Champion: AKC (American Kennel Club) UKC (United Kennel Club), IABCA/UCI (USA) International and National Champion, Mexican Champion of the World Dog Show, Puppy B Champion of the Americas, Puppy B World Champion and Mexican Champion Srinagar Shefaro Honore (FCI Puppy Sighthound Group X winner), Best in Saluki Specialty Sweepstakes (AKC pointed), Saluki Specialty WB and AOM (5 point major)
Honore  (pronounced on-or-ay) is Shefaro's second Saluki girl.   One just wasn't enough.   The first is Shefaro's Srinagar Alegria.

Honore was born October 26, 2006, sired by CH. SRINAGAR ZEPHYR THE BELOVED, J.C.  out of SIRSHA JP KINGLY PSYCHE.

All pictures on this page are the property of Shefaro Borzoi and Boer Goats webpage, not to be copied by anyone for any reason without written permission.  Some are provided by Dr. Afton Blake, Srinagar Salukis.  The others are Shefaro originals.

Grandsire: Srinagar Sattva Govinda     Grandam: Srinagar Maharani Anumati
Grandsire: Am.Can.Ch.Srinagar Jatarupa Siddhartha Grandam: Sirsha JP Ultimate Neptys
Honore, brother and sister Babies at ten hours old.
Honore is pictured at three days old - October 29, 2006 - my baby is smiling.
Here she is with her handsome brother and beautiful sister.
Mom and pups three days old
Mom, Honore, brother and sister November 3, 2006
Eight days old
Fatima meets little sister, Honore, November 4, 2006
November 7, 2006
November 11, 2006
Honore November 12, 2006
Beautiful baby Honore November 13, 2006
Sitting pretty
Mom Psyche and Baby Honore
The Three Musketeers: Habib, Honore, Harmonia
November 18, 2006 what a dolly!
Beautiful baby Honore November 18, 2006
November 26, 2006  
Honore is getting to be quite the show girl already posing all by herself.
She's just soooooo pretty.
Habib, Honore and Harmonia December 3, 2006
Sleeping beauty December 12, 2006
What a beautiful face.
Daddy Zephyr sleeping with his pups
Honore at Srinagar December 31, 2006
Honore at the San Antonio airport January 4, 2007
What a great face and ears!
January 5, 2007 - on a bright, sunny south Texas "winter" day, Honore is playing "catch me if you can" with her Borzoi puppy friends.
January 7, 2007
Pretty mover
Mom, can I come out and play?
Yes, baby, you can.
January 9, 2007
Honore meets Stephanie
but has to share her with Alegria and Caribe.
What a pretty princess Saluki girl.
January 26, 2007
The many faces of Honore.
She's developing nicely.
January 28, 2007
Honore and Spirit
Honore and Alegria
Honore, Spirit, Layla
Honore, Manu, Spirit
She likes to fetch and play
Happy girl February 13, 2007
Honore and her Borzoi friend, Manu - February 13, 2007
February 17, 2007 chasing Caribe
From the farm to the show ring, Honore had a blast.   February 25, 2007, Honore walked into the United Kennel Club show and thought someone had thrown a party for her.  She's pictured first after having jumped into Helga's lap.  
She walked around making friends.
Honore has never met a stranger.
Honore had fun outside and inside the ring.  She took to it like an old pro.
Freestacking and baiting.
Making friends in the ring.
Honore struts her stuff in the show ring.
It's all about the liver brownies!
Back in the field, Honore is one happy girl! March 3, 2007
She is delighted with herself for catching the purple ball.
March 9, 2007 - Freckles was out for a run with the pups this morning.
Look at Honore fly!
March 14, 2007
March 20, 2007 playing with Caribe and Spirit
After a dip in the baby pool, Honore gallops in the pasture
Honore, Caribe, Freckles, Spirit
March 27, 2007 in the pasture after a rain
March 31, 2007
April 5, 2007 - Honore in Shefaro Park
Livestock Guard Dog Honore - April 5, 2007

She's a natural
Livestock Guard Dog Honore April 8, 2007

Honore the Butteryfly Hunter  April 30, 2007 in Shefaro Park
Here she comes...
...there she goes.
Honore naturally
Kissed by Livestock Guard Dog, Buddy
Honore and Alegria May 2, 2007
Butterfly hunter!
Shefaro sighthounds at play May 6, 2007
Caribe, Spirit, Lola Rouge, Honore
Honore is very patient with me.  We went to a fun match and I had her stretched a bit too far, but she held the stack.  What a girl!  May 20, 2007
Coming back to the judge.
Receiving the ribbon from the judge.
At the World Dog Show in Mexico City 2007, Honore sweeps Best Saluki Puppy B (6-9 months) honors winning every day.
Mexican Champion, Puppy B Champion of the Americas, Puppy B World Champion Srinagar Shefaro Honore (Best Puppy B in Breed all four days and twice Group First in  FCI Group 10 (Sighthound)
Work - play - sleep hard four days
Play hard
Sleep hard.
The last day - Sunday - The World Champion Puppy B and Best Puppy B of breed awarded to Honore.  We are thanking Judge Espen Engh.
My little Honey Ray! - last day in Mexico
Honore and Alegria  June 6, 2007 - back home at Shefaro
June 24, 2007
Back in the show ring! June 30-July 1, 2007, IABCA/UCI International dogs shows at Hutto, Texas,  Honore wins her National and International Championships.  That's my little Honey Ray!  
Back to the pasture, Honore has lots of friends.  Here she is with Layla July 3, 2007
August 17, 2007 - that's my little Honey Ray!
Manu, Spirit, Honore

Honore's first AKC show - best puppy
Show Results
Corpus Christi Kennel Club Inc. (1)

JUDGE: Mr Ralph J (Sonny) Ambrosio
SALUKIS, Puppy Bitches 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos .
BPY12SRINAGAR SHEFARO HONORE. HP238881/01. 10/26/2006. BREEDER: Afton Lucas. By Ch Srinagar Zephyr The Beloved JC-Sirsha JP Kingly Psyche. OWNER: Sherry Faye Rodarmor.
SALUKIS, Twelve To Eighteen Month Bitches .
10SHEFARO'S SRINAGAR ALEGRIA. HP203905/01. 03/22/2006. BREEDER: Mary Christianson & Srinagar Knl. By Ch Srinagar Sambodhi Tajiri-Ch Srinagar Ivory of Arabian Nights. OWNER: Sherry Faye Rodarmor.
SALUKIS, Best of Breed Competition .

August  21, 2007 - back at the ranch
While she has a real baby pool, Honore loves the small stock tank.
August 25, 2007
After a dip in the tank, she surveys her domain.
Classic Honore
She's a beauty
That's my little Honey Ray.
September 3, 2007
My happy Honey Ray.
September 5, 2007 in Shefaro Park with friends Alegria and Hana.
Honore, Bubba, Alegria, Hana

Joy of life
Kisses from Bubba
After a splash in the baby pool, Honore grabs a new fleece toy - September 20, 2007
Running with Lola
Honore, Layla, Lola
October 6, 2007
October 7, 2007 Hana took off running with Honore and Alegria.
and then she turned on the after burners!
After the race, Hana and Honore take a dip in the small stock tank.
October 29, 2007

That's my little Honey Ray.  Thanks Stephanie for showing her to Best in Specialty Sweeps
Show Results
Cypress Creek KC of Texas Inc. (2)

JUDGE: Mr Timothy S Robbins
SALUKIS, Puppy Dogs 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos .

A(35)KOSHANDA'S FIRE AND ICE. HP252284/05. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers and Charles Vickers.

2(37)KOSHANDA'S ICE STROM. HP252284/01. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachila's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers and Charles Vickers.

