publish 07272017
Shefaro is a non-commercial small livestock ranch in Bexar County, Texas. Our primary goal is to offer sheep and goats for pets and agricultural exemptions, working livestock guardian dogs to guard herds and flocks on farms and ranches, strictly for agricultural purposes. Our secondary goal is top performance sighthounds for field trials and performance events. To that end, we have multiple Best in Field competitors. We also have sighthounds available for SERVICE AND THERAPY training.
Greyhound Rescue has become a primary goal as well. Bexata Animal Sanctuary, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue. If you would like to adopt a rescue Greyhound, please visit Bexata Animal Sanctuary, Inc. to see available Greyhounds and then email for more information.
The links below are listed alphabetically, not in order of importance. All links lead to Shefaro, life at Shefaro, owners and friends who share their kids with me, and the creatures with which God has blessed my life.
Articles and Information (articles)
Future Championsaf
Future Championsgm
Great Pyrenees
History and Credits
Holy Borzoi Batman
Knopf Publishing (knopfpictures)
Lure Coursing at Shefaro
Peacocks, etc. (peacocks)
Polish Connection
Pre-Paid Legal Services
Salukis (honore)
Shefaro Borzoi for Sale
Shefaro Ibizan Hounds
Shefaro Salukis
Special Dogs (specialdogsab)
Special Dogs C
Special Dogs D
Special Dogs EF
Special Dogs GHI
Special Dogs GHI
Special Dogs JKL
Special Dogs NOP
Special Dogs TZ (tuvwxyz)
Springtime at Shefaro
Copyright 2005-2015 Shefaro Borzoi and Boer Goats, Sherry Faye Rodarmor, All rights reserved.
No Portion of this website may be copied or linked to without permission from site owner.
Sherry Faye Rodarmor
891 Hume Road
San Antonio, TX 78264
(210) 626-3156
Proud member of the NGA and always in compliance with the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club, United Kennel Club, International Federation, American Sighthound Field Association.
Shefaro is a non-commercial small livestock ranch in Bexar County, Texas. Our primary goal is to offer sheep and goats for pets and agricultural exemptions, working livestock guardian dogs to guard herds and flocks on farms and ranches, strictly for agricultural purposes. Our secondary goal is top performance sighthounds for field trials and performance events. To that end, we have multiple Best in Field competitors.
Welcome to Shefaro Borzoi and Boer Goats, Salukis, Greyhounds, Sheep, Goats, Working Livestock Guardian Dogs Great Pyrenees and Anatolian Shepherds
Merry Christmas 2016
Happy 2016 Halloween from Shefaro
Baby goats and sheep are born.
Merry Christmas from Shefaro
The Lotterman kids, Silver and Lola
Marisa's Arles Holiday - 2015 Christmas Card by Gail Reeves
Avalanche waiting for Santa
Livestock Guard Dog Barrett - Happy New Year! 2015
and some of the livestock a dog like Barrett guards.
This is Springtime at Shefaro.
Merry Christmas to all from Shefaro
Marisa Chapman "Shopping by the Sea"
Lexi and Carrie Parrigin with Santa
Happy New Year from Shefaro Borzoi boy Sergei Nichols
click the picture for Shefaro Highlights 2014
Merry Christmas to all - Marisa and Peeper
Greyhound Rescue has become a primary goal. Bexata Animal Sanctuary, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue. If you would like to adopt a rescue Greyhound, please visit Bexata Animal Sanctuary, Inc. to see available Greyhounds and then email for more information.
Retired racing Greyhounds available for adoption. Click the picture.
"Pedigree indicates what the animal should be. Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be.
But performance indicates what the animal actually is." Anonymous
Bred by Shefaro - Borzoi Anya - Kelly's therapy Borzoi, Anya.waiting while the family goes bowling. Click the picture for more pride of Shefaro - service and therapy. She is also a great Lure Coursing Shefaro Borzoi
"Pedigree indicates what the animal should be. Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be.
But performance indicates what the animal actually is." Anonymous
Bred by Shefaro, Fenix (in blue) best op MVCC, No. 1 NOFCA Greyhound dog (with limited hunting) 2011-2012
photo by Herb Wells
Marisa Chapman dances the Nutracker
God Bless America
Shefaro is a non-commercial small livestock ranch in Bexar County, Texas. Our primary goal is to offer sheep and goats for pets and agricultural exemptions, working livestock guardian dogs to guard herds and flocks on farms and ranches, strictly for agricultural purposes. Our secondary goal is top performance sighthounds for field trials and performance events. To that end, we have multiple Best in Field competitors.
