
very smart dogs they capture names very fast. Daisy understands her name already
you call her and she knows its her you are calling
Thank you
----- Original Message -----
From: Katherine
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 12:01 PM
Subject: Saluki Lover...
I was looking at your web site and I have to say, you have the most beautiful salukis and Borzois!
I am hoping in the next few years to bring home another dog, and I would like to keep in touch in case you decide to have other litters in the future.
I have a saluki mix right now, and it has been amazing! He is the love of my life! I don't think I could stray from the breed.
Congrats to you and outstanding winners!
----- Original Message -----
From: Sue
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 7:46 PM
Subject: Your web site Shefaro Borzoi and Boer Goats
I hope you don't mind me emailing you, but I just wanted you to know what a fantastic web site you have. Years ago my husband Nick and I and my girls (when they were little) were very good friends with Carol Kubiak. I was looking at borzoi sites tonight and came upon yours. I just wanted to express how wonderful, your site is. To take a dog from a pup and show it's whole life with quotes and photos up to a champion is just fantastic. I have been on the site an hour now and still have alot more of it to look at. I just felt I should send you and email and tell you how wonderful your site is and thank you for sharing. I am so moved by the sayings, photos and just everything about it. Good Luck in the future. Thanks Sue from NJ
----- Original Message -----
From: "william parsons"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 9:11 PM
Subject: Re:
> Sherry, Just wanted to let you know how the dogs are doing. I am really
> please with the way they are doing. He is huge. He is going to make a big
> dog if he keeps growing. I have them over at the farm with the goats. They
> are in a pen surrounded with goats. I spend time with them every day so they
> will be use to me. I need to get the goats use to them as much as they
> getting use to the goats.Again I want to thank you for selling me the dogs I
> am real pleased. Thanks Bill
----- Original Message -----
From: fred
To: 'shefaro'
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:58 PM
Subject: RE: pyr pups
The badger face is Smith, “Smitty”. The white pup is Wesson,” Wes”
Thanks for the help. They are taking very well to my black bellies. Fred
----- Original Message -----
From: Rebecca
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 11:37 AM
Subject: RE: www.shefaro.com/LGD
I took him in for his rabie shot @ the Vet. They though he was cute. I
decided to name him "TEX".
He likes his new goat friends. He's very
thanks, I'll get some pictures.
----- Original Message -----
From: "kimmy"
To: <shefaro@ev1.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 3:54 PM
Subject: Kyra update
> Hello Sherry!
> I am sorry that I havent given you a more recent
> update on my wonderful puppy! Kyra is doing amazing!
> She has grown so much and is still such a baby at
> heart! Im convinced that she thinks she is a human,
> but honestly I have no problem with that. She has the
> best deameanor of any dog that anyone in my family has
> ever had. Everytime there is a family gathering or
> just a lunch she comes with and everyone loves seeing
> her. I can't thank you enough for doing such an amazing
> job with your dogs! She is finally starting to be
> really comfortable with my horses. She still runs away
> if they chase her but she chases back every now and
> then and is it ever cute! I would love to send you
> some pictures of how she has grown and how beautiful
> and healthy she is for your webpage if you would like
> me to. Otherwise, I just wanted to give you an update
> on my family member and say thank you again! God
> Bless!
> Kim
----- Original Message -----
From: elaine
To: shefaro
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: baby girl is gone.
Sasha has arrived safe and sound. We are totally delighted with her!
From: "Dale R." <dalewr99@hotmail.com>
To: Ted and Katie
CC: CaptDale
Subject: Re: Borzoi puppy boy, Salt Lake
Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2007 11:13:38 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: arlene
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2007 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: ???????????????????????
Hi Sherry,
Yes he finally made it after many long delays.
He is beautiful and everthing I hoped for. He slept in my arms all the way home. Our two little dogs were quick to make him feel welcome and at home. He will meet the big girl (shepherd) and the horses later this morning. He whined a little last night but settled in quickly. I put his kennel next to the other dogs and he seemed to like that.
He has an appetite!! He wasn't hungry last night but boy oh boy did he eat this morning. Right now he is sitting down watching me type this and wishes to send a kiss and hello.
I think we will call him "Sundance". I will get some photos later and try to send them to you. We have a big day ahead and lots of adventures although I will make sure we take it easy on him. I think he was a hit with Joe and your suggestion to stay with a baby was right on!
Thank you so much Sherry for sending him to us. He will have a wonderful home here.
shefaro <shefaro@peoplepc.com> wrote:
Did he make it okay?
Sherry Faye Rodarmor
----- Original Message -----
From: Lellee
To: 'shefaro'
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2007 7:59 PM
Subject: RE: guard dogs
Just a note to let you know that the puppies are doing great!!!! They are with their nannies in a 350 acre pasture and everyone dogs, llama, and goats are all together! They are individually feed twice a day by their caretaker. They are growing fast and we have had no problems so far but we did have a man checking on them many times a day for the first while. So far there have been no additional predator problems. Lellee
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. Afton Blake"
To: <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 11:37 AM
Subject: RE: Happy Honore!
I do check her website every couple of days and I have to applaud you for
keeping up such a wonderful webpage....and knowing you do it on your whole
family is reallly awesome.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kathy
To: 'shefaro'
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 10:29 AM
Subject: Emma
Sherry, Just a note to let you know that Emma is doing GREAT! We had a terrible ice storm that wrecked part of the fence when a huge limb fell on it. Emma could climb over it. She would get out to and go over to the horses and wander around the yard. She would climb back in to eat and play with the small dogs. She never ran off at all. One of the little dogs could get out too and she taught Emma to bark at the horses. The horses usually ignore the dogs unless they are feeling their oats then they will run. I don’t worry so much about Emma, but the little dog would just be a furry spot in the mud if she got stepped on. My husband did fix the fence yesterday, so Emma is contained again. She will have run of the place once we are around more. I don’t think she will be a problem running away though.
----- Original Message -----
From: Peg
To: Shefaro
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:23 PM
Subject: Figuring out if she wants out
What a wonderful pup. She is much more acclimated to people than Sweetie was. She knows her name just as you said.
She came all clean and pretty !!! She didn't mess once on her pretty pretty blankets. I will send more.
She received so many Ah's at the airport! The whole crowd waiting in line all went Ah at the same time when she came out of the back!
----- Original Message -----
From: "mary"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: and they're off
> Sherry,
> Curly Sue has arrived and seems just fine. She didn't
> enjoy her walk at the airport but settled in here just
> fine.
> Thanks a lot.
> Mary
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted & Katie"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 5:43 PM
Subject: he's here
> Marco is sleeping on the couch right now after a long day, he ate all
> his food and water and used the bathroom as soon as he got here, on
> shaky legs. We gave him
> a warm bath and dried him off, then he fell asleep in my arms. I
> think he is getting comfortable because he is stretching out and
> settling in. We have pics that we will send soon.
> He is safe and sound here in slc.
> Thank you for giving us our new sweet little Marco.
> Katie and Ted
----- Original Message -----
From: Leslie
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 9:02 AM
Subject: borzoi bronze help
Hi Sherry Faye,
My name is Leslie... While looking on the internet for Borzoi pictures, I stumbled across your site.
You have an absolutely wonderful website-and as a side note to the Borzoi-thank you for the prayer for our president, and pictures of our men in military...
From: Ted and Katie
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
March 18, 2007
Re: Marco
Hi Sherry,
Sorry for the slow response, it is just beautiful here in Salt Lake
so we are out and about enjoying our new pup and the sun.
Marco is just simply the most wonderful thing that has happened to
our family. We have taken him to play and he just loves everyone and
everydog. Our Isabella is even realizing that other people can be
just as nice as us ( she is learning from Marco), she absolutely
loves him. This morning he was playing with another dog (4 month
old) and it got a little rough so he yelped out, and to the rescue
Izzy came over to make sure he was fine. Isabella wants to play so
bad with him, but he is a little wary of her because she comes
barreling at him. There is this great pic where Marco is just
sitting and Isabella is this flash of movement. He is wonderful and
sleeps almost the whole night, every time I take him out I just say
"go potty" and he runs over to go pee. Right now Marco and Izzy are
laying on the bed behind me, and Marco has the hickups (soo cute).
We love him so much. He is the most gentle yet playful thing I have
ever met. Temperment really is everything.
Thank you for our little Marco.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly D"
To: <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 11:30 PM
Subject: RE: blonde boy
> Hi Sherry,
> He's wonderful! I've named him Czar. He was so quiet and nervous his first
> couple of days, I felt bad for him...then the little devil horns came out!
> He will cuddle and give kissies one minute, then attack me, a toy, or the
> other dogs the next minute (being playful, not mean). He's so playful!!
> And he's so sweet, too. He is doing really, really well. He has only had a
> couple of accidents, but he's good about going outside for the most part.
