Cesar and Beau
International, American, Mexican, Bermudian, Costa Rican, Central American, Peruvian, Latin American, South American, Champion of the Americas and Guatemalan Best in Show Champion Shefaro Reyna Emperador FNX (Borzoi Club of America National Specialty WD)
(Top Ten 1992-93-94)
Cesar is pictured with his brother, Alejandro, in 1991. Border Collies Sissy and Anna were heading and heeling the Borzoi boys.
Cesar was whelped April 2, 1990, sired by Fenix out of Reyna. The above picture was taken two weeks before the 1992 Borzoi Club of America National Specialty held at Houston, Texas, where Cesar won Winners Dog from Bred by and Best Bred By Exhibitor Entry. He stood with his dam, Reyna, and half sister, Evita, while Reyna went on to win Best Brood Bitch at the same National. He is pictured winning Winners Dog and Best Bred by at the National.
Cesar is pictured with Mother Reyna and Sister Evita after Reyna won Best Brood Bitch at the 1992 Borzoi Club of America National Specialty where her son, Cesar, won Winners Dog from the Bred By Exhibitor Class.
Cesar and Reyna
October 9-16, 1996 found Sherry, Cesar and his daughter, Meelah, at the XXI Circuito Internacionale Canino, Exposicion de las Americas y El Caribe 1996 in San Jose, Costa Rica. Winning first in the Hound Group each day, Cesar added the Costa Rican, Central American and Championship of the Americas to his already impressive list of titles. Meelah won her International, Costa Rican, Central American, Latin American and Championship of the Americas titles. She is a finished champion as of February 1998 and can be seen on her own web page. Starting his show career with Winners Dog and Best Bred by Exhibitor entry at the 1992 Borzoi Club of America National Specialty Show, Cesar to date has his "International, American, Mexican, Bermudian, Costa Rican, Central American, Peruvian, Latin American, South American, Champion of the Americas and Guatemalan Best in Show championships. He retired from USA competition in the Top Ten 1992-93-94

Cesar and nephew, Beau, winning WD and BOB - left Beau right Cesar -which they did almost every time they were shown together.
Award of Merit, Puget Sound Borzoi Club Specialty, Seattle, Washington, May 30, 1993
We showed in Costa Rica 1996 where Cesar won Best of Breed and Hound Group First all four days to complete his Costa Rican Championship and Champion of the Americas titles.
Here we are competing in Lima, Peru, South America.
Cesar October 18, 2000.
Cesar in Bluebonnets Spring 2001
Cesar spent his last days at Shefaro surrounded by friends and his Barnyard Buddies. He lived long enough to see another set of his great grand nieces and nephews come into this world. (Vida x Darnilo born April 12, 2002). Cesar waited ten days past his twelfth birthday to pass on until after the new pups were born, so as to fill the void that his absence would bring to me. He was a great dog with a great heart and I miss him terribly. An era has ended at Shefaro with Cesar's passing.