Born February 27, 2005
Jen and Michael
Tampa Bay, Florida
Pictured June 22, 2005 before leaving for her new home
Monet (left June 28, 2005) congratulations Jen!
pictured at the vet June 27, and in my truck on her way to the airport, June 28.
Pictured with friends Dash and Rig
September 18, 2005
September 25, 2005 she's quite a beauty
----- Original Message -----
From: FastDogs
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: How's Monet?
She's great... such a good girl! I think she may be the world's only sighthound that retrieves tennis balls out of the ocean :-) Here's a pic I took the other day of her with her new collar she got for her 9 month B-day:
Monet celebrates her year birthday in grand style with a swim in the lake.
What a beautiful and happy girl.
----- Original Message -----
From: FastDogsForMe
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 6:20 PM
Subject: Monet, Salukis, etc
Monet is SOOO gorgeous it's amazing. She's suddenly getting this super deep chest and tiny tuckup, and her coats really getting long. Her tail drags the ground. I NEED new pics. I had her at the beach today, largely b/c it's a beautiful beach and makes for great photos, but I forgot my phone. My real camera is deader than dead. I'm getting my mom's old one to take on our road trip to San Francisco. I'll get lots then! I want pics of my dogs in front of all the cool places we go :)
Anyway, just thought I'd say hello!
----- Original Message -----
From: FastDogsForMe
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 7:20 PM
Subject: Monet's Grand Adventure
I just wanted to take a minute while I have internet access to write and send a couple of pictures. Monet is enjoying her grand adventure across America! She has walked around New York City, enjoying the sights of Times Square, then taking a taxi cab to Central Park where she ran and played with some local dogs. Then, we came to Michael's parents' house where we are now. She has been running and playing on 32 acres of mountain streams and glorious land- racing around with my Greyhound and my Whippet and my foster Greyhound, and his mom's Saint Bernard. On the way here, we stopped in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina, where I took this photo. She's having a great time. Next, we're on across to Seattle. Hope all is well!
Jen, Michael, and Monet
Monet is visiting Shefaro. She's enjoying her time playing with her Borzoi family. Monet and Mateo tug of war August 2, 2006
Mateo, Freckles and Monet
August 8, 2006 with Ibizan Hound friend, Lily
October 10, 2006 in Shefaro Park with Sunny and Martina
Monet in Shefaro pasture.