> He is getting along great with the other dogs. He just loves to follow and
> terrorize them, and they have been so patient with him. He sleeps on the
> pillow right next to me, along with the other two babies. And he has done
> so well with the other dogs, I've started keeping them all together while
> I'm away. I kept them separate while I was at work for about a week, but
> after watching him playing so rough and the other dogs being gentle, I
> decided they could be trusted together. I am enjoying every second with
> him! He is just precious... I've attached a picture of him. I still
> need to take some family pictures. I will send pics when I take more. See
> you soon, Kelly
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dahn"
To: <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 10:20 PM
Subject: RE: safely here!
> Hey! Our boy arrived safely although almost 2 hours late. He is adjusting
> nicely to his new home and is getting along beautifully with Apollo (our
> Anatolian.) I'll send you some pics as soon as I can locate the digital
> camera. We noticed that he has 2 extra toes on each back paw. Should we
> have them removed? Also, at what age would you recommend having him
> neutered? His back paws are kind of cute with the extra toes and since we
> were considering naming him "Toby" we just may spell it "Toeby!" Anyway,
> thanks for getting him to us safely. We'll stay in touch. One other
> question: what food do you recommend we feed him?
> Peace,
> Dahn+
----- Original Message -----
From: arlene
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 9:25 AM
Subject: Sundance
Hi Sherry,
Sundance has been with us just over a month now and he is awesome. Everyone loves him and he is very polite and friendly with all he meets. He went with me to a horse show last week-end and made many new friends including men, women, children, horses and dogs .Unfortunately my camera was broken that day and we only have some very blurred photo's of the event. I placed well up in my class (I stepped up a level in competition) and won a few dollars, Sundance was my good luck charm!
I am impressed with how adaptable and smart he is. He not only exhibits the wonderful Shefaro temperment, he also posseses intellegence, growing confidence and a great sense of humor. He has been easy to train and get along with. My husband has really warmed up to him and they are becoming fast friends with Sundance visiting him faithfully each morning in the home office.
Here are a few photo updates. Sundance loves his horses!
Thanks again and take care. Arlene
----- Original Message -----
From: Aia
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 5:16 PM
Subject: Your site
Dear beautiful conservative. I adore your web site.....and the marvelous patriotism you display. Bless you, Sherry.
----- Original Message -----
From: Greg
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 6:25 PM
Subject: Borzoi
Hi Sherry :
I love your LucianaXSantana website pictures. You do a lovely job. Lucie looks absolutely lovely as a mother. What a beautiful dog she is. I am excited the little ones are opening their eyes.
Hugs,kisses and sweet dreams to all creatures.
----- Original Message -----
From: Chris
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 7:32 AM
Subject: Kamali update
Just a note to let you know that Kamali is doing fantastic. She is the sweetest, and most devoted member of our family...we all love her. Thank you!
Miniature Mountain Ranch
----- Original Message -----
From: ginnysmom42
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: Regarding White Knight
You have one of the most incredible websites I have ever seen. Your dogs are just gorgeous. I could see having a Borzoi in my future.....lovely. Thank you and God bless you. Emily
----- Original Message -----
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 11:22 AM
Subject: Website & visit
What an awesome website, Great work and thank you for featuring our Heros on your front page.
I work with SPINrescue, Saving Great Pyrenees in Need. I would love to come out to see your place if that would be okay with you. Would I need to make an appointment or is there a better time to come out for a visit?
I look forward to hearing from you.
----- Original Message -----
From: Katherine
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: Saluki Lover...
It's been a long time since I had stopped by your site- and I wanted to say how absolutely beautiful your princesses are, and of course, how handsome Sunny has become.
I am hopefully going to be ready for another baby in the next two years- and I know my 3 year-old saluki, Jeagar, will be ready for a brother or sister too. By that time I will also be in the market for a larger bed to fit three.
I'll keep in touch!
----- Original Message -----
From: Carie
To: <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 3:35 PM
Subject: Regarding Anatolian
> Hi Sherry! loved meeting you and all of your extended family yesterday. Our new baby--we named her Sandy--is loving her new home.
> Please e-mail me the treatments she has had so far, then I can send you some pics I took of Sandy, my daughter Lindsey, and Sandy's new Pyr brother Shrek.
> Thanks again for everything. You have a beautiful piece of property. My girls wanted to go back there today :-)
> Carie
----- Original Message -----
From: Kitty
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 12:43 PM
Subject: Your pictures
Hi--- I looked at your pictures and just wanted to say Thank You for sharing your "family" pictures for the rest of us to look at. I have only seen one Pyrenees and at first glance I sincerely thought it was a shetland pony, but when I asked the people if I could pet it they said yes...and it was the most sweetest personality in a dog. The lady said they are truly gentle giants. I enjoyed looking at your pictures and just
wanted to thank you for sharing then for the rest of us to enjoy. They are truly adorable.
Winter Haven, FL
----- Original Message -----
From: Carie
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Regarding Anatolian M
Hey Sherry--thanks for all the good info.
Sandy didn't cry at all last night, and I think Shrek is starting to get used to her. Here are some pics.
Shrek is five years old. We hope to have him around for a long time--his brother and sister passed in their 10th year. When we are ready for another male, we will call on you.
Thanks so much for what you do.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Shelly Meyer"
To: "Sherry Rodarmor"
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 8:41 PM
Subject: He's Perfect!
> Everything went perfectly smoothly! We fell in love with him at first sight! Even my husband, who likes dogs but doesn't get too emotional about them, was blown away by how beautiful, calm and sweet he is. He traveled like a pro from the airport to home, and we spent the evening bonding in the pasture.
> He was very submissive with Crickett (pony), who really checked him out, as you'll see in the pictures. And after only about an hour in the pasture, he was learning to stand up to the cats. I helped him out a little and shooed them out of the pasture for him. The big dogs are kenneled for the evening, and of course they barked at him a lot. He stayed pretty cool about the whole business, even answering back with a couple of barks and growls of his own. We are absolutely impressed with him!
> I'll send pictures to the other email address in a few minutes.
> Thank you for everything! We couldn't be happier!
> Shelly
----- Original Message -----
From: Don and Wendy
To: shefaro
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: the big day has come!
The girls arrived safely. I stopped to get them dog food and the lady said, "you better get home! We have a big hail storm coming!" So I raced the last 30 minutes home, stowed the girls in the barn, ran into the house, and POW... we had a HUGE hail storm. It was pretty cool actually... no damage. All that to say, no pictures yet. After the storm the three dogs walked around the property with me. The girls are WONDERFUL, beautiful and so sweet! Thank you thank you!! Pictures tomorrow...
----- Original Message -----
From: Shari Pettit
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: Beauty
Beauty is adjusting like a trooper and her and the goats are stiil warming up. As soon as I get my camera where it will work I will send you some pictures. I just came in from outside and she loves her ears rubbed.We are already in love with her. Thankyou and I will be in touch soon . Shari
PS I loved on her IN HER AREA ONLY
----- Original Message -----
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 12:17 PM
Subject: My Puppies
Thank You once again for your time I appreciated it very much.Here are a few photos of my recently lost best friend and my little rescue dog Puppy (not so Borzoi) but loved very much. I will stay in touch as I would like very much to own a Shefaro Borzoi.You are the kind of breeder there should be more of in our communication on the phone I gained an instant respect for you.Please feel free to e-mail or phone me if there is anything I can do or tell you about that would help you feel comfortable in me becoming an owner of one of your Borzoi.
From: Karen
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 12:26 AM
Subject: Big white fluffiness
Hey Sherry,
I know it has been a long time since I have spoken to you. My husband and I purchased one of your Great Pyrs almost two years ago. I wanted to send you a line, and tell you how much we LOVE our baby Aspen. She has been such a sweet addition to our family. We had a baby this past year and have enjoyed watching Aspen and Audrey play. We had another dog at the time that we bought Aspen from you that recently had to be put to sleep due to major health reasons. So we have been through many changes. We were wondering if around January-February if you would have another litter on the way, or close to flying age. We would like another dog so that Aspen has a 'partner in crime.' But we are just in the 'thinking' stages, and we would like to know what you might have available at that time. I am enclosing a picture of the baby with her best friend "Tu-tu". I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you.
Karen Christian
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom
Sent: Aug 16, 2007 7:22 AM
To: shefaro <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Subject: He's Here
What a great big beautiful boy! I couldn't believe
how gorgeous he was when he got out of the crate.
Thank you.
He slept all the way back to Grand Rapids. Meeting
the new family went well although Sammi got in a
territorial snit. We had two heart-to-hearts and
things straightened out. Lola was very interested and
excited and then went off and sulked in the backyard.
I had to carry her back into the house. Both of them
spent the night on the bed, Lola tucked in between us.
Apolo started off sleeping on the bedroom floor but
moved around a lot during the night exploring his new
home. By the time the ladies had to go outside at
night, things had settled down. Apolo caught on to
the nighttime snack immediately and thought it was a
good idea.
Right now he is sleeping at my feet. He shadows Wilma
and me as we walk around. The ladies are back on the
bed and have been showing their gracious side. He
likes the big water dish in the backyard:0)
Thanks again. I can't wait until he grows into his
Original Message
From: newton_family2003
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 12:29 AM
Subject: Everybody is GREAT!