1(77)APPALACHIA'S ZAKI KTEER. HP252284/02. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela Arwood & Alex Kay & Charles Vickers. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Pamela Arwood.
SALUKIS, Puppy Dogs 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos .

3(15)ZSUMED SHAZAM JIZAN. HP251630/06. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Grant & Mary Davis and Susan Demusz.

4(29)ZSUMED BA'D-NUMAIR OF SINASH. HP251630/05. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susand Demusz and Samantha Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Robert & Shanis Reynolds and John & Susan Demusz.

2(39)ZSUMED SAMEEN IBN SHABAH. HP251630/01. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton.

1/OSS(43)ZSUMED MAKIN MALIK. HP251630/03. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton.
SALUKIS, Senior Dogs 18 Mos & Under 24 Mos .

1(5)7SEAS INT'L VIKING AL SAYAD. HP212654/02. 04/24/2006. BREEDER: Karin Kelly Burns & Fiona Bennett. By Ch Mystery's Ain't Misbehavin' JC-Melhaven Image of Isis. OWNER: karin Kelly Burns & Fiona Bennett.
SALUKIS, Puppy Bitches 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos .

2(8)CARAVAN ZAAROUFA AL SAYAD. N05078/07. 02/18/2007. BREEDER: Lotta Brun. By Ch Bel S'Mbran Darby Sterling Silver Rose-Caravan Qatiifah Bint Jabiya. OWNER: Dr David & Fiona Bennett.

3(22)KOSHANDA'S ICY FEATHER. HP252284/06. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebat Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers & Charles Vickers & Alex Vickers.

1(50)APPALACHIA'S LAILA ALI. HP252284/04. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela Arwood & Alex Kay & Charles Vickers. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Pamela Arwood.
SALUKIS, Puppy Bitches 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos .

1(18)ZSUMED ZAINA-ALIA OF SINASH. HP251630/04. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz and Samantha Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brillant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Shanis & Robert Reynolds and John & Susan Demusz.
SALUKIS, Junior Bitches 12 Mos & Under 15 Mos .
Best in Specialty Sweeps
1/BSS(38)SRINAGAR SHEFARO HONORE. HP238881/01. 10/26/2006. BREEDER: Afton Lucas. By Ch Srinagar Zephyr The Beloved JC-Sirsha JP Kingly Psyche. OWNER: Sherry Faye Rodarmor.
SALUKIS, Senior Bitches 18 Mos & Under 24 Mos .

1(6)7SEAS INT'L SAFARI AL SAYAD. HP212654/01. 04/24/2006. BREEDER: Karin Kelly Burns & Fiona Bennett. By Ch Mystery's Ain't Misbehavin' JC-Melhaven Image of Isis. OWNER: Karin Kelly Burns & Fiona Bennett.
SALUKIS, Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs 10 Yrs & Older .

1/BVS7SPRINGMEADOW JAMON DESOTO CD JC RN. HM637980/02. 05/17/1996. BREEDER: Elaine M Yerty & Arthur W Yerty. By Midbar Beer Ruah Springmeadow-Springmeadow's Autumn Haze. OWNER: Ellie & Kenny Case & Elaine M Yerty.
JUDGE: Mr Seamus Oates
SALUKIS, Puppy Dogs 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos .
35KOSHANDA'S FIRE AND ICE. HP252284/05. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers and Charles Vickers.
37KOSHANDA'S ICE STROM. HP252284/01. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachila's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers and Charles Vickers.
SALUKIS, Puppy Dogs 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos .
15ZSUMED SHAZAM JIZAN. HP251630/06. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Grant & Mary Davis and Susan Demusz.
29ZSUMED BA'D-NUMAIR OF SINASH. HP251630/05. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susand Demusz and Samantha Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Robert & Shanis Reynolds and John & Susan Demusz.
41ZSUMED BAIDA BOKA. HP251630/02. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton.
43ZSUMED MAKIN MALIK. HP251630/03. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton.
SALUKIS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs .
57SEAS INT'L VIKING AL SAYAD. HP212654/02. 04/24/2006. BREEDER: Karin Kelly Burns & Fiona Bennett. By Ch Mystery's Ain't Misbehavin' JC-Melhaven Image of Isis. OWNER: karin Kelly Burns & Fiona Bennett.
39ZSUMED SAMEEN IBN SHABAH. HP251630/01. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton.

47FC ZSUMED SOLARI OGOE NIKKO SC. HP137667/04. 10/11/2004. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & G & J & S Newton.
51HIDASAR JABBERWOCKY. HP022618/13. 09/29/2002. BREEDER: Owners. By Hidasar The Highlander-Hidasar Building A Mystery. OWNER: David & Terri Jackson.
71BLUE NILE VANILLA SKY. HP009871/03. 04/07/2002. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Blue Nile Easy Design-Ch Jatara's Who's That Girl. OWNER: Sara Winsted & Michael McMillan.

77APPALACHIA'S ZAKI KTEER. HP252284/02. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela Arwood & Alex Kay & Charles Vickers. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Pamela Arwood.
SALUKIS, Open Dogs .
9'TIS PONY UP TO WYVERN. HP121514/04. 09/26/2004. BREEDER: Leslie Van Arsdale and Bonnie K Leyba. By Ch Abaquero TSH Beretta-Sunsprint Farah Sungila. OWNER: Melanie Mercer DVM.
11SOLARI TALISA WAKANDA. HP109328/04. 02/18/2004. BREEDER: Louise Southworth Garry and Judy Newton S Newton. By Ch Reignbeaus Dontmesswithtexas SC-Ch Solari Amunra Outa Monet JC. OWNER: Mary E Davis and Grant E Davis JR.
27FC ZSUMED SOLARI KITA KIBA SC. HP137667/05. 10/11/2004. BREEDER: DEMUSZ. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Shanis Reynolds & A Susan Demusz&Samantha E Newton.
31JEN ARABY ECSTAZIS. HP116883/03. 07/22/2004. BREEDER: Wayne & Marless Jensen. By Jen Araby Sarouk-Jen Araby Kaliente Lamar. OWNER: Peter R Ortiz & Marless Jensen.
53EL-UBAID'S KHARDOS SRINAGAR. HP130226/04. 04/21/2004. BREEDER: S R Bruynder. By El-Ubaid's Cheddah-Srinagar Manayu Durga. OWNER: Brenda & Neil G Brody.

57REIGNBEAU SHAHTANI TEXBLESS'D. HP095255/01. 01/31/2004. BREEDER: Nancy Bodine. By Ch Reignbeaus DontmesswithTexas SC-Ch Jatara Shahtani Shenanigans. OWNER: Cynthia L Najera.
73SADIK HALIBRA CIROCCO WIND. HP209738/06. 04/06/2006. BREEDER: Catherine L Chapman. By Ch Sadik Solar Flare CD JC RN-Ch Lorrequer Illusion At Sadik JC. OWNER: Linda Hopwood & Catherine L Chapman.
SALUKIS, Puppy Bitches 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos .
8CARAVAN ZAAROUFA AL SAYAD. N05078/07. 02/18/2007. BREEDER: Lotta Brun. By Ch Bel S'Mbran Darby Sterling Silver Rose-Caravan Qatiifah Bint Jabiya. OWNER: Dr David & Fiona Bennett.
22KOSHANDA'S ICY FEATHER. HP252284/06. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebat Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers & Charles Vickers & Alex Vickers.
50APPALACHIA'S LAILA ALI. HP252284/04. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela Arwood & Alex Kay & Charles Vickers. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Pamela Arwood.
SALUKIS, Puppy Bitches 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos .
18ZSUMED ZAINA-ALIA OF SINASH. HP251630/04. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz and Samantha Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brillant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Shanis & Robert Reynolds and John & Susan Demusz.
SALUKIS, Twelve To Eighteen Month Bitches .
38SRINAGAR SHEFARO HONORE. HP238881/01. 10/26/2006. BREEDER: Afton Lucas. By Ch Srinagar Zephyr The Beloved JC-Sirsha JP Kingly Psyche. OWNER: Sherry Faye Rodarmor. AGENT: Stephanie Cottrell.
SALUKIS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches .
67SEAS INT'L SAFARI AL SAYAD. HP212654/01. 04/24/2006. BREEDER: Karin Kelly Burns & Fiona Bennett. By Ch Mystery's Ain't Misbehavin' JC-Melhaven Image of Isis. OWNER: Karin Kelly Burns & Fiona Bennett.
16CHAZMERE GRAND THEFT AUTUMN. HP234274/01. 09/02/2006. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Srinagar Chazmere El Emoni-Ch Srinagar Ivory Of Arabian Nights. OWNER: Mary & Ellen Christensen.
32HIDASAR GALADRIEL. HP022618/18. 09/29/2002. BREEDER: Owners. By Hidasar The Highlander-Hidasar Building A Mystery. OWNER: David & Terri Jackson.
36SOLARI TALISA ROZENE SC. HP109328/03. 02/18/2004. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Reignbeaus DontMessWithTexas SC-Ch Solari Amunra Outa Monet JC. OWNER: Louise Southworth & G & J & S Newton.

