Pan Bullard
Lucy's a Mom! babies born June 14, 2005, sired by Ch. Lhaghana Darnilo of Zarina, CD. Pictured June 19, 2005, Manolo is second from the bottom right.
June 18, 2005 - Sabrina, Rubio, Manolo
June 20, 2005
Four brothers - Diego, Zorro, Rubio, Manolo
July 26, 2005 - Rubio, Manolo, Sabrina
August 28, 2005
Manolo meets the goats coming in from Shefaro Park. October 13, 2005
November 30, 2005
Manolo's growing up!
Taking a walk in Shefaro Park November 30, 2005
December 1, 2005
December 25, 2005
December 26, 2005
February 19, 2006
Manolo and Sunny
Martina, Mateo and Manolo February 28, 2006
April 11, 2006
June 10, 2006
July 2006
Manolo left Shefaro on July 21, 2006 to live with Pan and Mike Bullard.
Waiting at the vet's office to get his health certificate July 20, 2006
On the scale getting weighed.
Getting his exam and health certificate July 20, 2006
At the park after the vet.
July 21, 2006 last potty break at the airport.
In his Giant sky kennel just before the door closed.
Agent Ray was putting in the ties to secure the door.
In front of a big fan waiting for the agent to take him to the plane.
After a big adventure, he was picked up by his new Mom, Pan. She fell in love at first sight and so did he. They are a very happy family with Pan, Mike and their Great Dane Harley. As of July 22, 2006, Manolo is one of the family.
The boys eat together and share everything.
You'd think Manolo had been raised there - that's Shefaro temperament! He loves his new Mom, Pan, and she loves him.
It didn't take long for Manolo to make himself completely at home. July 23, 2006, napping in the kitchen with Harley.
After a nap, Manolo takes a stroll around his new house.
Manolo and Harley are in the kitchen waiting for a treat.
Paloma now lives with Manolo. Here she is with Manolo and he is very happy to have a Shefaro Borzoi friend to play with. pictured August 5 and 6, 2006
All three wait in the kitchen for a treat.
Manolo life has changed since his days as a farm dog at Shefaro. Here he is taking his girlfriend Paloma out for a drive in his new BMW Z4 convertible.
Manolo and Paloma play in the snow. December 16, 2006
Pan, Manolo and Paloma
Paloma and Manolo
From winter to spring
Happy Birthday Mo! Pictured are Shefaro Borzoi birthday boy, Manolo, and his Borzoi friend, Paloma, with their two legged friends celebrating Mo's birthday at Pan's home in California. After the party, they went to Laguna Beach.