Hi Sherry,
Sorry I am just getting to update you now. the pups are doing great. It was quite an evening! Everything went great at airport pickup and we came straight home to spend, literally hours in the pasture with the dogs. After dog time, dinner, homework and bedtime, i am just getting a chance to email you. I will give you a more detailed description of our events tomorrow. Plus lots of photos to send to you! They are soooo cute and very happy to be together. Thanks for all your work today Talk to you tomorrow. Lisa
----- Original Message -----
From: shirley
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 11:16 PM
Subject: Hi Sherry
Hi Sherry we made it home safe and sound. Buddy is such a good pup. The boys love to run around and play with him in the back yard. They have all been sleeping very good at night. Thank you so much, he is a joy to have in the family...
...Thanks again, Shirley and Boys
----- Original Message -----
From: shan
To: shefaro
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: Regarding Puppy Girl
Hello again. If I am lucky enough to get a new family member from you or not, I just wanted to say how great it is to talk with another animal lover that places the welfare of the animal over a dollar amount. With so much press about the horrid conditions that many "breeders" trap animals in, it is reassuring to
know true animal lovers are still out there, helping to complete families
with companions. Rather the job is on a ranch protecting a herd, or with a
family alerting others if there is something amiss, it is great to find a
place where the puppy is loved before it arrives. You should be highly
successful as "to those that much is given, much is expected", you exceeded
my expectations.
Shan (from Abilene, TX)
----- Original Message -----
From: Lisa
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 7:16 AM
Subject: Maximus
Hello there. I just wanted to let you know that Max is doing fantastic out in Caldwell with our Barbado sheep. I believe he was one of your March pyrs, so 7, soon to be 8 months old. He wasn't wild about his feeder at first, but has finally decided food is good (and worth sticking his head in there to get :) and he's putting on some weight. I adore him and I'm very proud of him. Thank you so much for sharing.
Lisa and Rick
----- Original Message -----
From: Linda
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: very good girl.
Sheri, What a beautiful dog. Thank you so much. We had in mind what we were going to call her, Sugar. But after seeing her, I think her name is going to be Sleeping Beauty... I will send pictures soon. Thanks again, she will be loved a great deal. Linda
----- Original Message -----
From: Bryan
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 11:57 AM
Subject: Request for guardianship application
I would like to request an application to be the guardian of one of your new puppies. I love your website and have it bookmarked. What beautiful puppies! I cannot express how much I admire everything you do to give your companions loving homes and satisfying lives.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 9:27 AM
Subject: Compliment
> Sherry,
> We had people over for dinner last night. One couple
> had owned a rescue greyhound and lived next door to a
> Borzoi. They were totally blown away by Apolo's
> temperment. They couldn't believe that a 7-month
> puppy could be so calm, gentle, and sociable. While
> we were at the table eating, Lola and Apolo went to
> sleep on the couch. Later, both Apolo and Lola took
> turns laying on the couch snuggling up. This was way
> out of their sighthound experience.
> Apolo got groomed last Thursday. He fluffed out to
> Xtra Huge. <G>
> Tom
----- Original Message -----
From: Diana
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 4:36 PM
Subject: Regarding Borzoi pricing...
Hello! My name is Diana and I would first like to say that the Borzoi I saw on Shefaro's website are absolutely beautiful! ...
Thanks for your time!
- Diana
----- Original Message -----
From: Veltmon
To: shefaro
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2007 1:37 PM
Subject: etc
A beautiful puppy. It is hard to think of him as a puppy when our other guard dog is a rat terrier.
Veltmon and Arthur
-----Original Message-----
From: Elaine
Sent: Nov 30, 2007 6:41 PM
To: shefaro
Subject: Miss Sascha!
Dear Sherry,
Miss Sascha turned 11 months old today. We have been moving back to CA and are now settled.
She is of course, gorgeous!
She loves the ocean and the smell of wild things in a regional park. We have a house with a back yard but she is mostly an inside dog.
No problem with her and the 4 cats. We traveled across the county staying in hotels together. What a circus!
We are totally enjoying her...
Good bye for now,
Take care.
----- Original Message -----
From: Isidro
To: shefaro
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: your new pups
Dear Sherry,
The pups made it home safe and sound. I have placed them with our 10 goats and they are getting acquainted with one another. Two of our goats are still baby does and they really enjoy playing with their new protectors. I will have to send you some pictures as soon as get them processed and scanned. I can't wait until the boys come home from school. They are going to be in love. Thanks again!. We made appointments with our vet as they are booked until next week.
Take Care,
Sid and Melissa
----- Original Message -----
From: janet
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: Oso
Oso arrived right on time, and was the hit of the doggy flight. Everyone wanted to play with him. We arrived home before 11 (our time), he met his Corgi sister, and then proceeded to explore the great room. Thanks so much for packing toys and blanket. He ate a bowl of the food you packed, drank a bowl of water and then settled down with my husband for a doggy love session. I will send pictures as soon as my camera is up and running. He has a wonderful personality and is going to be a great addition to the family. The puppy who came for CHRISTMAS!
Will send more later.
Thanks again.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2007 8:51 AM
Subject: Merry Christmas
> Sherry,
> Thank you so much for Apolo. Besides being absolutely
> gorgeous, he has decided to be Dad's dog. I've really
> missed that since Pasha died.
> We had our daughter and family over. He was the
> perfect gentleman and incredibly gentle with the
> toddler. Lola spent her time trying to steal food and
> cuddling up on the couch. Sam has shed her outer coat
> and looks like a rat dog.
> We had a blizzard last night so it is definitely going
> to be a White Christmas. The dogs love running and
> chasing through the snow.
> Tom
----- Original Message -----
From: Doreen>
To: <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 11:05 PM
Subject: Regarding Shefaro Borzoi
> Hi I just want to say from your pictures you have beautiful Borzoi... They are beautiful and has brought back such memories of our wonderful Borzoi.
> Doreen
From: Ted & Katie
Sent: Dec 30, 2007 12:55 PM
To: shefaro <shefaro@peoplepc.com
Subject: Marco's first birthday
Hello, This is Katie and Ted from Salt Lake City, Utah. We just wanted >to thank you for our beautiful boy. He just turned one year yesterday ( Lucy and Flipper were his parents). He is very strong and handsome, loves everything and everyone in the whole world, just wants to be friends with everyone. He has brought joy to my husband and me, but most of all our four year old female borzoi who now has her best friend. She is always aware of where he is, always making sure she can see him. He is very gentle and dopy, he loves kids and puppies and can be overwhelming to both. Marco has the most beautiful long nose and is always searching for mischief with it, we call him noser. Every morning he wakes us up by jumping his upper half on the bed and cuddling his head up next to us. Anyway I was just thinking of you and wanted to thank you again for giving us marco. He is so strong and healthy and happy. Take care, Katie and Ted
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kim"
To: <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 4:25 PM
Subject: Regarding Pyr L G D
Hi Sheri~
It's been about 3 1/2 years ago now when I came to get "Indy" (Indira)...a pyr/anatolian mix pup from you. She is as happy, sweet and healthy as can be :-) Now that the puppy and adolescent days are far behind, I'm getting the bug to bring home another. Happened to check your website to see what you might have...and I see that there are some male pyrs listed. Wondering if they are still available and which ones? Would love to come and get another pup from you again...I can't go wrong with you! I love little Chico Blanco too, but his price is a little far out of my budget right now...what a cutie though :-)
Can't wait to hear back from you. Hope all has been well for you. I have a home with a fenced in front and back yard now, so lots of room to romp and play for all...it's great! Blessings, kim
----- Original Message -----
From: cheryal
To: Shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 2:27 PM
Subject: puppies
I just wanted to give you an update on the two great pyr. puppies that you shipped to Houston. They are doing great. They have settled in quite well. I am glad that I purchased a pair.
----- Original Message -----
From: Lara
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: how's she doing?
She is doing really well, very outgoing and calm. I have taken her on car rides everyday since we got back, she is starting to enjoy them and is actually getting in and out of the car herself! I think we have settled on the name Vanya. Thank you! She is such a wonderful dog.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kathy
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 12:14 PM
Subject: Picture of Vanya
Hi Sherry,
I hope you are feeling much better. Vanya is settling in very well and is very pleasant and a lot of fun. Our 10-month old cat, Frosty, likes playing with her. I took the attached picture today, and you can use it on your web page if you want to show how well your breed interacts with other pets. These two play...if the cat isn't running after Vanya, it's the other way around; then they play with the same toy--Vanya likes to steal it from Frosty.
----- Original Message -----
From: Debbi
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 11:54 AM
Subject: Freckles
Dear Sherry,
Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday, ongoing back problems (mine) have laid me low for a little bit. What a truly great dog this one is. Both my husband and I are quite pleased. He seems so at ease in his new surroundings. He got to meet all the residents at the house and all went very well. My main malinois (who thinks she is queen of the world) thinks he is too sexy for his shirt. (remember that song?) Anyway, I couldn't be more happy. I spent a good part of my day yesterday, laying low to let my back heal up, and he laid right at my feet.
We are totally in love....
Thank you so much!
Debbi S
-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa
Sent: Feb 13, 2008 5:53 AM
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Subject: Max Update
Max is growing and getting along famously with the sheep. He is beautiful and we love him to death!