46APPALACHIA'S MAJIID RAJAA. HP223573/01. 03/18/2006. BREEDER: Owner. By Ch Qirmizi CArtago-Ch Appalachia's Bahim Zillah. OWNER: Pamela J Arwood.
SALUKIS, Open Bitches .

10BURYDOWN HILERICA WALLIS JC. HP098487/03. 09/25/2005. BREEDER: Hope Waters & Carole Adley. By FC Shelby Budah Beccan SC-Ch Burydown Hilerica Ulahni. OWNER: Ellie Case.
14SADIYA AMANI MUJANNAH. HN002148/01. 06/04/2002. BREEDER: Owner. By CH Aspen Allah's Crusader JC-CH El-Char Malika al Jamal JC. OWNER: Linda Larsen.
30CARAVAN WAQRAH AT HIDASAR. HP188860/01. 06/03/2005. BREEDER: Lotta Brun & Jack Jackson. By Diva's Touch Chiraz-Caravan Qatiifah Bint Jabiya. OWNER: David & Terri Jackson.
42HILLSIDE KARISTA ANUSARA. HP205923/03. 03/21/2006. BREEDER: Vicki McDonald. By CH Karista Believe It Or Not-CH Al Khabara Badaya of Hillside. OWNER: T. P. McAvoy & V. McDonald.
44SAFIQ BLUE NILE WASAAMAH. HP067889/05. 08/25/2003. BREEDER: Daphane A Lowe & Peter R Lowe. By Ch Blue Nile Easy Ruler-Ch Shafiq Samaam Khaslam. OWNER: Sara Winsted & Michael McMillan.
48APPALACHIA'S ALUUF JAZIIL. HP223573/02. 03/18/2006. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood. By Ch Qirmizi Cartego-Ch Appalachia's Bahiim Zillah. OWNER: Pamela Arwood & Paul & Michelle Clevenger.
SALUKIS, Best of Breed Competition .

12CH HAJJI'S PORSCHE JC. HN012388/03. 10/11/2002. Bitch. BREEDER: Marinell McCowen. By Qirmizi Cartago-Ch Hajji-Reignbeau Texas Sonata JC. OWNER: Marinell McCowen & Gerry Thornton.

17CH SADIYA GALAL SARIYAH. HN002148/03. 06/04/2002. Dog. BREEDER: Linda Larsen. By CH Aspen Allah's Crusader JC-CH El-Char Malika al Jamal JC. OWNER: Linda Larsen & Barbara Bookwalter.
20JEN ARABY CHAKA KHAN. HP116883/04. 07/22/2004. Bitch. BREEDER: Wayne & Marlyss Jensen. By Jen Araby Sarouk-Jen Araby Kaliente Lamar. OWNER: Peter R Ortiz & Marlyss Jensen.

21CH SRINAGAR CHAZMERE EL EMONI. HP167475/01. 06/01/2005. Dog. BREEDER: Srinagar Kennels. By Srinagar Zephyr The Beloved JC-Srinagar Beautiful One Has Come. OWNER: Mary Christensen & Srinagar Kennels.

23CH SRINAGAR SAMBODHI TAJIRI. HM968227/01. 07/09/2001. Dog. BREEDER: Srinagar Kennels. By Ch Srinagar Jatarupa Siddhartha-Srinagar Vala Vasara Salaam. OWNER: Mary & Ellen Christensen.

25CH SOLARI TALISA INSTYGATOR JC. HP109328/07. 02/18/2004. Dog. BREEDER: Louise Southworth & Dr Judy Newton & G & S Newton. By Ch Reignbeau's DontmesswithTexas SC-Ch Solari Amunra Outa Monet JC. OWNER: J & L Oslund & Dr J Newton & G Newton.

26CH AWN FIRUZA ISADORADUNCAN. HP126231/01. 05/04/2004. Bitch. BREEDER: Diane Divin & Ingrid Romanowski. By Ch Samoems Shafquat-Firuza Etoile Noire. OWNER: Diane Thompson Divin.

28CH ZSUMED SOLARI LADY TAYMA SC. HP137667/03. 10/11/2004. Bitch. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & G & J & S Newton.

34CH REIGNBEAUS FEATHER-IN HER CAP. HN004340/04. 02/24/2002. Bitch. BREEDER: Owner. By Ch Z'Bee Reignbeau Truetotexas JC-Ch Reignbeaus Texas Mi VidaLoca. OWNER: Cynthia L Najera.

40CH HAJJI'S MYSTIQUE. HN012388/01. 10/11/2002. Bitch. BREEDER: Owner. By Qirmizi Cartago-Ch Hajji-Reignbeau Texas Sonata JC. OWNER: Marinell McCowen.

59DC ZSUMED SOLARI SILVER GINZA SC. HP137667/01. 10/11/2004. Dog. BREEDER: J Demusz & S Demusz & G & J & S Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Connie Hagne & Martin Hagne.
67CH KARISTA ALWAYS MAR-KIE TAJMAHAL. HM728279/01. 08/24/1997. Dog. BREEDER: T Parker & D Kieval & K Herman. By Ch Aljate's TajMahal Fantasy TDX-Ch Karista Markie Rikizah. OWNER: Terri Parker.
69CH BLUE NILE VANILLA ICE. HP009871/02. 04/07/2002. Dog. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Blue Nile Easy Design-Ch Jatara's Whos That Girl. OWNER: Sara Winsted & Michael McMillan.