Greyhound Rescue has become a primary goal as well. Bexata Animal Sanctuary, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue. If you would like to adopt a rescue Greyhound, please visit Bexata Animal Sanctuary, Inc. to see available Greyhounds and then email for more information.
Click Anya's picture below for Shefaro's service and therapy page. Then
scroll down to Anya's picture and click it to see Anya's youtube video.
What a weekend at the San Diego Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Field Trial - June 2-3, 2012 - Ramona, CA, Tali JC/QC Sat. Sunday Best in Field Saluki Shefaro's Tali, Congratulations Jacque and Devon
March 31 - April 1, 2012 Shefaro Greyhounds field trialing at Hutto, TX, TWO MORE BESTS IN FIELD! Pictured is Sweetie Pie who won Best in Field on Saturday, while Black Beauty ran Best in Field on Sunday. Click the picture for more Shefaro highlights and honors. April 23, 2012 - inaugural Houston Area Hound Association AKC lure course, Black Beauty takes another Best in Field.
Mariska turned 14 on December 17, 2011 Pictured March 1, 2012 - that's Shefaro longevity!
Born 2/14/1999 Shefaro Borzoi Nancy's Heart turned 13 on Valentines Day
Happy Birthday Heart 2/14/2012 - That's Shefaro Longevity!
March 3, 2012 Black Beauty is a Field Champion
Black Beauty - 1st in Open for a 5 point major, Best of Breed Greyhound, and BEST IN FIELD! Sunday, December 4, 2011
FLASH- December 11, 2011 Another Best in Field for Black Beauty
Another Best in Field - Black Beauty - Lure coursing at Cat Spring, TX
Nov. 6, 2011 (photo by Dawn Curran)
Kelly's Shefaro kids
Aren't these kids great!
National Open Field Coursing Association three day Grand National Shefaro Greyhound Fenix, results - High Score Greyhound, Fenix, second overall (tied with Saluki). February 2011
Come on back for future holiday pictures.
Happy Valentine's Day
Shefaro Borzoi Silver and Lola Lotterman
Shefaro Borzoi Boris and Sergei "The Nichols Boiz!"
We wish you Peace and prosperity and Happy Holidays From Chapman Gallery - Shefaro's "Marisa builds a snow dog" by Gail Reeves
Never forget!
God Bless America!
Please enjoy a visit to SHEFARO HIGHLIGHTS 2010 - click on the picture - follow the links
Shefaro where God allows me to be the keeper of my friends and where Shefaro successes are His gifts.
Highlights 2010 - Shefaro Sighthounds are winning in all venues. What a weekend March 20-21, 2010, Shefaro Borzoi Zoe Agility, Shefaro Ibizan Hounds Lily, Spirit, Honey Bun, Idol Lure Coursing, Shefaro Ibizan Hound Caribe 5-point major conformation, Shefaro Saluki Lauren JC, QC, Lure Coursing and more! Enjoy a visit to SHEFARO HIGHLIGHTS.
Shefaro Saluki Edy is starting her lure coursing and show careers Fall 2010.
Shefaro Alejandra's Federico aka Freckles will be showing again in July
Shefaro Greyhound, Einstein, wins another Best in Field April 18, 2010
Shefaro Borzoi, sighthounds and livestock guard dogs excel in temperament, service and therapy work, conformation (AKC, UKC, IABCA, FCI), obedience, rally, agility, lure coursing, companion to grace your home.
Welcome to my world!
Shefaro is the home of Multi International (FCI, UCI), World, American (AKC, UKC, IABCA), Mexican, Costa Rican, Bahamian, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban, Guatemalan, Peruvian, Venezuelan, Columbian, South American, Champions of the Americas, Caribbean, Bermudian, Canadian conformation, obedience (Specialty HIT), rally, agility, lure coursing, Best in Show, Best Brace in Show, Best Bred By In Show, Best in Field lure coursers, High In Trial Obedience and Agility champions, Top Producers, Top Ten, National Specialty and group winning champions, Breed Specialty winning champions, service and therapy dogs, and wonderful companions where temperament comes first. The pride of Shefaro - Service and Therapy dogs - can be seen at SHEFARO SERVICE AND THERAPY.