Can you tell me when he was born? We purchased him from you in August and I think I remember he was born in February 2007?
Hope all is well with your goats and dogs!
Lisa (Caldwell, TX)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Natalie"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 9:16 AM
Subject: RE: Enjoy!
> HI!!!!
> That picture is so cute! She is doing really well here. We named her Luna
> and she is getting along great with my 2 dogs. She already ate a whole
> bowl of dog food and finally this morning she has completely turned around.
> She was following us in the yard this morning and is finally coming up to us
> when we call her. She loves to run around the yard and walk right next to
> us. I did not expect her to open up so quickly! I think she is still trying
> to figure out just what the heck my little Rat Terrier is though! :) She is
> doing amazing and I am sooooo happy I picked her! She is going to make a
> great dog! I am going to get her a collar today and some treats. I will send
> some pics of her this weekend to you. Thanks so much for letting my family
> and I get her. I am so happy to have her as part of our family now. Again,
> I still am amazed that she came around so quickly! Take care and I will send
> pics soon.
----- Original Message -----
From: babyblue
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com ;
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 2:47 PM
Subject: hi there
We bought our puppy from you and love her so much here are some recent pictures......... she was the one born in July :)
----- Original Message -----
From: Debbi
To: shefaro
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: The Freckster
Oh absolutely, what a nut he is. I am still working on the concept of "sit" but since I am not correcting or pressuring him, once the idea is implanted I think he will be great. I must send you some kudos for temperament. He is showing himself to be a first class clown, and a mooch. All of which are just fine. If I can't find enough for him to do he has started inventing games, the sign of a very bright mind. Most of my malinois are also very clever critters, so the hallmarks are evident.
Looking like we may show in Mid-May. Not sure yet. I would really like to have him fit to do lure coursing at the June show in my area. It is a fun run, but I can't wait to see him go. Might also be the right arena to see if he is showing any hesitation, as you had mentioned previously about calling him back.
All is good. Just wish it wouldn't snow anymore. We had a lovely light dusting on Saturday. Never dull!
Good luck with Blanco.
....debbi s
----- Original Message -----
From: "Natalie"
To: <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 6:59 PM
Subject: Luna update
> Hi!
> Natalie here just wanting to give you an update on miss Luna. I will send
> some pics of her this weekend btw. She is doing so well! She LOVES my kids
> esp my son! They literally play together. They chase each other around the
> yard and she literally plays back with him. She will run from him but stay
> in a small area so he can get close to her and then she will turn around and
> chase him! She follows my kids everywhere they go and is sooo incredibly
> gentle with the kids! I am so amazed by how she is with my kids. I have
> never seen a dog be so involved with my kids (playing with them, following
> them.) She is so tolerant of them as well. She also listens to commands that
> my son gives her which Xena and Ladybird never do! :) On another note, she
> is already an amazing guard dog!!! She has been barking at strangers and
> other animals since about a little more than a month ago! There have been
> many times where I would go outside and she did not know it was me and would
> fluff up and start growling and barking! She growls and barks at any
> stranger walking by and does the same to any deer or dogs she sees! She is
> already being really protective which I am so amazed at! She is a wonderful
> dog and has been everything that I wanted in her and more. I did not expect
> to see her guard her family/property till she was much older but she is
> already protecting what is hers! She is also getting sooo tall! I just can't
> believe what a great dog she is! Gentle as can be with her family but very
> protective as well! I will send pics this weekend. I can't believe how much
> she has grown!!
> Take care,
> Natalie
----- Original Message -----
From: David and Tracy
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 1:07 PM
Subject: information on pups
First I would like to say reading your web page made me feel very good. I love your approach to these wonderful animals and striving to make sure they are in homes that they will be loved and cared for properly. I get the feeling that it is not about selling your dogs but caring for them. We are a small boer goat farm in Oklahoma. We have a herd of about 32 goats right now and have about 15 does pregnant and due early June. We have not have any problems with praetors yet but I know it is only a matter of time and with kidding right around the corner I really have been trying to research the best LGD for our family of both goats and children. I have a 7 and 5 year old and want a dog that I can trust not only with my goat babies but my human babies too. I have leaned towards the Pyrenees but I am reading up on the other breeds too. Is there any that are better with small children, other dogs and cats as well as the goats. We have several cats that like to visit the goats along with 3 dogs that live with us. I am not much on buying animals I have always taken in the strays or adopted from shelters. I am not big on the whole purebred thing when there are so many unwanted animals out there. This is one case I feel the purebred is worth the money. So all that being said can you send me some information on the puppies you have or older trained dogs also. If there is any other information you need about us or our farm please feel free to ask.
Thank you for your help and information.
----- Original Message -----
From: Eileen
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2008 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: JD
JD is wonderful. When we got home he wasn't afraid. It took about 30 minutes before JD and Kara were in the backyard running. When I went to bed Kara just jumped on the bed. JD wasn't sure. So. I picked him up. It took a few minutes for him to get settled. Then he laid his head on my arm. When I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, JD and Kara were laying with legs on top of each other.
This morning JD was great. I had to go into work for 4 hours. I brought them. They were playing around my desk. It was wonderful. JD travels very well.
I will send photos either tomorrow or Monday.
I can't thank you enough for JD. He is an angel.
----- Original Message -----
From: Gwen
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2008 4:01 PM
Subject: borzoi's
Hi there,
My husband and I ... are beginning our search for a borzoi to add to our family.
We are a loving home and our pets live with us anywhere... Thank you for your time.
I love your philosphy, your beliefs and your animals!!!!!
Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
From: "Mari"
Sent: May 7, 2008 12:33 PM
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Subject: Application
Thank you for your time and thoroughness in sending such a comprehensive application. I have visited your Shefaro website for years; your devotion to the breed's conformation and temperment shines through, but it is the testimonials and of course the pictures that keep me coming back and wanting a Shefaro for our family.
Not to waste your time, but I've included 2 photos. One(1979) of my father, Buck his horse, and Darius, Dimitri and Pasha, going for a ride post-bath. All are in heaven now. The other(1982) is Darius and Suma (also in heaven), our adopted greyhound, and me.
You and your devotion to breeding Borzoi are the standard by which I compare all others.
I would still love to speak with you sometime.
From: Happy
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Subject: (no subject)
Date: May 8, 2008 9:33 PM
What a beautiful website you have with a wealth of information. I wanted to see if you had any Borzoi pups remaining from your last litter?
It was a pleasure to look at your entire site - beautiful well loved dogs that are obviously part of the Family. Just wonderful!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Jill
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 5:28 PM
Subject: LGD
Thank you for the wonderful site. We are beginning a Southdown Babydoll sheep flock (only 5 head to beging with) at the end of June and are interested what you may have available for guard dogs.
We have a small place at about 7 acres.
Thanks in advance for your response.
----- Original Message -----
From: Billy
To: 'shefaro'
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 11:17 AM
Subject: RE: Continental Airlines - Animal Booking
Hi Sherry! Long time. Photos are coming, I promise. (I’ve been waiting to get the whole “family” (kids and dogs) together at once for photo. Most of the photos so far are just of Wink
Ok, the “full” name is still up in the air. Some kids agree with Wink (and all are calling him that) while others would prefer “Boris” or some such. Even “Boris Winkosaurus” is proposed! (That’s one skinny dinosaur dog !)
He is such a GOOD dog. He’s way more calm than I remember my previous Borzois being. He is also, well, just “dignified,” never nervous or anything. Not overly obsequious or fawning at all – very “well adjusted.” He plays and runs a lot, even chasing the bigger dogs around like old buddies.
He is very happy at our home; getting near constant attention from all species. He is very secure around bigger dogs – even cats. He plays with all the dogs as rough as he wants (He’ll squeak kind of if they get to be too much for him - and they back right off since they’re just playing too) He isn’t scared of anything ! (Remember I was a little worried about the “boisterous” dogs, Lucy and Bingo. Well, they even roll over on their backs, like puppies, to play with him).
Although my wife (Rae) keeps him with her almost all day, he’s only gone on the floor three times ! (and 2 were the 1st night; 1 yesterday – oh well). What an easy dog to housebreak! He’s well on his way. He lets you know when he’s gotta go and seems to have no inclination to go inside.
Anyway, all’s well. I just can’t tell you how much we think of him and the obviously very wholesome environment in which he had been raised before he came to us. (That’s you!)
Thanks again ! (and I’ll be sure and shoot some good photos this weekend),
From: George
To: 'shefaro' <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Subject: RE: tomorrow's the big day
Date: May 24, 2008 11:03 PM
Dear Sherry
Puppies arrived safely around 4 at DIA (I have not seen them yet, but the voice mail said “two adorable fur balls). My wife and son went to her sister’s up in Denver for a birthday party and to show their kids the puppies. I will send you pictures later on this weekend.Thank you, george
From: Cathy
To: shefaro <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Subject: Re: Hope the trip home was good!
Date: May 24, 2008 6:43 PM
The trip home was great. The puppies were soooo good and slept most of the time. We stopped in Austin to see my son and he loves our new babies. He played with them and then napped with them. The babies seem to love their new backyard and the cats are already getting used to them. Thanks again; we love them!