Back and the ranch, Honore hangs out with the goats in Shefaro Park
December 14, 2007 - Winter in San Antonio, Texas  Honore takes a dip in the stock tank after running in the pasture.
January 9, 2008
Honore is interested in the lure .  I think she will lure course.   I was out playing with them with the lure and a fishing pole and Honore really went for it.
and the tug of war was on
Honore was really interested in the lure and chased.  We are going to try lure coursing this weekend at Hutto, TX.
From the farm to the lure coursing field, Honore loves life.  Unfortunately, she thought the judges were there to see her and she quit chasing the lure to pay them a visit.  That's my little Honey Ray!
From the lure coursing field to the show ring, Honore is right at home.  That's my little Honey Ray winning three hound group fourths for her UKC competition wins to win her United Kennel Club championship January 25-26-27, 2008 at the Texas Classic, Hutto, Texas.  In this case, unlike lure coursing, it was great for her to shmooz the judges.
Honore and Sunny went to Mexico and won breeds and pieces of groups. They are both Mexican Champions as of March 9, 2008  Pictured home in Shefaro pasture just being farm dogs!
March 10, 2008 Honore and Hana
Honore and Sunny showed at Raleigh, North Carolina March 18-23, 2008.  Show results are below.    Sunny won five out of six days. Honore won three out of six.   It was a pretty winning circuit!  Thanks to friend and handler, Saul Romero

Salisbury North Carolina Kennel Club - Wednesday 03/19/2008

JUDGE: Mr. Lester R. Mapes

SALUKIS. Open Dogs.
1/W/BW/OS 7 SHEFARO'S SANTIAGO KARISTA. HP 17090014. 05-10-05
(1 Point) By Ch Karista Always Mar-Kie Taj Mahal - Ch Baghdad Jewel O Arabia.
Owner: Sherry Faye Rodarmor and Terri Parker., San Antonio, TX 78264. Breeder: Dottie Saunders Goodwin & Terri Parker.
(Saul Romero, Agent).

SALUKIS. Puppy, 6 to 9 Months Bitches.
1 8 SHAHTANI SHINY MOONSTONE. HP 27265503. 07-29-07
By Ch El-Rahs Wyatt Regency - Ch Shahtani Blonde Ambishahn.
Owner: Emiko Ohyama & Nancy Bodine., Powhatan, VA 23139. Breeder: Nancy Bodine.
(Lisa Miller, Agent).

SALUKIS. 12 to 18 Months Bitches.
1/W 14 SRINAGAR SHEFARO HONORE. HP 23888101. 10-26-06
(1 Point) By Ch Srinagar Zephyr The Beloved JC - Sirsha JP Kingly Psyche.
Owner: Sherry Faye Rodarmor., San Antonio, TX 78264. Breeder: Afton Lucas.
(Saul Romero, Agent).

SALUKIS. Bred by Exhibitor Bitches.
1/R 10 SHAHTANI SUMMER HAZE. HP 22672703. 06-16-06
By Ch Par-K Calin Cuvee - Ch Shahtani Summer Rain.
Owner: Nancy Bodine., Powhatan, VA 231396311. Breeder: Diane Gibbs & Nancy Bodine.

SALUKIS. Best of Breed Competition.
B 12 CH ELESSAR'S BUSH BUNNY JC. HP 13977001. 01-02-05
By Ch Odi Et Amo Caspar Elessar - Elessar's Hard Hearted. Bitch.
Owner: Mr & Mrs William T Flynn & I Christensen., Goose Creek, SC 29445. Breeder: Mr & Mrs Flynn & F Broadway & I Christensen.
(Don Powell, Agent).

Durham Kennel Club Inc - Friday 03/21/2008

JUDGE: Mr. B. Nolan Dale

SALUKIS. Open Dogs.
1/W/BW/OS 7 SHEFARO'S SANTIAGO KARISTA. HP 17090014. 05-10-05
(1 Point) By Ch Karista Always Mar-Kie Taj Mahal - Ch Baghdad Jewel O Arabia.
Owner: Sherry Faye Rodarmor and Terri Parker, San Antonio, TX 78264. Breeder: Dottie Saunders Goodwin & Terri Parker.
(Saul Romero, Agent).

SALUKIS. Puppy, 6 to 9 Months Bitches.
1/R/BP/PG2 8 SHAHTANI SHINY MOONSTONE. HP 27265503. 07-29-07
By Ch El-Rahs Wyatt Regency - Ch Shahtani Blonde Ambishahn.
Owner: Emiko Ohyama & Nancy Bodine., Powhatan, VA 23139. Breeder: Nancy Bodine.
(Lisa Miller, Agent).

SALUKIS. 12 to 18 Months Bitches.
1/W 14 SRINAGAR SHEFARO HONORE. HP 23888101. 10-26-06
(1 Point) By Ch Srinagar Zephyr The Beloved JC - Sirsha JP Kingly Psyche.
Owner: Sherry Faye Rodarmor., San Antonio, TX 78264. Breeder: Afton Lucas.
(Saul Romero, Agent).

SALUKIS. Open Bitches.
A 12 ASUWISH SAVE SOME MONEY SM. HP 13367602. 12-31-04
By FC Asuwish Ava's Bluebird SM SC - DC Celeres Kindred Spirit.
Owner: Judith Tantillo., Shamong, NJ 08088. Breeder: Judith Tantillo.
(Joan Scott, Agent).

SALUKIS. Best of Breed Competition.
B 10 CH ELESSAR'S BUSH BUNNY JC. HP 13977001. 01-02-05
By Ch Odi Et Amo Caspar Elessar - Elessar's Hard Hearted. Bitch.
Owner: Mr & Mrs William T Flynn & I Christensen., Goose Creek, SC 29445. Breeder: Mr & Mrs Flynn & F Broadway & I Christensen.
(Don Powell, Agent).

Fayetteville Kennel Club, Inc. - Sunday 03/23/2008

JUDGE: Mrs. Patricia A. Mowbray-Morgan

SALUKIS. Puppy, 6 to 9 Months Dogs.
1/R 7 SAREA SHEIK RATTLE N ROLL. HP 27361004. 08-30-07
By Ch Excelsior After The Rain - Ch Akissla Bedouin Blush Sarea.
Owner: Beverly Griffith & Carole Beyerle., Heathsville, VA 22473. Breeder: Beverly Griffith & Shelley Conrad.

SALUKIS. Open Dogs.
1/W/BW/OS 9 SHEFARO'S SANTIAGO KARISTA. HP 17090014. 05-10-05
(1 Point) By Ch Karista Always Mar-Kie Taj Mahal - Ch Baghdad Jewel O Arabia.
Owner: Sherry Faye Rodarmor and Terri Parker, San Antonio, TX 78264. Breeder: Dottie Saunders Goodwin & Terri Parker.
(Saul Romero, Agent).
2 11 ULURU FALKOR AL MONAB. HP 16050301. 05-01-05
By Khalils Katra SC - El Bahrani Xklusiv Tabu.
Owner: Sue Ann Pietros & Marilyn Brown., Sparr, FL 32192. Breeder: Kim Stewart.
(Bill Flynn, Agent).

SALUKIS. Puppy, 6 to 9 Months Bitches.
A 8 SHAHTANI SHINY MOONSTONE. HP 27265503. 07-29-07
By Ch El-Rahs Wyatt Regency - Ch Shahtani Blonde Ambishahn.
Owner: Emiko Ohyama & Nancy Bodine., Powhatan, VA 23139. Breeder: Nancy Bodine.
(Lisa Miller, Agent).

SALUKIS. 12 to 18 Months Bitches.
1/W 18 SRINAGAR SHEFARO HONORE. HP 23888101. 10-26-06
(1 Point) By Ch Srinagar Zephyr The Beloved JC - Sirsha JP Kingly Psyche.
Owner: Sherry Faye Rodarmor., San Antonio, TX 78264. Breeder: Afton Lucas.
(Saul Romero, Agent).

SALUKIS. Bred by Exhibitor Bitches.
1/R 12 ODI ET AMO THE SEDUCTRESS ELESSARI. HP 25035701. 10-19-06
By Ch Odi Et Amo Shaft Elessar JC - Ch Odi Et Amo Eliza Elessar.
Owner: Mr & Mrs William T Flynn & James Swick., Goose Creek, SC 29445. Breeder: F Broadway & W Flynn & S Rooney-Flynn & J Swick.