A puppy is an investment of time, money and love. Shefaro sighthounds are considered my family and should be treated as a member of your family as well. Please email for information and an application. Pups are sold without registration, resale or breeding rights. No request for any Shefaro sighthound is entertained without a completed application. Another source of great pride at Shefaro - WORKING LIVESTOCK GUARD DOGS - sheep, goats and livestock guard dogs. Please enjoy viewing my webpage as much as I enjoy working on it. Shefaro started with Borzoi, followed by Ibizan Hounds, Salukis and Greyhounds. I am drawn to these captivating breeds and am thrilled to add them to the Shefaro family of treasured companions and champions. My life is not just dogs as you can see below. Dogs are not my whole life, but they make life whole.
Shefaro abides always by the rules and regulations set forth by the American Kennel Club, United Kennel Club, International All Breed Canine Association, American Sighthound Field Assocation, National Greyhound Association, Federacion Cynologique Internationale and it's International members.
Shefaro occasionally has Saluki puppies for sale.
Shefaro occasionally has Borzoi puppies for sale
Miracle on the Hudson
Welcome to my world!
Shefaro Livestock Guard Dog Joon and her baby Cria
Painted Desert sheep
Pygmy/Nigerian Dwarf
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. And remember, there are a lot of people out there who succumb to jealousy and live their lives vicariously through you. Your SUCCESSes only make them more aware of the meaningless lives they lead, while you don't know or care that they exist.
The Pygmy and Nigerian Dwarf kids at Shefaro
THE WORLD DOG SHOW MEXICO CITY May 24-27, 2007 click on the picture
Livestock Guard Dog pups - click on picture
"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen." Please stop for a moment and say a prayer for our troops around the world.
Kaiser's Dad Anoki returned home safely from Iraq. God Bless the Fretwell family for their sacrifice to keep us free.
Zorro and Don Diego's Dad is home! God Bless the Larson family for their sacrifice to our country. Welcome home Steve!
Steve is back in Afghanistan 2009 Our prayers are with him.
The boys above were sired by Darnilo who is working hard at home. Pictured finishing his Rally title October 29, 2006 - Shefaro's first Rally titlist. Honors shared by Shefaro and Anne Parchman.
My heroes have always been Cowboys - and still are it seems!
The two wolves
An old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said,
"My son, the battle is between two wolves. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, sorrow, regret,
greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority,
and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence,
empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which
wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
" Half of the American people never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half." -- Gore Vidal
"A hundred years from now, it will not matter the sort of house I lived in,
what my bank account was, or the car I drove....but the world may be
different because I was important in the life of the animals and the creatures on
this earth."
"Folks will know how large your soul is, by the way you treat a dog." -
Charles F. Doran
"If you have work you love, you have a life. "--Jack Nicholson
"Life is a great big canvas. Throw all the paint on it you can."-Danny Kaye
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."- Robert Frost
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his
life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the
last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."
Shefaro Borzoi - mentally, physically, spiritually sound
from this...
to this...
to this, Shefaro Borzoi...
enjoy life to it's fullest and...
that includes winning!
AKC, IABCA, UKC shows - Shefaro Borzoi are always in the winners circle!
Flipper wins at AKC shows Conroe, TX December 3, 2006 while Freckles wins at UKC shows, Hutto, TX December 2-3, 2006
January 20-21, 2007 Blanco wins his UKC Championship at Hutto, TX while Flipper wins WD, BOS at AKC shows in Rosenberg.
Shefaro welcomes Spirit and Caribe
Livestock Guard Dog pups for sale
Boer Goats for Sale
Barbado black belly sheep for sale
Pygmy and Nigerian Dwarf Goats for Sale
(coming in for feed after grazing on pasture and round bales of hay)
Mama and baby girl
Fall at Shefaro - when pasture is low, round bales of hay substitute
If you are ever lucky enough to visit Shefaro, this is what you can expect!
Bringing in-depth competition coverage and behind-the-scenes features about the participants, owners and trainers, as well as a look at the lighter side of dog shows, this dog show season will appeal to dog lovers and sports enthusiasts alike. Ch. Shefaro Amadeo's Rodrigo represents Borzoi in the hound group. Pictured are Rodrigo winning Best of Breed (left) and Shefaro's Cesario winning Best of Winners. Rodrigo's out shaking off the mothballs getting ready for Summer shows in S. Texas 2006.

Isabella's orphan baby, "Sunny." A rancher woman came by late evening on February 23, 2006, with her pregnant, prolapsed Anatolian x Pyrenees female, Joleen. We were able to pull this baby, but Joleen died the next day at the rancher woman's vet's office. Isabella, with her splendid temperament, has taken on "Sunny" as one of her own. I am so proud of Isabella and her new "son." That's Shefaro temperament at it's best! Birth mom was Joleen, birth dad is Kujo, a Pinto Anatolian male pictured on my webpage.