P.S. Thanks for the picture, too.
----- Original Message -----
From: Taylor
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: Phineas photos
Okay I resized the pictures, that should work. Let me know if they are still too big! We are having so much fun together! He is the friendliest boy, just the other day we went to the vet and he was licking all the nurses and wagging his tail even after getting shots! Thank you so much Sherry for such a wonderful boy!
From: George
To: 'shefaro' <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Subject: RE: tomorrow's the big day
Date: May 28, 2008 8:33 PM
Dear Sherry,
I am really very impressed at how very nicely socialized they are. Our 11 yo male GP tolerates them (they walk underneath him), but one of our females is not delighted (no biting, just growling) – I think she does not want to be their mommy ;))
We have names! The one on the left is JJ (aka “Jaws, the Great White Dog”); he is the larger of the two. The one on the right is Poli (aka “Polar Bear”); he has distinctive facial features and curls his tail..
The only down side is they may have been cross-bred with felines; they are able to climb up the side of the fence in the interior pen inside the doe pen. Normally, after playing with them for an hour or so, they sleep for quite a few hours – but then it is “let’s figure out how to go find those guys to play some more!!!”.
Thank you for two wonderful dogs! george
From: Cathy
To: shefaro <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Subject: Re: Hope the trip home was good!
Date: May 29, 2008 10:00 AM
The babies are great; everyone who meets them loves them and they have had lots of company! We have been calling the girl Lightning and the boy Thunder. Thanks.
Very happy new puppy owner, Cathy
----- Original Message -----
From: Taylor
To: shefaro
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: registering Phineas
Yesterday we went to the vet and got Phin his Rabies Vaccination, he was such a good boy. He really loves everyone,which is a fantastic quality in a dog! We weighed him in at 31 lbs! So many people compliment him daily on how handsome and friendly he is. What a great dog. We're now off for his first time at the beach! I'll take the camera, it should be priceless!
kisses from Phineas
Received: 6/18/2008 7:35:59 PM
Reply from: hughes
Title of Listing: www.shefaro.com/lilycaribepups022408
I have been viewing your puppies on your website and was interested in the female that it looks like you've sold.
Thanks..it looks like you take pride in your litters!
Wendy Hughes
----- Original Message -----
From: Taylor
To: shefaro
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: registering Phineas
Yesterday we went to the vet and got Phin his Rabies Vaccination, he was such a good boy. He really loves everyone,which is a fantastic quality in a dog! We weighed him in at 31 lbs! So many people compliment him daily on how handsome and friendly he is. What a great dog. We're now off for his first time at the beach! I'll take the camera, it should be priceless!
kisses from Phineas
----- Original Message -----
From: karin
To: shefaro
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: Emailing: 4th of July 009
Sherry, Spent a lot of time poring over your website, the highlights for 2008, etc. It's a visual treat, more so than ever. It looks like everything is going so well. I was thrilled to see Lily's babies as you know how I love her. Phineas is darling too. Keep up the good work. The kids send their love. Kiska talks now and has a deep "rah,rah" man voice. Valentin has a higher pitched, very expressive voice and sometimes I can get him to say "Ma Ma", for real. They are back in bed together taking their first nap of the day. It's wickedly hot everywhere except for our coastal domain, 25 degrees cooler.....yes!
Keep up the good work,
K & V & K
----- Original Message -----
From: <balam>
To: <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 5:54 PM
Subject: Update!
> Hello Sherry:
> I just stumbled across your website and thought I would give you an update. We are the Balam family in New Hampshire and we puchased "Sandy Boy" from you in 2005. Now named "Tanner", he is a very kind and loving dog. Always stopping people in there tracks, wondering what he is?
> He now has a little sister (Angel) she is a Plot hound. They couldn't look more different from one another!
> When I have more time I will attach photos... Just wanted to say hello and thank you very much!
> PS - Tanner meet his first porcupine yesterday... Ouch!!!!!
> Have a great day,
> Bill, Lisa, Cori, and Lexi Balam
From: Natalie
To: shefaro <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Subject: RE: Little Bluebell
Date: Jul 29, 2008 9:29 AM
Will do with the ground level shots. She is a wonderful dog. We bring her inside to play a lot. She is an outside dog but I want her to get use to coming inside too. Xena and Ladybird are inside/outside dogs. Luna will not come in. We have to physically pick her up to bring her in and when she is inside you can tell she is very uncomfortable so we don't bring her in anymore. We just let the dogs come in when they want and go outside when they want. Xena likes to come inside at night now...I guess because she is getting older or something. They like to stay outside majority of the time. They have a lot to explore and mean evil deer to keep away! :) hehe
I am so glad I picked her. She is really really doing wonderful. She loves to get in my kids sand box with them and watch them play. I am getting her rabies vac next Friday or sat and I am going to buy her shots this weekend so that I have them in my fridge for when she needs them. She already knows her name too. I can't believe that in about 6 months or so she will be about Luna's size. :)
----- Original Message -----
From: Mat
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2008 10:01 AM
Subject: safely home
Got home this morning at 1 am. Whew! We were stuck between San Ant and Austin for a little longer than 4 and a half hours. The whole highway was just jammed due to a wreck I think. All the people in the neighboring cars loved The Bomber. He mostly just slept. Finally got through at 130 pm Saturday.
Bomber was very stoic and at first. I think he knew everything in his world was about to change and he was not excited. Then, somewhere around Waco, he tried to nurse on my arm, started eating and drinking everything in sight, and he has been very happy ever since. We stopped several times and each time he seemed to know it was a bathroom break and each time he stayed right at my feet.
He is mad right now because he is in the laundry room rather than in the bedroom or out side. Will send pics hopefully tomorrow. I still am adjusting the outdoor play pen.
He gets to meet his herd later today.
Thanks for everything
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charlie"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: Puppy Girl
> Puppy Girl is awesome!! She is great with the kids and the goats!! I have the goats turned out now with access to all pastures. She stays with them and most importantly I haven't lost a goat since she has been with them!!! Thank you!!
> I will have her spayed this week. Could you please tell me what immunizations and vaccinations she has had and needs?
> thanks,
> CW
From: Pat
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Subject: Joon with Newborn Cria
Date: Oct 10, 2008 2:52 PM
Attachments: 100_1450.JPG 100_1451.JPG 100_1452.JPG
Hi Sherry,
I haven't sent you pictures in a long time. Thought you would enjoy these of
Joon with a cria only 4 hours old. She is so protective of this baby. We are so
happy with both Benny and Joon.....they are simply amazing.
Take care,
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom"
To: "shefaro"
Sunday, October 12, 2008 10:28 AM Subject: Shefaro Temperament
A friend of ours holds a Lawn Tractor Rodeo each fall. We took Apolo and > Lola with us. As you can imagine, they were quite the hit. People kept stopping and asking about them and if they could pet them. After awhile, people would just put their hand down as they walked by to pet them on the fly. Of course, the two of them loved it. My favorite image was Apolo staring down at a little two-year-old girl who shrieked with laughter every time he poked her in the face with his nose. Unfortunately, no camera. Tom
----- Original Message -----
From: kris
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 11:38 PM
Subject: Anatolian guard dog
I live on 40+ acres in Seguin with a cow, calf ranch. I've visited your website a number of times this past year. I'm impressed with what I see there. I'm in need of another guardian dog. Do you have any puppies available or when will you have puppies available? Thanks. kristina
----- Original Message -----
From: summer
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 9:08 PM
Subject: Puppy
Hello! First off we wanna say we love your site! My family and I are moving to our farm in December and would love a Great Pyrenees puppy to add to our bunch. We are gonna raise goats and chickens and a couple of Clydesdales and would love one of your babies to help us look after them and our 2 little boys. Our oldest boy thinks he's a cowboy already and just loves all the pictures you have posted. Please let us know what you have or will have available in the near future including your prices.
Thank you for your time,
Date:10/26/2008 12:57:54 PM Central Daylight Time
Subj:KB'S Einstein/Lola pups
I am the breeder of Lola and have both her parents. Lola is out of champions whose pedigrees go back to top winning greyhounds(AKC) Einstein is out of a top racing sire (NGA) He has been lure coursed just 5 times and has his SC and a recent Best in Field. Lola has been shown and is close to obtaining her UKC championship Both Lola and Einstein live at Shefaro and are well cared for. Their pups look to be very very nice and also very well cared for. I feel it was a good breeding. Bringing in an NGA greyhound does bring new blood to a limited gene pool and can produce very good pups who can compete in conformation or coursing events sucessfully. I am proud to have bred the beautiful Lola and think her pups are very very nice. Hopefully some of them will be out competing in coursing and conformation. Thank you Mary Jane Peterson
From: Charlie
To: shefaro <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Subject: Re: Puppy Girl
Date: Nov 2, 2008 2:50 PM
Attachments: IMG_2518.JPG IMG_2523.JPG
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. Our girl is doing great. We now
call her Polly, and she has settled into a routine of guarding goats at night and
sleeping and hanging out in the yard mostly during the day. It works out great because
the kids and my wife have grown to love her, and they like having her around the
house during the day. As soon as evening rolls around she takes off back to the
goats. We have not lost another one since we got her. She has becaome a priceless
addition to the family. I sent a few pictures of her hanging out in the backyard
----- Original Message -----
From: Anna Stewart
To: sherry
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 5:27 AM
Subject: Hermana
Hi Sherry,
I know I promised pictures of our girl a long time ago. Well, you're finally getting some. It is difficult for me to get pictures of her, cause when she sees me, she becomes my shadow or second skin, and she is too close for me to get the pics. She is one of the most wonderful dogs I have ever had the pleasure to meet. We just love her so much. 6 years old and tough enough to run with the big dogs (Danes) yet gentle enough to hang with our little rescue Chihuahua. Anyway, my daughter got these pics of her in the snow.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday season and know that your baby is very loved and spoiled, and we hope to have her with us for a long, long time.