SALUKIS. Open Bitches.
1 14 OMEN YAFFA TO ELSTO KHARIZ. HP 19953107. 11-03-05
By Ch Desert Rose Lion King - Ch Omens Ulla Bint Safran Monab.
Owner: Kristine Schroder & Elsa Storesund., Holly Springs, NC 27540. Breeder: C Noah & S Pietros & C Temple.
A 16 ASUWISH SAVE SOME MONEY. HP 13367602. 12-31-04
By FC Asuwish Ava's Bluebird SC - DC Celeres Kindred Spirit.
Owner: Judith Tantillo., Shamong, NJ 08088. Breeder: Judith Tantillo.
(Joan Scott, Agent).

SALUKIS. Best of Breed Competition.
B 10 CH ELESSAR'S BUSH BUNNY JC. HP 13977001. 01-02-05
By Ch Odi Et Amo Caspar Elessar - Elessar's Hard Hearted. Bitch.
Owner: Mr & Mrs William T Flynn & I Christensen., Goose Creek, SC 29445. Breeder: Mr & Mrs Flynn & F Broadway & I Christensen.
(Don Powell, Agent).

April 6, 2008 back on the farm Honore loves to play.
April 14, 2008
Beeville Kennel Club Saturday, April 19, 2008 - Honore wins First place (12-18), Winners Bitch, Best of Breed

Show Results
Bee-Tex Kennel Club Inc. (1)

JUDGE: Mrs Judy Webb
SALUKIS, Twelve To Eighteen Month Bitches .
6SRINAGAR SHEFARO HONORE. HP238881/01. 10/26/2006. BREEDER: Afton Lucas. By Ch Srinagar Zephyr The Beloved JC-Sirsha JP Kingly Psyche. OWNER: Sherry Faye Rodarmor.
SALUKIS, Open Bitches .
8SHEFARO'S SRINAGAR ALEGRIA. HP203905/01. 03/22/2006. BREEDER: Mary Christianson & Srinagar Knl. By Ch Srinagar Sambodhi Tajiri-Ch Srinagar Ivory of Arabian Nights. OWNER: Sherry Faye Rodarmor.

April 30, 2008 heading into Shefaro Park
Honore with friends Alegria and Lola Rouge in Shefaro Park April 30, 2008

July 2, 2008

July 19-20, 2008 - 3 more points for Honore -  Beaumont and Galveston County KC - Winners Bitch both days (new show photo will follow)
Show Results
Beaumont Kennel Club Inc.

JUDGE: Mrs Frances H (Marci) Forrester
SALUKIS, Twelve To Eighteen Month Dogs .
29KOSHANDA'S ICE STROM. HP252284/01. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachila's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers and Charles Vickers.
SALUKIS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs .
17FC ZSUMED SOLARI OGOE NIKKO SC. HP137667/04. 10/11/2004. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & G & J Newton.
21ZSUMED SAMEEN IBN SHABAH. HP251630/01. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton.
SALUKIS, American-Bred Dogs .
11ZSUMED BAIDA BOKA JC. HP251630/02. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton.
23HAALAH GIORGIO ARMANI. HP114241/02. 08/06/2004. BREEDER: Madeleine C Burdette. By Classicus Hermes-Ch Haalah Sans Souci. OWNER: Cheryl S Betty & Madeleine C Burdette.
27KOSHANDA'S FIRE AND ICE. HP252284/05. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers and Charles Vickers.
SALUKIS, Open Dogs .

7ZSUMED BA'D-NUMAIR OF SINASH JC. HP251630/05. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Robert & Shanis Reynolds & John & Susan Demusz.
9ISSIBAA'S GOINFORTHEGOLD. HP264699/05. 07/04/2007. BREEDER: Sharon B & Jim Kinney. By Ch Springmeadow Jack Frost-Ch Issibaa's Crispee Cream. OWNER: Elaine M Yerty Arthur W Yerty & Sharon B Kinney.
15ZSUMED MAKIN MALIK JC. HP251630/03. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John Demusz Susan Demusz Samantha E. Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Robert Edelmann Susan Edelmann Susan Demusz.
25RUWACH'S MASERATI BY & BYE-BYE SC. HP204999/07. 01/11/2006. BREEDER: Sharon Gause C. Noah S.A. Pietros & M. Brown. By Khalil's Katra SC-Ch Shiva's Athena Shikadin. OWNER: Bob & Karen Arends.
31SHEFARO'S SANTIAGO KARISTA. HP170900/14. 05/10/2005. BREEDER: Dottie Saunders Goodwin & Terri Parker. By Ch Karista Always Mar-Kie Taj Mahal-Ch Baghdad Jewel O Arabia. OWNER: Sherry Faye Rodarmor & Terri Parker.

33REIGNBEAU SHAHTANI TEXBLESS'D. HP095255/01. 01/31/2004. BREEDER: Nancy Bodine. By Ch Reignbeaus DontmesswithTexas SC-Ch Jatara Shahtani Shenanigans. OWNER: Cynthia L Najera.
SALUKIS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches .
16SOLARI TALISA ROZENE SC. HP109328/03. 02/18/2004. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Reignbeaus DontMessWithTexas SC-Ch Solari Amunra Outa Monet JC. OWNER: Louise Southworth & G & J & S Newton.
SALUKIS, Open Bitches .
6ZSUMED ZAINA-ALIA OF SINASH. HP251630/04. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brillant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Shanis & Robert Reynolds & John & Susan Demusz.
10CARAVAN WAQRAH AT HIDASAR. HP188860/01. 06/03/2005. BREEDER: Lotta Brun & Jack Jackson. By Diva's Touch Chiraz-Caravan Qatiifah Bint Jabiya. OWNER: David & Terri Jackson.
18KOSHANDA'S ICY FEATHER. HP252284/06. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebat Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers & Charles Vickers & Alex Vickers.
20SRINAGAR SHEFARO HONORE. HP238881/01. 10/26/2006. BREEDER: Afton Lucas. By Ch Srinagar Zephyr The Beloved JC-Sirsha JP Kingly Psyche. OWNER: Sherry Faye Rodarmor.
SALUKIS, Best of Breed Competition .
5CH SOLARI TALISA INSTYGATOR JC. HP109328/07. 02/18/2004. Dog. BREEDER: Louise Southworth & Garry & Judy & Samantha Newton. By Ch Reignbeaus DontmesswithTexas SC-Ch Solari Amunra Outa Monet JC. OWNER: James & Lisa Oslund & Garry & Judy Newton.
8CH HAJJI'S PORSCHE JC. HN012388/03. 10/11/2002. Bitch. BREEDER: Marinell McCowen. By Qirmizi Cartago-Ch Hajji-Reignbeau Texas Sonata JC. OWNER: Marinell McCowen & Gerry Thornton. AGENT: Gerry L Thornton.

14SHAHTANI IVORY MOON. HP272655/06. 07/29/2007. Bitch. BREEDER: Nancy Bodine. By Ch El-Rah Wyatt Regency-Ch Shahtani Blonde Ambition. OWNER: Lori May.

19CH BLUE NILE VANILLA ICE. HP009871/02. 04/07/2002. Dog. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Blue Nile Easy Design-Ch Jatara's Whos That Girl. OWNER: Sara Winsted & Michael McMillan.

Show Results
Galveston County Kennel Club Inc.

JUDGE: Mrs Lenora M Riddle
SALUKIS, Twelve To Eighteen Month Dogs .
29KOSHANDA'S ICE STROM. HP252284/01. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachila's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers and Charles Vickers.
SALUKIS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs .
BBY17FC ZSUMED SOLARI OGOE NIKKO SC. HP137667/04. 10/11/2004. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & G & J Newton.
21ZSUMED SAMEEN IBN SHABAH. HP251630/01. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton.
SALUKIS, American-Bred Dogs .
11ZSUMED BAIDA BOKA JC. HP251630/02. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton.
23HAALAH GIORGIO ARMANI. HP114241/02. 08/06/2004. BREEDER: Madeleine C Burdette. By Classicus Hermes-Ch Haalah Sans Souci. OWNER: Cheryl S Betty & Madeleine C Burdette.
27KOSHANDA'S FIRE AND ICE. HP252284/05. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers and Charles Vickers.
SALUKIS, Open Dogs .