Tajga has weaned her Borzoi puppies and Lorelei has taken over as nanny September 2006
Shefaro Borzoi and Livestock Guard Dogs are pictured with their babies and friends. Click the link.
From farm boy to show boy, at 11 months of age, Shefaro Hijo's Hijo wins Puppy Hound Group First, Saturday, January 7, 2006, at the Nolan River Kennel Club puppy match. First time off the farm and into the show ring, Flipper took to the ring like a dolphin to water. (We didn't stay for best in match.)
Left - Mirabella - from farm girl to show girl. August 21, 2005, first time in the ring ever, Mirabella wins Best Female twice for a major and minor points toward her United Kennel Club Championship. (competition required for majors, three majors required) Rodrigo won Best Male/Best of Winners and two group seconds for two majors. I am so proud of Mirabella. She had never been away from Shefaro before and she went from the farm into the show ring like she had been showing her whole life! August 27, 2005 - two new Champions! UKC Champion Shefaro Fabiana's Mirabella and UKC AKC Multi International Champion Shefaro Amadeo's Rodrigo.
Mirabella - Lorelei
Right - October 28-29, 2005 Lorelei goes from farm girl to show girl winning her first American Championship points in grand style! Sat. First in bred by, winners bitch, best of winners, best of opposite sex. Sun. First in bred by, best of winners, BEST OF BREED (over a champion). Cesario went Winners Dog.
While Lorelei was winning, my boys were doing their own share of winning - Sat. Darnilo qualified in rally with a score of 97 out of 100! Cesario won another point of his own - Sun. October 29, 2005 first in bred by, winners dog. November 19, 2005 - Cesario wins First in Bred by, Winners Dog, Best of Winners for another point! Both boys will be continuing pursuits of their titles in 2006.
Shefaro Borzoi - Pegaso - is featured on the front cover of the Knopf Canada and Random House Canada" Spring 2006 catalogue.
Air Force 1st Lieutenant Scott Takacs (soon to be Captain) holds his handsome Shefaro puppy boy, Monty. God Bless Lt. Takacs and
A girl and her dog! Nicole and Zoe. Nicole is a top agility competitor and will be competing with Shefaro's Elegant Zoe.
Some are less athletic!
Toro watches Lassie. Guillermo enjoys a Western. Zar likes soaps.
Some would rather drive than walk. Shefaro's Paloma and Manolo (Manolo's driving his new BMW Z4 convertible)
Sergei graduates Puppy School!
Tasha graduates puppy education classes.
Tasha's graduation - now that she's completed puppy education, she's going on to intermediate. Congratulations to Tasha and her mom, Bethany.
Leona - Yafah (Ana x Pyr girl)
Sabrina is a Paws for Friendship, Inc. therapy dog.
Isaac is a Delta Society therapy dog.
Obedience Champion - Ch. Darnilo, CD, RN CGC, is pictured with his obedience trainer/handler, friend, Anne Parchman. First Rally fun match with me, Darnilo scores 94! 6/12/05. Second Rally in October, he won a 97 out of 100! Darnilo's an RN (Rally Novice) winner.
Shefaro Borzoi and Boer Goats
Sherry Faye Rodarmor
891 Hume Road
San Antonio, Texas 78264
(210) 626-3156
Shefaro Borzoi Champions
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas - Pygmy Goats, Boer Goats, Nubian Goats, Spanish Goats, Barbado Sheep
"It's not the good deals that you miss that hurt you. It's the bad deals that you make." Tracy Ward
If the engagement is rocky, forget about the marriage." Tracy Ward
Shefaro is a non-commercial working small livestock ranch in Bexar County, Texas. Our primary goal is to offer sheep and goats for pets and agricultural exemptions, working livestock guardian dogs to guard herds and flocks on farms and ranches, strictly for agricultural purposes. Our secondary goal is top performance sighthounds for field trials and performance events.
Please email for information:
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas - Pygmy Goats, Boer Goats, Nubian Goats, Spanish Goats, Barbado Sheep
Copyright 2005-2006-2007-2008-2009-2010-2011 This website is copyrighted material and is the property of Shefaro Borzoi, Sherry Faye Rodarmor. No portion of this website may be copied or reproduced without express permission of the website owner at
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre
minds." Albert Einstein
Sherry Faye Rodarmor
Shefaro Borzoi and Boer Goats
891 Hume Road
San Antonio, Texas 78264
(210) 626-3156
Shefaro Borzoi for sale