Anna-Marie Stewart
From: mindy
Sent: Dec 25, 2008 10:33 AM
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Subject: Merry Christmas
Hi, Merry Christmas!! The boys are doing well together, as you can see in the picture. Bo is very protective of his puppy! Serg decided that the pup doesnt look like a Levi, but because of his "eyeliner" looks like Ziggy Stardust, so Ziggy it is.
Thank you so much for raising such a lovely happy pup. We'll stay in touch.
Mindy and Sergio
From: Lynn and Sherry
Sent: Dec 25, 2008 1:14 PM
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Subject: Rolyn and his new charges
Rolyn is settling in quickly. He loves being with his charges. Hope you can view the pictures without any trouble.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ted & Katie
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 10:37 PM
Subject: Marco turns Two years old Hello from Salt Lake City, I thought you might want to see one of your old pups. Marco was born on Dec, 29 to Lucy. He is a big strong happy boy who brings joy to everyone. He loves to romp and play all day long. Right now he has a nice winter coat. And at two years old has finally come into his own. Thank you for giving us the best gift ever, our sweet Marco aka "Billy the kid" Sincerely, Katie and Ted
----- Original Message -----
From: Irene
To: shefaro
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 5:58 PM
Subject: Update on Jasper
Just wanted to let you know that Jasper is settling in just fine! His first night here he figured how to get out of the goat pen and he spent the next couple of days running around the place with 'Redd' our big chicken of a farm dog. Once we were able to run a new line of fencing inside the goat pen he has been inside ever since. The goats have gotten used to their new big brother and even when they are let out to roam(when I'm home) he doesn't stray far from them...
He went to the vet today. I had him examined, a fecal done, and microchipped. He weighs 12 pounds and his fecal was clear. Dr. R couldn't get over how calm he was on the exam table! He just laid they and watched everyone. He didn't even blink when they did the microchip! LOL, Katy carried him into the vets office, but Doc made a comment that she probably wouldn't be doing that when I take him back at 5 months for his Rabies.....LOL
Thanks for our new family member,
----- Original Message -----
From: Kendra
To: shefaro
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: Dart
Thanks for all your effort on getting that to work. I think Dart gives more kisses then we could every give him such a lovey dove guy. He walked and jogged great on lead Thursday. So many new things in his little life not sure we've really met the little guy. Everyday he shows us something new, but since square one tons of fun to run with in the backyard. Thanks a million Ross and I are having such a good time.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tammy
To: Sherry shefaro
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 11:38 PM
Subject: EverestWell
Well you were right but I'm sure you already knew that. I couldn't keep my reservations for this puppy he has finally won me over. Chipping the ice off one day at a time. What a great little puppy well not little anymore he's growing leaps and bounds. He is so endearing and super smart and Ivanka loves him Denali still isn't sure about him at least when I'm around but I've caught him allowing Everest to snuggle up with him in his dog house and share a bone or two. I really like this dog. You've out done yourself yet again!
Thank for the opportunity to own another one of your great dogs.
Tammy, JP, Ivanka, Denali and Everest
----- Original Message -----
From: Linda
To: shefaro
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 8:58 AM
Subject: RE: new pups?
Travis is such a sweet dog! I wish I could have 10 of him! We have our hands full (in a good way, though) with Leila and Travis. I just want to let my friends know because so many people have fallen in love with Travis. He has such a good temperament. He is great with other dogs and with kids. Just a perfect dog all the way around. And he howls at the coyotes to scare them off!
Have a great day!
----- Original Message -----
From: Victoria
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: the boys' pictures
In a message dated 1/23/2009 8:27:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, shefaro@peoplepc.com writes:
I agree with that statement...but my "littlemen"never disapoint mom,lol
oh i wish i didnt look at those magnificent puppies!!! i absolutely love the dark ones!! mom is like an angel!! god bless them all...a saluki was actually our first choice,until i did my research on the boys...oh give them and the greyhound puppies which we saw born earlier kisses!!! we just love the sighthounds..of course im partial to shefaro ,lol....i just sent the link to my husband at work....wishful thinking ...im taking the boys to the dog park now..its gone up past 20 degrees!! boris loves the winter..sergei and i wear coats...talk soon ~V
-----Original Message-----
>From: Tom
>Sent: Feb 13, 2009 9:31 AM
>To: shefaro <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
>Subject: Happy First Mom's Valentine's Day
>Thought you'd enjoy these. I took them to the dog food store yesterday and Apolo went through the doggie treat smorgasbord like a high wind in Jamaica. They also made friends with a young girl.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kendra
To: shefaro
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: and he's off...
Sherry -
It's been awhile but I wanted to let you know things have been great. Dart is a wonderful pupy and was very fast at house training. He is growing like a weed but is still his loveable little self. He so badly wants to be a lap dog!!:) Walk and runs are great still working on the cats but I think the problem is the cats not him. Once again thanks so much he fits right in. I do have more pitures but he is to fast to really get a good picture. My good pictures of him are of him sleeping.
----- Original Message -----
From: vali cavanagh
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: your boys
Hi Sherry,
Thank you for sending me the photos of the puppies, I can't wait to hold them, they are growing so fast it seems. The names you are thinking of are really cute, Valentino and Romeo.
Are they little cuddle puppies? I am going to wait to get the next new photos you send then print them for my fridge. They are all so cute, I love seeing them. I didn't get to my e-mail till today, so I just saw the ones you had on there. Thank you for keeping us so up to date, I hope the folks who buy their puppies from you realize how lucky they are.
Have a great day, give my sweeties kisses from us and a great big hug to you Sherry, you are so great
----- Original Message -----
From: vali
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 7:34 PM
Subject: our boys
Hi Sherry,
The pictures of the puppy's with the stuffed animals were so cute that I had to have them printed on photo paper and there on my fridge for everyone to see.
Sherry, I never get tired of looking at their birth, and at all the other pictures you post of all your other dogs and animals. What a great way to live. When I die I want to come back in your care. I read about Alegria, I think that was her name, and the cute little pygme goats... I hope i am not destroying the names of these cute little creatures, do you have tons of help? Your an amazing photographer too. Girl your just a jack of all trades. I am so honored to have gotten to know you and cant wait to share my photos with you ( I will need to be taught how to put them on line) and my daughter will help me I just know it. Every time I pass Jace, I want to just kiss him for finding me you.
Have a great evening,
----- Original Message -----
From: Buffy
To: shefaro
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: Questions
Congratulations how cool!!!
Hey that email from the night nurse with the borzois, chihuahua, bull mastiff, etc. Was classic. That is the web stuff you should read. All the negative stuff is from sad, sorry sacks. You are great at what you do. I have read all kinds of good about you. Focus on that and it all will hopefully go away! Unfortunately there is good and bad everywhere and on the coming years it will only get worse with the economy. My son just was involved in a business deal where he lost everything he had in a week including his college funds. Both my husband and I looked the deal over and it seemed straight up, but a scam with no recourse for him. It's all live and learn but particularly now.
So again I am so excited about stoli and I am looking forward to keeping in touch for many years to come!!!!!
Congratulations again, lola's beautiful!
Sent from buffy's iPhone. Take care!
----- Original Message -----
From: Mary
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 12:28 AM
Subject: HUMM
Great pictures,
I also appreciate ALL the work you have spent on all of this. Gosh!!!!! and this is only part of your story!! I am truly impressed. If after I die I might have to come back, I would be lucky to come under your care...
Now I try to lay me down to sleep.
Good night.
----- Original Message -----
From: Susan
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2009 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: This is an interesting website
Hey..yeah...I'm makin' it! Mik's great. She's become soooooo attached and affectionate..Unfortunately, at her size, I don't have enough lap to hold all of her, but we try. She's having a ball with the new kitten I have, and with the latest batch of Yorkie pups. She's so gentle and sweet with them, and her favorite game with them is tag...of course she tries very hard NOT to catch them...prefers the chase of course... Will talk to you soon, (if the days quit going by so fast)...Kisses and slurps from Mik...Susan
----- Original Message -----
From: Shann
To: 'shefaro'
Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2009 3:46 PM
Hi Sherry! Just wanted you to know we are home and all is well. We are so glad we picked Annie! She is perfect for us. It was nice meeting you and thank you again for our special puppy.