7ZSUMED BA'D-NUMAIR OF SINASH JC. HP251630/05. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Robert & Shanis Reynolds & John & Susan Demusz.

9ISSIBAA'S GOINFORTHEGOLD. HP264699/05. 07/04/2007. BREEDER: Sharon B & Jim Kinney. By Ch Springmeadow Jack Frost-Ch Issibaa's Crispee Cream. OWNER: Elaine M Yerty Arthur W Yerty & Sharon B Kinney.
15ZSUMED MAKIN MALIK JC. HP251630/03. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John Demusz Susan Demusz Samantha E. Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Robert Edelmann Susan Edelmann Susan Demusz.
25RUWACH'S MASERATI BY & BYE-BYE SC. HP204999/07. 01/11/2006. BREEDER: Sharon Gause C. Noah S.A. Pietros & M. Brown. By Khalil's Katra SC-Ch Shiva's Athena Shikadin. OWNER: Bob & Karen Arends.
31SHEFARO'S SANTIAGO KARISTA. HP170900/14. 05/10/2005. BREEDER: Dottie Saunders Goodwin & Terri Parker. By Ch Karista Always Mar-Kie Taj Mahal-Ch Baghdad Jewel O Arabia. OWNER: Sherry Faye Rodarmor & Terri Parker.
33REIGNBEAU SHAHTANI TEXBLESS'D. HP095255/01. 01/31/2004. BREEDER: Nancy Bodine. By Ch Reignbeaus DontmesswithTexas SC-Ch Jatara Shahtani Shenanigans. OWNER: Cynthia L Najera.
SALUKIS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches .
16SOLARI TALISA ROZENE SC. HP109328/03. 02/18/2004. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Reignbeaus DontMessWithTexas SC-Ch Solari Amunra Outa Monet JC. OWNER: Louise Southworth & G & J & S Newton.
SALUKIS, Open Bitches .
6ZSUMED ZAINA-ALIA OF SINASH. HP251630/04. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brillant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Shanis & Robert Reynolds & John & Susan Demusz.
10CARAVAN WAQRAH AT HIDASAR. HP188860/01. 06/03/2005. BREEDER: Lotta Brun & Jack Jackson. By Diva's Touch Chiraz-Caravan Qatiifah Bint Jabiya. OWNER: David & Terri Jackson.
18KOSHANDA'S ICY FEATHER. HP252284/06. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebat Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers & Charles Vickers & Alex Vickers.
20SRINAGAR SHEFARO HONORE. HP238881/01. 10/26/2006. BREEDER: Afton Lucas. By Ch Srinagar Zephyr The Beloved JC-Sirsha JP Kingly Psyche. OWNER: Sherry Faye Rodarmor.
SALUKIS, Best of Breed Competition .
5CH SOLARI TALISA INSTYGATOR JC. HP109328/07. 02/18/2004. Dog. BREEDER: Louise Southworth & Garry & Judy & Samantha Newton. By Ch Reignbeaus DontmesswithTexas SC-Ch Solari Amunra Outa Monet JC. OWNER: James & Lisa Oslund & Garry & Judy Newton.
8CH HAJJI'S PORSCHE JC. HN012388/03. 10/11/2002. Bitch. BREEDER: Marinell McCowen. By Qirmizi Cartago-Ch Hajji-Reignbeau Texas Sonata JC. OWNER: Marinell McCowen & Gerry Thornton. AGENT: Gerry L Thornton.

14SHAHTANI IVORY MOON. HP272655/06. 07/29/2007. Bitch. BREEDER: Nancy Bodine. By Ch El-Rah Wyatt Regency-Ch Shahtani Blonde Ambition. OWNER: Lori May.

19CH BLUE NILE VANILLA ICE. HP009871/02. 04/07/2002. Dog. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Blue Nile Easy Design-Ch Jatara's Whos That Girl. OWNER: Sara Winsted & Michael McMillan.
SALUKIS, Brace 1st Dog Brace/Team .
(11)ZSUMED BAIDA BOKA. HP251630/02. 12/31/2006. Dog. BREEDER: Owners. By Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Zsumed Solari Al Shabah. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton.
SALUKIS, Brace 2nd Dog Brace/Team .
(15)ZSUMED MAKIN MALIK. HP251630/03. 12/31/2006. Dog. BREEDER: John Demusz Susan Demusz Samantha E. Newton. By Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Zsumed Solari Al Shabah. OWNER: Robert Edelmann Susan Edelmann Susan Demusz.

Back home at the ranch, July 30, 2008
Checking the tree for squirrels in Shefaro Park
with her Greyhound friend, Lola Rouge

In the mail today, August 5, 2008, Honore's Beaumont KC show photo
Back home, Honore enjoys running in the pasture August 16, 2008
October 4, 2008 Honore is as athletic as she is beautiful
Off like a shot across my pasture.