Dennis and Shann
Original Message ----- From: "Mary"
To: <shefaro@peoplepc.com> Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 7:26 AM Subject: Re: she's still flawless Dear Sherry, Well, I imagine you might be interested in how we all fared last night. She just whines to go out, so we only missed the cue once in the last 24 hours. She is a great dog. When I put her in her crate for the night, she started to wimper, so I started telling her a bedtime story about a little Saluki who went on a big adventure. She fell asleep! She woke up about 1:30 AM to go out. BUT, she did not want to go back into her crate. When I closed the door she started howling! So, just like a baby crying, into bed she came and slept through the entire night. For our male shih tzu, it was love at first sight. Lily is still getting used to her. We haven't let her have many cat encounters yet, but that will come. We already adore her. I don't know if there is such a thing as a "Saluki Slave" tattoo, but I guess I should have one! Also, she loves just being carried around, so we will have to have walking classes soon. Hope all is well at your end and will keep you updated on her progress. WE feel completely bonded to her already. And, she is doing the same--runs to see us when we come into the room, plays, pounces. She is great for the soul. Warmest regards, Mary >>> Mary 03/21/09 7:49 PM >>> Thanks, Sherry. The pictures were just remarkable. I so appreciate it. Kisses to Farah, Mary
----- Original Message -----
From: Judy
To: shefaro
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: Reply to Next Day Pets Listing: Male puppy anatolian
The trip was easy. He slept a lot, when we stopped he let me put a collar and leash on. He actally only had one accident in the car - but I was prepared.
He is actually doing well with my three dogs. He's following them around - trying to do what they do. I have an appointment with the vet in three weeks for the next shots. He looks like he's going to have a cute personality.
From: Christine and Pete
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2009 10:14 AM
Subject: Borzoi Puppies
Dear Ms Rodarmor:
I was wondering how much one of your utterly adorable borzoi puppies are? We live in Michigan but borzoi puppies are a bit hard to get here. I would be glad to figure out transportation.
My Fiance and I would like to thank you for your Pro-Troops messages on your website as well. He is a discharged Marine and still proud of the work and time he put in. (I know he misses it but I deeply appreciate having him home and knowing that he cares about our people.)
Sincerely and respectfully yours:
Christine and Pete (retired, US Marine Corp)
----- Original Message -----
From: <curtism> To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com> Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 2:43 PM Subject: Re: at the airport Hi Sherry It has been one week since we got our puppy. He is doing great, such a happy boy. We named him Ranger. He seems like a quick learner. We got him coming to his name, sitting, staying, walking on a leash, and I'm working on him shaking a paw. The nights have still been cold, so he has been sleeping in the garage. He has been so good, not a mess yet. He always holds it till we let him out to the pasture. If we are sleeping in he lets us know he needs out by giving little barks...Thanks so much, Curtis
----- Original Message -----
From: terrell
To: shefaro
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: how's your boy?
He is doing wonderful he is everything that we hoped he would be and more! He is the most beautifuI puppy in the world! I am amazed at how sweet he is and how happy he becomes when he sees my two year old. He is so attracted to children. When we walk together he walks so close to me like he knows that im his mommy and I love him..it is so adorable! We love him! The trip back was smooth. After picking up our little guy we took him to pet smart for a grooming. We named he "Vega" it means "A brilliant star of the first magnitude". Thank you so much for helping to make our family complete.
----- Original Message -----
From: David
To: 'shefaro'
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 6:20 AM
Subject: RE: how are the girls?
Both dogs are doing fine. Took them to the Vet yesterday and both are in good health. Neither have any worms and they were given flea and heartworm protection. The Vet will see them again in three weeks to give them rabies shots. Thanks David
----- Original Message -----
From: barbara
To: shefaro
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2009 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Puppy record
It was a pleasure to finally meet you as well, we all made it home ok. As soon as we got home we went to the back yard and we got her house ready for her. She also got a little pool and as soon as there was a little water in it she jumped right in. She is doing very good, she is sleeping now. I will send you photos of her.
----- Original Message -----
From: alexis
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 3:17 PM
Subject: sheep available for sale?
First of all I would like to thank you for the pleasure your website brought to me. I have a deep love for guardian dogs and seeing such fine and well cared for examples brings great joy.
I noticed that you also sell sheep and wondered what you had available and the pricing. I am looking for two or three ewes and perhaps a ram.
Thankyou again
Rio Medina, TX.
----- Original Message -----
From: Lisa
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 10:31 PM
Subject: anatolian puppies!
We are looking to bring home an Anatolian Shepherd into our home soon. We really liked your site and philosophy about these special dogs.
A little about our family...
I'm a nurse (Radiation Oncology), my husband - a finance guy, our daughter is 15.
We have a 101/2 y/o Pomeranian, 3 cats.... We have a home with a couple of acres to play on!
This would be a family dog - loved dearly by his family....
Please consider us as a future home for one of your puppies... we would love to give you friend/neighbor/vet references...
Thank you & look forward to hearing from you!
Lisa, Charles and Paige
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2009 1:57 AM
Subject: Inquiry about Ibizan Hounds
I am looking for female Ibizan Hound puppies in the south texas region...
I enjoyed your site very much.
Thank You,
----- Original Message -----
From: Tammy
To: Sherry shefaro
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:57 PM
Subject: RE: How's Anya?
Ivanka pranced around showing herself off to everyone with her working vest on. It was a blast and when the horses went galloping by at full speed 15 feet from us she couldn't have be bothered. She knew her job and boy i tell you what when the working vest comes off and i say free she bounces around and acts like a very playful puppy. She really is one of a kind and I love her so much.
Thank you for the chance to own such a wonderful dog. As far as Anya she will take alot of time but she will be worth it!
----- Original Message -----
From: Linda
To: Shefaro
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 6:55 PM
Subject: Fw: Sam, Sam
Wanted to share a picture of Miss Lilah ("Kiss" as you named her as a pup)
and our Sam. Lilah has been a joy to have and is still an exceptional guard
dog to our goats.
Thanks, still...
----- Original Message -----
From: Linda
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 11:30 PM
Subject: Re: Tory?
Little Tory is doing just fantastic! He is eating real well and still sleeps a lot too. He is getting more curious to explore more around the house and yard etc.
He slept all night last night without a mess and came into my bedroom to nudge at me just as it was time to get up after the alarm went off, this morning.
The first night I think he wanted to come into the bedroom too, out of curiosity, but I heard Baylee growl at him. When I go to bed they are both in the living room in their places and as always, as he has always done, in the middle of the night, Baylee comes in and gets on my bed. Baylee did not growl at him this morning. Will be interesting to see what tonight brings.
He spent his first all day, in their pen (this is a 6' high chain link large dog run, with their two houses filled with hay. I peeked at them right as I was leaving for work and they were both just lying there, very content. I gave them a "trial stay in the pen on Sunday and no problem". Food available all day in his dish and a big bucket of water. I couldn't wait to get home tonight to see how he was doing!
He is truly a sweetheart and probably in a few days I will work with him on "sit" "stay" and some "leash training". He is kind of "cat-like"
He still has no odor at all.
Oh, these California fires are SO TRAGIC! We are getting the haze and smoke from them here in Colorado.
Hugs and kisses too, from Dotty/Tory
----- Original Message -----
From: Linda
To: shefaro
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 9:45 PM
Subject: Another milestone -
Well, Tory was "allowed by Baylee" to share the bedroom last night. When I awoke Tory was beside the bed. I feel he will make it up on the bed sooner than later because he puts his chin on the edge and looks at it, when Baylee is up there.
When doing chores tonight he ran and ran and spun around in the grass and even ran up to a neighbor guy who wanted to see him over the fence. Then he wheeled around again and ran and ran. He ate a good dinner just now and now they are both asleep.
What a special guy he is!
Talk later.
Kisses from Tory and Baylee too!
----- Original Message -----
From: Debbi
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 10:19 AM
Subject: Freckles!
Dear Sherry,
It has been a little while and we have all been very busy but I thought I would give you an update on or activities. Freckles and I went to a four day show in Santa Rosa, CA recently and except for the fact that the day before we left he broke a toenail, and was consequently only shown the last two days. We got a point! Okay I know it is not much but at this juncture they all count.
We are now getting ready for a regional specialty in October. A possible chance for a second major and who knows? Freckles is so regal now his friends and family call him "his majesty". I think he even has a little fan club! So I am hopeful as long as he stays nice and sound.
I was wondering about some trimming issues and will send you some recent photos if you would be willing to help us out. I hope this finds you and all your doggy friends well and happy. Freckles sends a shout out to his brother and his new family.
Love toyou
----- Original Message -----
From: Emily
To: shefaro
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Anatolian Girl Update (from 06-01-2008)
Not a whole herd - just our pet goat, and occasionally a Boer goat whenever I raise one for FFA.
She's very protective of our other dogs and definitely our human family - she's a very wonderful girl, and I'm glad to have her.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Janet"
To: "shefaro" <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 6:16 PM Subject: Re: Saluki puppy Diamond > Hi Sherry, > > I am glad you found good homes for your babies. That is what is important. > > It is very considerate for you to let me know. Thanks. > > I am sure I will find my pup one day. If it was meant to be little > Diamond......I would have seen your ad a week ago ;) > > Things that are meant to be have a way of falling in to place. > > It has been a pleasure chatting with you Sherry. Good luck in the future > with your beautiful dogs! > > Sincerely, > Janet >
----- Original Message -----
From: Jerry
To: 'shefaro@peoplepc.com'
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: This is the shot/worming/meds record for your vet.
OK thanks. Koda is settling in. He met my three goats. Things went great for first meeting. He is a great dog. You do a great job. Jerry
----- Original Message -----
From: Carol
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:16 AM
Subject: report on puppy and trip
Sherry, the light level was too low today for my cell phone camera so pictures will follow when I get some sunlight but there is a report!
Yesterday when I picked up the new Pyrenees puppy she was happy to have me cuddle and pet her. I put her in the passenger front seat and she seemed happier when she smelled dog smell from Patches on the seat blanket. She was quiet throughout the trip, alternating between smelling everything, looking out the window as best she could from her small height, and taking naps. At one point in the trip she was on her back so I rubbed her tummy and like all dogs, she loved it. Most of the trip from Kerrville on was rainy and so I had to pay attention to the road more, but she seemed not to mind the lack of attention. By the time I got home, it was dark and raining so I put the puppy in a small kennel with Pro and got the goats in the 2 other kennels. I went to the house, but my curiosity got the better of me and I had to check on the puppy around midnight and the rain had stopped so I found my camp light and headed out. When I got to the barn, I was dismayed that Pro and the puppy were at separate ends of their kennel. I noted that the puppy was polishing off the food that was left in the 2 bowls. Pro looked very nervous being in the kennel so I opened the door and put out 3 more dog biscuits for her as a treat. I then opened a can of dog food and kept the puppy in the kennel with the door closed as she ate at least half a can! Then I reopened the door so the puppy could reach Pro if she chose too.
This morning when I went to the barn, I was so gratified to see the puppy lying beside Pro. They have bonded. Pro would not let me get close to her this morning though. I sat down holding the puppy and cooing at her. I am wondering what will happen with my semi-wild Pyrenees and my human-friendly Pyrenees. Will Bliss become more wild or will Pro become more domesticated? Or will they keep their separate natures? I milked each goat and got all the goats out of the barn, having put out alfalfa hay for them in the small outside pen. I offered Pro the first milk and she polished it off in her usual fashion. Then I put the puppy in a kennel and gave her the big bowl for her milk and she drank it greedily. I let Pro out and opened the door for the puppy. At first, she was reluctant to cross the sill of the barn opening, but I went out and coaxed her out. She came out and then noticed Pro lying a ways from the door and happily ran to her. They exchanged nose smells and the puppy lay down beside her.
I was very worried about the goat and puppy acquaintance. I did not want the puppy to be butted harshly and thus making her afraid of the goats. But the amazing Pyrenees breeding made my worries silly. The lead goat approached her warily and the puppy did not panic or growl or bark. She stood quietly letting the goat approach her as much as she wanted. The male came up to her with his hairs raised, but once again, with the puppy making no aggressive moves, the goat just smelled her and went away. The same happened with the 2 young females. Now the last hurdle, Ms. Bully. I was so frightened again, but amazingly, the puppy even mollified her with her benign manner and Ms. Bully just smelled carefully and sidled off. Now the goats were again feeding at the hay, Pro was lying quietly and I was about 10 feet away. The puppy was between us. She looked worried as she did not know which "stepmother" to go to. She came over to me for a bit and then went over to her canine stepmother. She stayed there longer making play gestures.
When she came back to me, Sammie the cat was there, and for the first time, the puppy barked and growled. Her nature smelled danger in the feline smell. She would not get near me and the cat.
I realized the top half of the dog house that is supposed to click together but that the goats always manage to separate would make a wonderful little house for the puppy. So I put it in the barn and put the remaining pan of milk under it. Hopefully it will work to provide the puppy nourishment as she wishes. The opening should be large enough for her to get to. I will check on that throughout the day.
They are probably all in the barn as I type this because there is a slow drizzle now. And I am confident that all is going well there. I closed the gate so the goats and Pro will only be in the small pasture so the puppy will hear the movement of the animals throughout the day if she does not attempt to follow the herd and, since I fed a good amount of alfalfa, the herd will lay around the barn most of the day.
To: shefaro <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Subject: Re: Diamond
Date: Oct 15, 2009 6:45 AM
Hi Sherry
Diamond is such a joy! She is the sweetest girl, so playful and full of energy! She really enjoys blazing thru the backyard and jumping for her toys, playing tug of war and is teething really well with all her chew bones and various chew toys. She gets along very well with Sid and even with my mom's 2 cats when I bring her over with me. The first few nights she whimpered a little, not much and she still loves the Oscar Mayer weiner song, thanks so much it works wonders and it will maintain her memory of her Grandma too! And forget her bed, she sleeps with me in my bed, I think she likes the body heat and even gets under the blankets. She's getting so tall already and she's so elegant, the way she moves is amazing, so beautiful! More of her fringe is coming in and Alison always gets comments from everyone when she takes her walking and running. Seems like the people out here never seen or even heard of a Saluki and they comment on how pretty and unique she is. At first she wasn't used to the cooler weather, but now she's pretty used to it, she has many sweaters and I'm thinking of some doggie boots for winter, what do you think? I bet she'd hate that, but maybe I should try.... She won't be outside long in the winter anyway, just a bathroom time and a quick run around the yard probably.
Thanks again so much Sherry for making this possible, we love her so much! I'll get you the photos and will definitely keep you updated on her progress, milestones, etc.
Kisses from Diamond
From: Laurie
To: shefaro <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Subject: Re: Male Puppy
Date: Oct 26, 2009 9:10 PM
"Steve" did very well. We stopped a couple of times but he was pretty
shy. He did find a water sprinkler to sit in and cool off. He did
well meeting the "rest" of the family. The youngest dog wasn't
thrilled to have him here. I think it will just take a little time to
I just came home from my volleyball match and Jake had given "Steve" a
bath. He is beautiful. He spent the night with Jake last night
inside. No accidents. He seems to be adjusting very well. I will
send a picture soon. Thank you for all your help.
From: Tracy
To: shefaro <shefaro@peoplepc.com>
Subject: Re: Kiya
Date: Oct 27, 2009 3:26 PM
Hi Sherry,
...Kiya has become a little spitfire in just a few short days. She now owns the house. She was sleeping in the kennel with William the Bulldog earilier today. She is fearless! She is spoiled spoiled spoiled. It didn't take long. She is tolerating her albon without difficulty. She eats all the time now. She is a nibbler just like Juliet. A bottomless pit. The girls did not have chips. But they do now - thanks.
She is a snuggler and sleeps with her head across my neck at night. I love it!!!! I usually wake up to someone chewing on my ear every night around 1:00am. That is her potty time. Then she is back to sleep until I wake up for work...
Peace from Tracy and the girls.
From: victoria
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Subject: sergei and boris nichols
Date: Oct 29, 2009 7:44 PM
Dear Sherry,
I just had to write to let you know how honored the Boiz and I are to be on the front page of your web page..reading through all of your wonderful accomplishments thus far i am so proud to own not just 1 but 2 shefaro boys...they are truly "my gifts" as i call them and they bring us joy everyday...Sergei goes to work with me everyday..people have so many compliments on what a beautiful well behaved dog he is..Boris tends to be a homebody..he loves to romp in the woods,chase deer and "guard the house"..he will bark and growl if hes not sure...now Segei on the other hand...runs the other way!!!( hes also afraid of cats) they are my kids and always have a smile, a jump up and kisses to give out! They are patient and tolerant and do whatever I ask them to do.I am so intrigued about Burt Ward!! perhaps if he finds the time he can send me a autographed pic for me to display with the boys pic in my shop!! well..now its time to work on the Christmas card<lol...i will keep in touch..Thanks again for such wonderful dogs. God Bless, Victoria,Sergei and Boris
From: topee
To: shefaro@peoplepc.com
Subject: Inspired Fan
Date: Nov 12, 2009 6:18 AM
I stumbled across your web site this morning while placing a dog that was
left at my boarding facility on hoobly. I have loved Borzoi and have
dreamed of owning one since I was a teen. I am now 37 and have not had the
opportunity to own one of these beautiful dogs. I just wanted to thank you
for the time you put into your web site. It is the most inspiring web site
I have ever come across. My nephew is currently serving in Afganastan, and
the support that you give the soilders is greatly appreciated. I also have
nubian goats so everything on your site was very personal to me. I own and
opperate a pet boarding facility in Stanwood Michigan and I think the
Borzoi ten commandments is a great inspiration and should be in every pet
caring facility just to remind their owners how precious and dedicated
their pets are to them. Thanks for the inspiration and motivating thoughts
you have given me, and when the time is right for me to add a Borzoi to my
family I will be contacting you. God bless and keep you. Sincerely Julie
Please visit there for updated testimonials