November 7, 2008
Honore's five point major - WB/AOM Specialty win

Show Results Galveston Bay Saluki Club Inc. 11/07/2008 REGULAR CLASSES SALUKIS JUDGE: Mr Dennis McGreevy
SALUKIS, Puppy Dogs 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos . 1 5BLUE NILE YES WE CAN. HP293368/01. 03/04/2008. BREEDER: Owners. By Blue Nile Vanilla Sky-Safiq Blue Nile Wasaamah. OWNER: Sara Winsted & Michael McMillan. 3 7WYVERN'S MUTINEER. HP297706/01. 04/20/2008. BREEDER: Melanie Mercer DVM. By Ch Sunsprint Naz Zafar Lyudaani-DC TSH No Regret Wyvern's Azeri SC. OWNER: Melanie Mercer. 2 9BLUE NILE REASON TO BELIEVE. HP293368/02. 03/04/2008. BREEDER: Owners. By Blue Nile Vanilla Sky-Shafiq Blue Nile Wasaamah. OWNER: Sara Winsted & Michael McMillan. A 11WYVERN KEEP ME IN YOUR HEART. HP297706/03. 04/20/2008. BREEDER: Melanie Mercer DVM. By Ch Sunsprint Naz Zafar Lyudaani-DC TSH No Regret Wyvern's Azeri SC. OWNER: Melanie Mercer. SALUKIS, Puppy Dogs 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos . 1/R BPY15SHAFIQ SAMIIR. HP298920/02. 11/11/2007. BREEDER: Daphane A & Peter R Lowe. By Ch Shafiq Blue Nile Wajiihu-Ch Shafiq Asiirah Fch. OWNER: Daphane A & Peter R Lowe. SALUKIS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs . 3 17ZSUMED BAIDA BOKA. HP251630/02. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: Owners. By Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Zsumed Solari Al Shabah. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. 1 19APPALACHIA'S ZAKI KTEER. HP252284/02. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela Arwood & Alex & Kay & Charles Vickers. By Castlebay Aston Martin-Appalachia's Surrah Masarrah. OWNER: Pamela Arwood. 2 21ZSUMED SOLARI OGOE NIKKO. HP137667/04. 10/11/2004. BREEDER: Owners. By Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Zsumed Solari Al Shabah. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & G & J Newton & S Newton. SALUKIS, American-Bred Dogs . 1 23ZSUMED MAIKEN MALIK. HP251630/03. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha E Newton. By Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Zsumed Solari Al Shabah. OWNER: Robert & Susan Edelmann & Susan Demusz. A 25KOSHANDA'S FIRE AND ICE. HP252284/05. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers and Charles Vickers. SALUKIS, Open Dogs . 27KOSHANDA'S ICE STROM. HP252284/01. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachila's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers and Charles Vickers. 4 29HAALAH GIORGIO ARMANI. HP114241/02. 08/06/2004. BREEDER: Madeleine C Burdette. By Classicus Hermes-Ch Haalah Sans Souci. OWNER: Cheryl S Betty & Madeleine C Burdette. 31JEN ARABY ECSTAZIS. HP116883/03. 07/22/2004. BREEDER: Wayne & Marless Jensen. By Jen Araby Sarouk-Jen Araby Kaliente Lamar. OWNER: Peter R Ortiz & Marless Jensen. 2 33APPALACHIA'S JALEEL AMIIR. HP252284/03. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay & Alex & Charles Vickers. By Ch Castlebay Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Surrah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Sara Winsted and Pamela Arwood. 35SOLARI TALISA WAKANDA. HP109328/04. 02/18/2004. BREEDER: Louise Southworth & Garry & Judy Newton & S Newton. By Ch Reignbeaus Dontmesswithtexas SC-Ch Solari Amunra Outa Monet JC. OWNER: Mary E & Grant E Davis Jr. 37KHIVA'S HOT STUFF. HP224407/04. 05/15/2006. BREEDER: Katrina Hamilton Valerie and Barbara Hamilton. By Ch Khiva's Daylan A Baha-Ch Khiva's Midnight Escapade. OWNER: Valerie Hamilton Katrina and Barbara Hamilton. 39APPALACHA ZURI ODESE. HM955744/05. 04/19/2001. BREEDER: Pam Arwood. By Zuri ADuBa-Ruuh Min Zahir Ela Appalacha. OWNER: James D Growe. 41ZSUMED BA'D-NUMAIR OF SINASH. HP251630/05. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. By Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah. OWNER: Robert & Shanis Reynolds & John & Susan Demusz. 1/W/BW 43ISSIBAA'S GOINFORTHEGOLD. HP264699/05. 07/04/2007. BREEDER: Sharon B & Jim Kinney. By Ch Springmeadow Jack Frost-Ch Issibaa's Crispee Cream. OWNER: Elaine M Yerty Arthur W Yerty & Sharon B Kinney. 45ZSUMED SHAZAM JIZAN JC. HP251630/06. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar JC-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Grant & Mary Davis & Susan Demusz. 3 47SHEFARO'S SANTIAGO KARISTA. HP170900/14. 05/10/2005. BREEDER: Dottie Saunders Goodwin & Terri Parker. By Ch Karista Always Mar-Kie Taj Mahal-Ch Baghdad Jewel O Arabia. OWNER: Sherry Faye Rodarmor & Terri Parker. SALUKIS, Puppy Bitches 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos . 1 6WYVERN STAND IN THE FIRE. HP297706/02. 04/20/2008. BREEDER: Melanie Mercer DVM. By Ch Sunsprint Naz Zafar Lyudaani-DC TSH No Regret Wyvern's Azeri SC. OWNER: Melanie Mercer. SALUKIS, Puppy Bitches 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos . 1 8SHAFIQ SARRIA. HP298920/01. 11/11/2007. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Shafiq Blue Nile Wajiihu-Ch MBIF Shafiq Samaam Khaslah LCM7. OWNER: Daphane A & Peter R Lowe. SALUKIS, Twelve To Eighteen Month Bitches . 1 10SIRIANNI PATIENCE AT LAST. HP278227/01. 08/17/2007. BREEDER: Wanda & Pamela Sirianni. By Ch Sirianni Red October-Ch Sirianni Tiarc Nyala Sm. OWNER: Jamey Witmer & Scott Lambert. 3 12SHIRAA SAVANNA BREEZE. HP297132/01. 10/03/2007. BREEDER: Tracy Cox. By Shiraa Sindaar-Shiraa Sirikit. OWNER: Ellie Case & Rick Brown. 2 14APPALACHIA'S TALISA JINAAN. HP270291/04. 05/15/2007. BREEDER: Susan Jackson & Pamela J. Arwood. By Ch ASPEN'S TRIPLE TROUBLE CD SC NA-Ch APPALACHIA ZURI TABRIIZ JC. OWNER: L. Southworth P. Arwood S. Jackson. SALUKIS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches . A 16HAALAH COCO CHANEL. HP114241/01. 08/06/2004. BREEDER: Madeleine Burdette. By Classicus Hermes-Ch Haalah Sans Souci. OWNER: Madeleine Burdette. 2 18SOLARI TALISA ROZENE SC. HP109328/03. 02/18/2004. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Reignbeaus DontMessWithTexas SC-Ch Solari Amunra Outa Monet JC. OWNER: Louise Southworth & G & J & S Newton. 1 BBY20APPALACHIA'S TAALIA'. HP270291/03. 05/15/2007. BREEDER: Owners. By Aspen's Triple Trouble-Appalachia's Zuri Tabriiz. OWNER: Pamela Arwood & Susan Jackson. 3 22HIDASAR MOONSHADOW. HP022618/15. 09/29/2002. BREEDER: David & Terri Jackson. By Hidasar The Highlander-Hidasar Building a Mystery. OWNER: David & Terri Jackson. SALUKIS, American-Bred Bitches . 1 24APPALACHIA'S LAILA ALI. HP252284/04. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pam Arwood & Alex Kay & Charles Vickers. By Castlebay Aston Martin-Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah. OWNER: Pamela Arwood. SALUKIS, Open Bitches . 26CARAVAN WAQRAH AT HIDASAR. HP188860/01. 06/03/2005. BREEDER: Lotta Brun & Jack Jackson. By Diva's Touch Chiraz-Caravan Qatiifah Bint Jabiya. OWNER: David & Terri Jackson.
1/W AM28SRINAGAR SHEFARO HONORE. HP238881/01. 10/26/2006. BREEDER: Afton Lucas. By Ch Srinagar Zephyr The Beloved JC-Sirsha JP Kingly Psyche. OWNER: Sherry Faye Rodarmor. AGENT: Stephanie Cottrell.
2/R 30BARK & DIVES JP BAHA LUNA OF KHIVA. HP181994/02. 03/15/2005. BREEDER: Kumiko Mogi. By Baklava's Rafi Rasil of Khiva-Bark & Dive's JP Callista Twiggy. OWNER: Dr Caroline Coile. 3 32APPALACHIA'S ALUUF JAZIIL. HP223573/02. 03/18/2006. BREEDER: Pamela Arwood. By Qirmizi Cartego-Appalachia's Bahiim Zillah. OWNER: Paul & Michelle Clevenger & Pamela J Arwood. 34HILLSIDE KARISTA ANUSARA. HP205923/03. 03/21/2006. BREEDER: Vicki McDonald. By CH Karista Believe It Or Not-CH Al Khabara Badaya of Hillside. OWNER: T. P. McAvoy & V. McDonald. 36ZSUMED ZAINA-ALIA OF SINASH. HP251630/04. 12/31/2006. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. By Sirsha JP Brillant Jaynagar-Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah. OWNER: Shanis & Robert Reynolds & John & Susan Demusz. 38TAL AL ARZ CINNAMON GIRL. HP228751/06. 07/23/2006. BREEDER: Linda Deutsch & Carlene Kuhl. By Sedeki Maek-Tal Al Arz Gemsbok Bint Jedda. OWNER: JoAnn Weber. 40KOSHANDA'S ICY FEATHER. HP252284/06. 03/19/2007. BREEDER: Pamela J Arwood & Kay Vickers & Alex Vickers & Cha. By Ch Castlebat Aston Martin-Ch Appalachia's Suraah Masarrah SC. OWNER: Kay Vickers & Charles Vickers & Alex Vickers. SALUKIS, Veteran Dogs 7 Yrs & Under 10 Yrs . 2 49CH HAJJI-REIGNBEAU INT'L REIGN JC. HM864484/01. 08/23/1999. BREEDER: Marinell & Kenny P McCowen. By Ch Baghdad Globetrotter-Ch Hajji-Reignbeau Texas Sonata. OWNER: Cynthia L Najera. 1 51JEDASHI WICHITA LINEMAN. HM949663/03. 04/11/2001. BREEDER: Doray Rowden & Shirle Maines. By Gafen's Jedashi Sherpa-Jedashi Tuvara. OWNER: Rick Brown & Heather Queener & Shirle Maines. SALUKIS, Veteran Dogs 10 Yrs & Older . 1 53SPRINGMEADOW JAMON DESOTO. HM637980/02. 05/17/1996. BREEDER: Elaine M & Arthur W Yerty. By Midbar Beer Ruah Springmeadow-Springmeadow's Autumn Haze. OWNER: Ellie & Kenny Case & Elaine M Yerty. 2 55SUNSPRINT NAZ ZAFAR LYUDAANI. HM790641/03. 04/14/1998. BREEDER: Bonnie K Leyba. By Sunsprint Shunka Ode Tonka-Sunsprint Ze'hal Anii Cetan. OWNER: Melanie Mercer DVM. SALUKIS, Best of Breed Competition . 57KHIVA'S PROPHET OF BAHA. HM966256/01. 05/29/2001. Dog. BREEDER: Valerie & Barbara Hamilton. By Batal Kirman Khyber-Khiva's Athena. OWNER: Dr Caroline Coile. AM59TSH WYVERN'S ZEV. HP075887/01. 06/21/2002. Dog. BREEDER: Chris Mason. By Ajuz TSH Toohkano-Grassland TSH Mariah. OWNER: Melanie Mercer DVM. AM61CH REIGNBEAU SHAHTANI TEXBLESS'D. HP095255/01. 01/31/2004. Dog. BREEDER: Nancy Bodine. By Ch Reignbeaus DontmesswithTexas SC-Ch Jatara Shahtani Shenanigans. OWNER: Cynthia L Najera. 63ZSUMED SAMEEN IBN SHABAH. HP251630/01. 12/31/2006. Dog. BREEDER: Owners. By Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Zsumed Solari Al Shabah. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. 65CH BLUE NILE VANILLA ICE. HP009871/02. 04/07/2002. Dog. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Blue Nile Easy Design-Ch Jataras Whos That Girl. OWNER: Sara Winsted & Michael McMillan. 67CH KHIVA'S RAMI RASIL. HP106694/02. 05/26/2004. Dog. BREEDER: Valerie & Katrina Hamilton. By Ch Baklava's Rafi Rasil Of Khiva-Ch Khiva's Gwynasha Kishon. OWNER: Valerie & Barbara & Katrina Hamilton. A 69KAROB KING CROESUS OF LYDIA. HP041726/03. 03/15/2003. Dog. BREEDER: Owners. By Kyzyl Kum Djaazrah-Karob Artemis At Ephesus. OWNER: Robert Frost & Brandon Frost. A 71CH SHAFIQ BLUE NILE WAJIIHU. HP067889/03. 08/25/2003. Dog. BREEDER: Daphane A & Peter R Lowe. By Ch Blue Nile Easy Ruler-Ch MBIF Shafiq Samaam Khaslah LCM7. OWNER: Daphane A Lowe & Sara Winsted & Michael McMillan. A 73KAROB PARMENIDES AT ELEA. HP202988/03. 02/20/2006. Dog. BREEDER: Owners. By Ziba Indus-Karob Artemis At Ephesus. OWNER: Robert & Karen Frost. A 75ELAD'S MAJED BAHJAT. HM834980/04. 05/30/1999. Dog. BREEDER: Dale Wright & Katherine Brock. By Elad's Aziim Aniiq-Elad's Moonlight Fantacy. OWNER: Jeff & Norma Huron. 77EL-UBAID'S KHARDOS SRINAGAR. HP130226/04. 04/21/2004. Dog. BREEDER: S R Bruynder. By El-Ubaid's Cheddah-Srinagar Manayu Durga. OWNER: Brenda & Neil G Brody. 79DC ZSUMED SOLARI KITA KIBA SC. HP137667/05. 10/11/2004. Dog. BREEDER: DEMUSZ. By Ch Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Ch Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah SC. OWNER: Shanis Reynolds & A Susan Demusz&Samantha E Newton. BB 81CH SOLARI TALISA INSTYGATOR SC. HP109328/07. 02/18/2004. Dog. BREEDER: Louise Southworth & Garry & Judy & Samantha Newton. By Ch Reignbeaus DontmesswithTexas SC-Ch Solari Amunra Outa Monet JC. OWNER: James & Lisa Oslund & Garry & Judy Newton. OS 84APPALACHIA'S MAJIID RAJAA. HP223573/01. 03/18/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Owner. By Qirmizi Cartago-Appalachia's Bahiim Zillah. OWNER: Pamela J Arwood. A 86CH HAJJI'S PORSCHE JC. HN012388/03. 10/11/2002. Bitch. BREEDER: Marinell McCowen. By Qirmizi Cartago-Ch Hajji-Reignbeau Texas Sonata JC. OWNER: Marinell McCowen & Gerry Thornton. AGENT: Gerry L Thornton. 88ZSUMED SOLARI LADY TAYMA. HP137667/03. 10/11/2004. Bitch. BREEDER: Owners. By Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Zsumed Solari Al Shabah. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & G & J & S Newton. A 90JEN ARABY CHAKA KHAN. HP116883/04. 07/22/2004. Bitch. BREEDER: Wayne & Marlyss Jensen. By Jen Araby Sarouk-Jen Araby Kaliente Lamar. OWNER: Peter R Ortiz & Marlyss Jensen. SALUKIS, Brace 1st Dog Brace/Team . 1/BBR (17)ZSUMED BAIDA BOKA. HP251630/02. 12/31/2006. Dog. BREEDER: Owners. By Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Zsumed Solari Al Shabah. OWNER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. 2 (41)ZSUMED BA'D-NUMAIR OF SINASH. HP251630/05. 12/31/2006. Dog. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. By Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah. OWNER: Robert & Shanis Reynolds & John & Susan Demusz. 3 (59)TSH WYVERN'S ZEV. HP075887/01. 06/21/2002. Dog. BREEDER: Chris Mason. By Ajuz TSH Toohkano-Grassland TSH Mariah. OWNER: Melanie Mercer DVM. SALUKIS, Brace 2nd Dog Brace/Team . 1/BBR (23)ZSUMED MAKIN MALIK. HP251630/03. 12/31/2006. Dog. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha E Newton. By Sirsha JP Brilliant Jaynagar-Zsumed Solari Al Shabah. OWNER: Robert & Susan Edelmann & Susan Demusz. 2 (36)ZSUMED ZAINA-ALIA OF SINASH. HP251630/04. 12/31/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: John & Susan Demusz & Samantha Newton. By Sirsha JP Brillant Jaynagar-Zsumed's Solari Al Shabah. OWNER: Shanis & Robert Reynolds & John & Susan Demusz. 3 (55)SUNSPRINT NAZ ZAFAR LYUDAANI. HM790641/03. 04/14/1998. Dog. BREEDER: Bonnie K Leyba. By Sunsprint Shunka Ode Tonka-Sunsprint Ze'hal Anii Cetan. OWNER: Melanie Mercer DVM.

Honore back at Shefaro enjoying her life as a farm girl.
November 13, 2008
November 25, 2008
After a dip in the small tank, Honore flies across the pasture
December 27, 2010 - just as beautiful  now as she was when showing.